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Bipolar (III) Inmate

Insane since: Feb 2001

posted posted 04-23-2001 16:29

That's what I have so far. I am improving the original design that I had a while ago. ( )

1. I already know about the 640 width resolution. It leaves a lot of space, but I am trying to make the site as compatible as it can be. ( Even for older pentium 1 systems which a lot of my friends have. )
2. The florescent colors on the top is actually going to be a flash animation. It's basically going to be morphing clouds. ( Just to give the site a little life. )
3. The reason why I am re-designing the site is so that the download speed is much faster. Right now I have been able to keep the download speed to a minimun with this version. When compaired to the time you had to wait to load the last site. You can take a look at a sliced up ( outdated ) version of the new one at

[This message has been edited by VHS (edited 04-23-2001).]

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: somers, new york
Insane since: Dec 2000

posted posted 04-23-2001 16:42

i am just on a 56K and it would seem to be might slooow for me. don't know about the others...

Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: North Carolina mountains
Insane since: Dec 2000

posted posted 04-23-2001 17:32

Yellow text is a bit harsh to me. Makes my eyes cross. Not too crazy about the letters being squished so tight, makes readability hard. In some spots, the text is way too small to read.

On the other hand, overall design is nice, clean and appealing. I like the blues, the circles, the rounded-corner main box. All very nice.

I had no real problem with download speed. Acceptable to me.

I just think the text needs modified to be more user friendly.


Bipolar (III) Inmate

Insane since: Feb 2001

posted posted 04-23-2001 18:17

Hmmm, yes you are definatly right about that yellow text. I have recieved comments a few times about the yellow text. I'm going to attempt to make the text a little bit larger in some area's as well.

What would you suggest would be a good color to use?


Ok, I have changed the design around a bit. I changed most of the colors around. I took out the harsher stroked text so it wouldn't be AS HARD on your eyes as it previously was. I wasn't able to change the size of some of the text however, but I think that the stroking changes that I did compensated enough for it.

( If you don't see a change, hit shift-F5, or hold shift and hit refresh. That will remove the previous image from your cache. )

Any more suggestions? ( Please feel free to bash the hell out of this site in every way possible. )


[This message has been edited by VHS (edited 04-23-2001).]

Bipolar (III) Inmate

Insane since: Feb 2001

posted posted 04-24-2001 15:45

Ok, I changed the layout for the site a little bit.

I tried to take off all of the harsher stroked text that I was using. It should make it a lot easier on the eye's now.

I added the search part next to the advertisements. ( I was debating whether or not to put that there. )

I also took out most of the ugly yellows that no one liked.

Is the placement for the search alright? Should I have the area where my updates will be scrollable by itself like at ?

I'm having difficulty deciding on this becuase I personally don't like using the scrolling buttons. I find them annoying for some reason.

- VHS -

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: the west wing
Insane since: Aug 2000

posted posted 04-24-2001 20:39

Nah, fuck all, just design everything so that it all looks like teamphotoshop...that fucking hack of a site.


I guess I just am missing how that's a unique design... in fact, moreover, I'm missing why I should go to *your* site instead of teamphotoshop (if, indeed, I had some tumor in my head that forced me to forget how to use PS properly and needed instruction on how to filter-push more effectively). You've done nothing unique.

and ... lets be honest ... if you're running PS on a Pentium I, you're an idiot. So why conform to 640x480? Design for *all* resolutions. Liquid design.

Wait... can't do that in that table-hacked crack-smoke. Sorry.

Wouldn't want your design to look good for *everyone*... that'd simply be silly.

Make it work on a PI 640x480 and you're done.


Sorry, I"m irritable today.

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: A little lower... lower... ahhhhhh, thats the spot
Insane since: Jun 2000

posted posted 04-25-2001 00:51

Jesus Nancy, take your Prozac and get a nap.

I still dislike your outlined text a LOT. There is something about it that just bugs me. Plus it just doesn't look clean at all.

You need to lose the link buttons on the front. Put them somewhere else like a "link me" page. If someone really wants to link you, they will find the buttons.

The search is kind of in an odd place. It just doesn't fit there IMHO.

This site really isn't anything new. Same old design with a bit of a revamped color scheme. Not much new to comment on.

But you should make it liquid. Wouldn't be too tough to make that content block expand with the browser window.

Neurotic (0) Inmate
Newly admitted
posted posted 04-25-2001 01:26

*cough* you can design for all resolutions with "table hacks". 640x480 is the hardest one to do, but it *can* be done with tables. i do it all the time (usually just for 800x600 and up, though).

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

Bipolar (III) Inmate

Insane since: Feb 2001

posted posted 04-25-2001 04:10

< Ignoring twitches comments >

I see what you mean. It is kind of plain, but that's actually more of what I want. I'll do a personal site later, but for right now I am creating a site that has a business setting. I should have actually said that from the start. I am trying to go off of the rainworld idea I guess. I'm trying to make a site that will help people learn more about web sites, while hopefully bringing in a few business offers on the way.

I know about putting a table at %100 width so that it would fit every resolution, but with the designs that I am working with ( except for the pipes one ) that does not work. I'll probably be working on a personal site over the summer some time.

Thank you for all the comments. I am going to completely get rid of the stroked text and simply go with the bigger ( anti-ailesed or however you spell it ) text.

- VHS -

Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate

Insane since: Apr 2001

posted posted 04-25-2001 06:11

That...was pretty harsh twItch^....I mean, yeah.

VHS, if i could snag a little ear time...I would use this as a personal site, and do something a little more 'corporate' (for lack of a better word) for a site to get business.

.: the gweeble did it :.

Bipolar (III) Inmate

Insane since: Feb 2001

posted posted 04-25-2001 15:51

Hmm, I think that your right. Maybe I should just trash that design for right now. I should put it away in a folder until I get my next web site job. Your probably right, ( and in his less than suddle way of saying it, twitch is too ) this does not really stand out at all.

I am going to start making a new design that is more for a personal site rather than for business. Anyway, I'm going to start on something right away. Thanks for all the comments!

- VHS -

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