Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: buttcrack of the midwest Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 07-20-2001 06:32
Ok, technicly speaking, it`s not my face, but it`s the first one I`ve tried to do in photoshop.
Had this on the shelf for a while. Some people got me started on it , but haven`t seen them too much lately, ~a-hem~ so I thought I`d throw this out for comments, suggestions.
Rip on
Xcessive Force
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: The Trustee Tank Insane since: Nov 2000
posted 07-20-2001 06:48
Nice job.
Is this picture from scratch? Meaning, was this totaly from your mind or, did you go off of something like a picture or magazine? If so post the original picture.
Dont get me wrong i think its a very nice job but If I were to critique it I would say lay off the eye shadow a bit. Maybe blend the eye shadow in with the skin a little bit more. (unless thats how it is supposed to be)
The hair.....gotta love the hair. IMO the hair is one of the harder elements to do when messing with facial features
right along with the nose.
Over all lovely job.

Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Insane since: Nov 2000
posted 07-20-2001 07:16
The first thing I thought tim curry singing them lyrics from Rocky Horror..."I'm just a sweet transvestite...."

Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 07-20-2001 09:24
Gonna need to put some darker darks in there DB
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: The year 1881 Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 07-20-2001 18:16
First thought: [Butthead] Heh heh heh... She's a slut. Heh heh heh... [/Butthead]
Second thought: Given that you're a man who (presumably) doesn't wear make-up very often, that's pretty dang good! Soften the eye make-up, and that'll go a long way. The hair is really impressive. Very nice.

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 07-20-2001 18:20
Hoop earring! That Christmas ornament... ewww.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: under the bed Insane since: Feb 2000
posted 07-20-2001 19:07
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: The Land of one Headlight on. Insane since: May 2001
posted 07-20-2001 22:15
No this was from 'scratch.'
An excellent tutorial... author of which left the Asylum.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Brisbane, Australia Insane since: Apr 2001
posted 07-21-2001 02:02
"An excellent tutorial... author of which left the Asylum."
He didn't leave, he just took a break.. Besides, I've seen him round here quite a bit as of late....
Nice work there DB!
I agree with all of the comments so far but I'd also like to comment on a couple of things...
You should darken up the hair round the back of the neck to give it more depth.
The earing casts a shadow which is good but the face it't casting a shadow onto the top of the earing?? The hair to the far right should be a bit more shiny i think.
Is she naked????
The make-up looks a bit extreame and a bit fake, you could try softening the hard blue edges and blend them into the skin tones a tad... The lips are nice but look too flat, and lipstick it usualy quite shiny. Also try and work a darker shadow into the little crevice under the the nose and aboce the lips, and a small shadow under the lower lip might work well to define the chin a little more.
Did I mention she looks naked? tisk tisk, you rude boy! 
I'd also mention the eyelashes but I truely hate doing eyelashes so I won't mention them, ok.. cool.
Realy nice work though. Even if you did use a reference picture, for your first attempt it's great!
everybody needs a swamp bear
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: buttcrack of the midwest Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 07-21-2001 05:17
OK. Yes I used a picture as reference, but it`s not supposed to be a copy. More like the same girl on a *slutty* night out. It`s here.
thanks, DL. Good to hear from you. How`s tricks ?
Wang: No, I don`t wear make up...very often.
Wj: It`s smaller than the original...
Drac: She spends much of her time naked. I like that in a girl.
thanks, all for the suggestions. Now I can touch this one up a bit, and put it to bed.( hehe)
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: out of a sleepy funk Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 07-21-2001 08:02
I could be picky but I'd rather say, that's great! Freehanded with a mouse? real fine man
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: buttcrack of the midwest Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 07-22-2001 01:59
It`s OK, JK. Say what you think. I can take it. And if not, I`ll cry quietly to myself until Shi comes around to make it all better.
Seriously, tho. I`d like to know what you think. I`ve seen some of your stuff and, well, you`re good enough to tell me what to do.
(If you just dont want to embarass me, Email and ICQ in the profile.)
This being my first ( with a mouse ) I didn`t expect it to be perfect.
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 07-22-2001 04:36
k, DB.... hope you don't mind... I took a quick, 5 to 10 minute run at things...
take a gander...
all I used was a quick run around with 3 different greys with a small paintbrush, and then I smudged to my hearts content.
It seems like you are dancing around the functionality of the shadow.
Yes, obviously it denotes light source and blah blah...
But it's real beauty is that it bring out the contour of the object that you are viewing.
I can see you started to get into that sort of thing in a few areas... for instance, the right side of the mouth... you have a little "twinge" there that you added a tad of shadow to.
That's what I'm talking about....
that's what brings things to life.
You need to expose those little areas that make things life-like and unique.
A great example on any painting of a face is the area towards the inside of the eye that heads down the side of the nose.... you can over-shadow the hell outta of it and still pull it off lookin smooth in my opinion.
You image has shadows, yes.....but they aren't defining type shadows. The shadows are so subtle that they don't bring out form.
Form and lighting go hand in hand.
Take a look at your christmas tree ornament.... err.. I mean the earring....
I didn't touch it in my picture, but you can see that the whole thing lacks any form... it's flat.
Sure, I can see a little light spot where it's supposedly getting light from... but frankly, that's just not enough.
To further emphasize this earring.... think about it's positioning....
it's behind the face... (in relation to the light source)... how come it's so damn bright?... and where's the shadow from the head that should be cast onto it?
I'd darken that up.... definately give it some darker darks.... then, don't forget to use the air brush and some dodge and durn on the bastard to bring it to life.
The same thing with the face.... the airbrush is gonna be the kicker that brings it to life...
...use the dodge and burn too... and you're golden.
The forehead is getting too much light as well.... why is it, the forehead maintains the same color as everythign else..... where's the shadow from the hair?.... I'm not saying you have to create a shadow for each bit of hair.... but overall... it needs to be darker.
The shadow cast on the neck is a gonna be another big factor in bringing this to life... definately take advantage of that.
Lighting/shadows are way to capitolize on the form of and object and the "life" it has.

Maniac (V) Inmate
From: out of a sleepy funk Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 07-22-2001 05:37
Mine picks were just perspective stuff. The lighting is a definite as well but it's being said. Especially after seeing the picture, the nose is too long. I know you weren't going for picture pefrfect so that's not really a pick. However, the perspective of the right eye relating to the left is jack-ed. You can see exactly what you're after there but the 2 eyes are presented from 2 minutely different perspectives. The one closer to us is bigger yes, but maybe too big. It also looks to be further back in the pic where it oughta be further forward.
I said I'd rather not pick cuz it's a whale of a job for your first. Take the pickin and get better I guess but take the kudos as well. goojob. I ain't sure I could do that with a mouse, don't think I have the patience.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: buttcrack of the midwest Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 07-22-2001 17:22
taxon, JK. Thanks, guys. That`s the kinda stuff I was lookin for.
Took me a minute to see what you meant, Jk, but you`re right, I couldn`t figure out why the eyes looked a little tweaky, but thats it. Doing it with the mouse is challenging, but I raised two kids. Patience is one of my strong points.
We`ll see if we can`t fix her up.
Even if you win the rat race, you`re still a freakin rat.
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Magna, UT Insane since: May 2000
posted 07-23-2001 08:05
It's Mimi minus about 250 lbs
