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Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: in your head Insane since: Feb 2001
posted 04-15-2001 01:07
As always... it's not done yet but I am working on it. Would like some feedback though...Only web hosting and contacts are linked for now.. let me know what you think..
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: the west wing Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 04-15-2001 08:09
Hmm....chunky peanut butter!
You're definately on the right track for this one, hombre. Definate upgrade from the previous versions, and for that I shall give you much laud. There are several issues, though...
The most important of which is the voice that you're using. I don't mean to sound presumptuous, but I assume that your "company" is new, yes? I assume it is. "Beginning this May, Weblerenterprises? will be poised to change the way the world thinks about establishing a web presence" is an absolute, outright lie then. There's absolutely no way that you're going to be changing anything in the general worldview. I'm sorry, but that's egoist, and it *will* drive customers away. Be honest. People like that...and I'm not even touching the fact that phrase has *absolutely nothing to do* with "web hosting."
But we trudge gaily forward.
Your design is strong. It's liquid, it doesn't break, and it's happy. However, it's... totally...stark. (main page) you've got your image to the left and the options on the right...and lots of blank area. You're wasting way, way, way too much space with blank area.
Fill that space up, make us all much happier.
My next issue is with the contact page, since that's the only other one up and running. It's a heavy download because you've not got any non-image text. That makes us unhappy. We like images and all, but we hate waiting for the content to download because it's a poorly optimized gif file. See, we're not down with that.
And that's completely ignoring the fact that search engines are going to completely ignore your site...which means that no one, anywhere, will ever get a hold of your url. Pity, that. You'll drift away, making no money. Ever.
So you get the drift? **MUCH** better than previous versions, but you're not *evoking* anything...
You're simply not saying anything that anyone wants to read.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: in your head Insane since: Feb 2001
posted 04-15-2001 08:51
Twitch, trust me... unless you have free webhosting you WILL want to host with us. No $$$$ limits.We are pretty well set with that. We have the funds and "almost"ready to lunch it in May of this year so there is no worries.As of design learning what I read from posts from here I made adjustments to make page fit in. My biggest challange was to make this damn thing "follow" the browser...I am sure I will learn more as I go along. But as of text... trust me my friend...it's true and indeed we are new but we will rock and you will experience it YOURSELF.... \
heheheh you read it didn't ya? Twitch man.. dude... I amdrunk now..but there is not money limit on this thing...as for front and contacts page I am working on tose to throw extra stuff on.. I know contacts is chunfu but oh well... year from now people will have DSL at home... Fuck that 56k SLOW loading crap... I figured if company looks at the page they will most likely have AT LEAST 128K which will load fast on that. If they are on 56K too damn bad for them... get high speed access...that's where the internet is going... I have SDSL and it loads perfect, so when I put is all together I don't check "LOAD TIME AT 56K"... I check ...load time AT 128K..If company have 56K loads I don't even want to deal with them. The way I SEE IT is internet will be like TV. Screw all that static shit.. I like FLSH.. make it move...make it look like you are watching TV.. but I guess it's a preference, some people like it "still" some like it moving..
You know.. I always appreciated your comments. Being experienced person in this field you always tought some of us (at least me) some web desing. I would never think to make a page compatible with other browsers and make it "fit" DUH.... that was my biggest chalange... make the image follow the browser...and I think I accomplished that...without help here I would never be able to do this.
Oh yeah... and trust me with hosting Twitch man... it's all true.. I will see you all at Weblerenterprise hosting... we have no $$$$ limists..
[This message has been edited by Ducati (edited 04-15-2001).]
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Solitary confinement Insane since: Feb 2001
posted 04-16-2001 06:13
Ducati, I agree with twItch in these respects.
1. Your site is much stronger now but doesn't make me want to turn the page.
2. No matter how fast we connect you need to reduce the download time because you have only ten seconds to get yuor viewer's attention and make them turn the page.
Good job and keep on pushing
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: the west wing Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 04-16-2001 16:05
First off, "No $$$$ limits" makes no sense. You have no money limits... which means you can charge as much as you please? I'm missing a joke here, I imagine. Figure that. I *really* don't understand what you're talking about. Stop drinking. That's not good business practice. Then again, sharing your business plan isn't either. But we've broken rules before, haven't we?
And lets be further honest, shall we? Since you've been so forthcoming about sharing your business plan with us, let me tell you that I've encountered at least 100 legitamite businesses that do *exactly* what you're doing today ALONE, and their users don't have to feel alienated hosting out of a .TV domain.
Get a .com. Sound cliche? Guess what, it is.
Further, and we're trying here, your site has yet to evoke anything. What are you trying to get from us? Money. Yes? Good. Now, what you've done is dandy. Sure. Whatever. Now throw it away. No one will spend money on you. I'm sorry, that is the harsh, bold, cold reality. There are, like I said, hundreds, thousands, perhaps millions of hosting companies. And they all have their own dedicated servers. As in you go to their office, you see the president standing next to their server. You're clearly not doing that.
If I'm not mistaken, you and your friend just came up with this idea recently.
Bud, if you want to make money, you have *a lot* of work to get done.
...and in the future, if you want to get pompous with someone, do it with someone else. I'm *clearly* not the right person to get uppity with.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Long Island, NY Insane since: Jun 2000
posted 04-16-2001 16:50
Why when people are drunk, they always feel the need to express it online? Do I tell you when I need to take a shit?
Moving along.
Alright I suppose, if it was a personal site. The site doesn't say to me "Jestah, this is a nice professional site. Invest your money here." It says to me "Jestah, I'll never talk to you again if you continute looking through this 17 year olds first site." You have to work on that. Don't try and make it nice and flashy, make it nice and professional.
Other then changing "the way the world thinks about establishing a web presence" you've got nothing. Are you assuming large companies are gonna just toss buckets of money at you because your a nice guy? You have no information on what type of server your running, you have no information on prices, no information any anything. Perhaps that should be something you MIGHT wanna look into.
Twitch is right, people want a .com. Anything else that you use is only gonna hurt your business. I doubt webler.com is taken but if it is find a new name. Webler.anything isn't the most professional name you can have but thats another subject entirely. If you really wanna be taken seriously in the web hosting world, get a .com. There are thousands of companies already ahead of you in so many aspects, why give them another one in a name.
Most people DON'T have a high speed internet access. You would have to be stupid to decide to limit your customers like that. Fix the graphics. The graphic you have there isn't overly impressive where you would want to limit your audience just because you like it. Theres PLENTY of other things you can do with it.
Personally, I don't think your ready for Web Hosting. I would be interested in hearing what type of server you have and etc. Put that on your website. How much space does each client get? How much do you charge? This is business, not a lemonaid stand.
.sig by Weadah.
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 04-17-2001 01:27
heh - "lemonaid stand"... you fix lemons?
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: in your head Insane since: Feb 2001
posted 04-17-2001 03:18
he.. lemonaide stand hehehe neh tried that.. didn't go to well..
as for hosting. If you read the text it says:" Begining this May" so that means it will go this may. As for prices all I can tell you that it will be very cheap. Unix, Windows you name it we will have it.
Got to start somewhere right? With time I am sure we will change a look of the website but that's with time. As for .tv domain I know they will become popular in about a year or so.
no money limits doesn't mean that I can charge people as much as I want. I don't know where you got that one from God Twitch.
See...we will have our own dedicated servers but the difference it that I won't be standing by them.
Who said I am ready?
Pompous.. hhmm..never heard that word before... kind of like it.. I might actually look it up in dictionary and start using it.. heheh
Don't take anything personal Mr. Twitch... noone is perfect chief. Chill out a little dude.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Brisbane, Australia Insane since: Apr 2001
posted 04-17-2001 04:19
Well, you have a nice looking site there, but the fact that I actualy had to leave the first page I was on just to figure out what the hell you company did, was rather annoying. If you want a splash page, it should load really quickly, what you have is neither a splash page or 'home / index' page....
What is the meaning of the Image you used on your first page???? Doesn't tell me anything at all about what you do. You don't even have your company name anywhere excapt the html page title (most people never look at the title of the window), no headings, just some text in a corner... After your page loaded I actualy sat there for about 30 seconds waiting for the rest of the content to load because I thought there obviously has to be more to this page????? I just don't understand the point of your fisrt page at all.... also there is no space between about and us on the first page. You may have ment this, but it looks like a typo to most peorple.
Overall I think you're site had potential, but it just seem to be lacking, quite a lot too. I agree with twitch, you need more content.
Also, the rollover images on your front page can be allot smaller my breaking up the words and the squares into seperate images. This way the only image that needs to be loaded for the rollover is the yellow square, and it only needs to load once. This would speed things up a lot.
Further more, what does an image of a blured clock have to do with web hoasting? By using such a strong image like a clock you may be implying that things are slow, as clocks move slowly, ever just sat down and watched a clock work, extremly dam boring really. Digital watches, or stop watches are used to imply speed, dur to their presion. Think a bit about the images you choose to use, they do have an impact on your site. Also, the text you used in the Hoasting area is all centered! This is bad, never center an entire paragraph, unless it's a small qoate, or a heading of some kind, but never a whole paragraph of text. Try using a DIV justify instead.
Humm.... no where on you site had you company name???? why? do you not want people to know who you are?
You haven't specified any link colours in the body tags, and the default blue colour is hard to read on the mailto link on the contact page.
Some of the tables don't seem to line up correctly in NN 4..
Well you asked to comments, I give them, I may be harsh, but you do have a nice web site, it could just be a lot better that all...
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: in your head Insane since: Feb 2001
posted 04-17-2001 04:56
yeah I know I need more work on it... trust me.. I am trying here.. the clock in hosting means that it is in progress.This is not a finished site. I just threw that text there instead of "Sorry, under construction"
Thanks for your comments. I will work on this till I drop. This is my first page that follows the browser when you resize it so it was an experiment. I was so excited that I finally accomplished that, that I decided to put it up. I think it's much better than other sites I made so far.
I will throw some more stuff on the front page.
As for rollowers. Those squares are separate. Each rollower image is about 200-300b big.
STOP WATCH!!! great idea!!!! didn't even think about it. By putting this kind of clock I thought it would make page look more elegant which is the look I am going for but stop watch is a great idea. I will look into it
[This message has been edited by Ducati (edited 04-17-2001).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Minneapolis, MN, USA Insane since: May 2000
posted 04-19-2001 23:29
Wait, I really am curious about what you mean by no $$$ limits. Do you mean no bandwidth limits?
I don't mean to jump on the bandwagon here, but web hosting is a very saturated market. You CAN be succesful in it, but providing the cheapest service is not the critical factor, how you attract customers is. Asserting that you will have lower prices and better service than anyone else is just ludicrous, there's too many tradeoffs to be made. You can find a web host out there for almost any conceivable price range from free to $10,000 a month, and I'd say that as far as LEGITIMATE hosts go, you get what you pay for. All these different price ranges reflect differences in configurations, tech support, bandwidth, services, and processing power. I would say that there are already hosts out there that have explored every possible business model.
I am also curious about Jestah's question, namely, what kind of server/connection/OSes are you running? If you're starting in May, u got to at least have begun testing, no?
But like I said, all that is moot. The reality is that MOST people who need a web host don't know shit about shit, and probably can be easily persuaded by cheap prices if you have a good scheme to attract them.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: in your head Insane since: Feb 2001
posted 04-20-2001 01:50
Well... we will have 24hrs support.
As for no money "limits" I meant that we can spend quite chunk of money on this to make it the BEST. See, the thing is that just because there is many hosting companies out there doesn't mean that new ones won't come up. right? I mean... there is many web designers so why new ones come up?
We want a web hosting and web design business, we have funds to open one and we will... Don't care if there are many of them. I guess we will need to be better than them.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: the west wing Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 04-20-2001 16:30
I'm not interested enough to try to stop you from throwing your money away. Enjoy.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: in your head Insane since: Feb 2001
posted 04-20-2001 22:32
Oh well.. so I throw them away.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Solitary confinement Insane since: Feb 2001
posted 04-21-2001 19:06
Yes, please, throw them to me! I need money! Don't waste it!
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: in your head Insane since: Feb 2001
posted 04-21-2001 20:11
I will e-mail some to you how about that? Just print it out if you need to use it hehehe
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Minneapolis, MN, USA Insane since: May 2000
posted 04-23-2001 04:05
Wait, u missed my point. You don't need to be better than good web hosts, u just need to be adequate, and have the right method for bringing in customers. It's all about getting your market niche, and that has very little to do with services, it's more about advertising.
But hey, if you have venture capital, then you win either way!!!!