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Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Insane since: May 2000
posted 06-22-2001 08:46
All things OZONE. Miscellaneous chit-chat about all sorts of
silly topics. A good place to start.
I thought this was the topic of this forum...........am i reading something wrong here.
So why the Cyber police taking control of what is relavant and what isnt...........this forum used to be fun-informative-and ad-lib......it used to be just what is read before you enter this forum. No matter what the topic......politicaly correct crept in and now a road to steril.....................................hehehehe..........................i deliberatly agrivate with .......type.........and the weak minds fall prey....OUCH...............this is the Asylum...............HMMMMMMM
I think a cult is brewing and there are some power hungry posters here.....???.........................Cyber police will do that
Oh well you add a different perspective of things just to add spice to the soup and all you get is gas here...........you boys need to expand your horizons...................:-)
Dark Salad you can b__w me..I forgot my mask and frisket that day so i had to freehand it........what a shame
come on guys lighten up..............the book is justing getting started
[This message has been edited by DocCyber (edited 06-22-2001).]
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 06-22-2001 09:58
Nope, I think you've got something there. As I have been going through the Archives, dusting off old threads, it occurs to me that some sort of mellowness, or maybe just laziness, has set in. I mean, there are over 1000 members, so where are all the silly comments? With over 1000 members, there's just got to be someone out there with a bit of silliness that they want to get off their chest. Just don't know. Anybody else? Maybe they've all been cloned, like krets and his krotch-monkeys, and are too busy arguing with one another. 'Dammit! And now another one! Now there are three of these sonsabitches in my cell. Pokin' their stupid noses in everything, how am I supposed to get anything done? Hey, you stupid a**wipe, get away from my stash of blackies! And for cryin' out loud, what the hell are you doin' standin around with your thumb in your a**?? I didn't mean that literally, get your thumb outta your a**! No, don't show it to me, you stupid f**k! Who the hell is makin' all these clones??!?? Someones gonna pay!'
[This message has been edited by WebShaman (edited 06-22-2001).]
Maniac (V) Lord Mad Scientist Sovereign of all the lands Ozone and just beyond that little green line over there...
From: Stockholm, Sweden Insane since: Mar 1994
posted 06-22-2001 12:26
Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I typically blame myself for such lapses, heh. Usually I'm walking the halls, bathing everyone in the glowing aura of my benevolent goodness (gotta remind myself to trademark that phrase!) but of late, I've been mostly stalking the moors around back, followed by dark rainclouds, wreathed in mists and all to the tune of far off howling, was that a wolf?
Now Doc, you may have got this thing started by being publically "not so nice" to DG and crew, and then twItch^ did what twItch^ does very very best by verbally ripping you to shreds. (Even I winced on that one. Did you deserve it that bad? Maybe, maybe not. Were you mean and denigrating to some folks we all know got talent, all while pumping yourself up? Kinda seemed that way.) I maybe missed the last couple posst in that thread mentioned, I'll have to scroll down to get to it, påersonally I'm more worried about Kret's, who has to teach Frontpage down the line. Probably when he's done with all three (DW, FP and GL), he'll be more of an expert on what's good and what ain't than any of us.
So! Not much has changed here. This place has mood swings, just like any other critter with too much IQ and ego and 1200+ heads, heh. About every 6 months we all start moaning, "is this the end, have we finally gone tooo far?" Then we go further. Relax, don't worry, Don't be too upset when folks get upset with you, that's how life is, cool?
Your pal, -doc-
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: A little lower... lower... ahhhhhh, thats the spot Insane since: Jun 2000
posted 06-22-2001 13:50
Awwwwww *sniffle* Doc O is worried about me. Its OK Doc, I'm a trooper! They are throwing me a bone and letting me teach DHTML soon, so I can't complain. I'm still lobbying for Photoshop though. They have 4 levels of PS (intro, beginning, intermediate, and advanced) so I should be able to get my hands on it soon. So as long as they keep me satiated with nifty classes I'll be more than happy to drop some Frontpage knowledge on poor, hapless, web-newbies once in a while.
As for the Asylum, its a community. Within any community you are bound to have clashes of heads now and then, its almost unavoidable. Of course, most of that can be avoided with a little restraint, but I shant go there.
And damnit, I passed 1492 already, my Columbus post. *winks at Jeni*
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: 8675309 Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 06-22-2001 14:07
*winks, and pats krets on back*
That's okay...
:: j e n i ::
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist
From: Massachusetts, USA Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 06-22-2001 14:14
Mmm. DocCyber, please understand that the reason that thread was locked was not because you brought up an opinion that wasn't shared by other people. Had you simply shared that opinion, there may have been a heated debate, but I think you sorta insulted people in the process... you blatantly told DG that his work wasn't worth anything, and the whole post sorta had an attitude of "i'm smarter than you are" or something like that.
I don't want to reopen the debate that ended that thread, so that's not why i'm posting this. Just wanted to make sure that was clear. =)
Anyway, since your post had that sort of attitude, twitch got mad, DG got mad, and it was all just a bunch of people insulting each other - seriously, there wasn't even any real debate about WYSIWYG editors in that, everyone was just swearing and stuff, it was quite pointless.
So, that's why the thread was closed - not because your opinion wasn't liked, but because the thread really wasn't beneficial to the development of this group of people. We try to avoid "flame wars" like that. That's why whoever locked it locked it.
So, try not to worry about it too much, no one's trying to end the fun, I just don't think many people thought that thread was too much fun.
Everyone needs to count to 10 before they post next time, I think. Heh. (Sorry, i hate that little "count to 10" thing too, but you know what i mean.)
Human Shield
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Massachusetts, USA Insane since: Jun 2000
posted 06-22-2001 16:50
I've always found it disappointing that in any online community, you can find a person or small group of people who take pleasure in being rude and who start arguments just for the pleasure of annoying other people. I have no problem with opening up a critical debate about something you believe strongly in, but these types of people purposefully word things in such a way as to be degrading or offensive to others. It's cliche of me to say, but surely they have better things to do? I guess I just don't understand... do they get off on seeing how upset they make others?
The saddest part is that usually they are supported by others. Groupies who sit and laugh and watch how others take offense, and then compliment the abuser on a 'good zinger'. These insulters are cowards though. They hide behind their anonymity and their screen, because it's much easier to insult someone when you don't have to look them in the eyes. So to these people, I say: Leave. You are a bully and a coward and you should go outside and spew your hate at people in real life and enjoy their reactions in first person. Most of us didn't join this community to be insulted or to vent anger, and we don't need you.
This post is not focused at anyone specific to me... I don't know who has said what recently. But they know who they are, and they know that my words describe them, and hopefully, we won't hear from these people anymore.

Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Insane since: May 2000
posted 06-22-2001 16:58
First of all.....i dont take a forum like this and care who or what is said nor do i wonder about my opinions..ITS A PUBLIC FORUM.......nor do i care what others think. Im being part of a forum that is an Asylum shared by artist.........you will get praised here, insulted here.......you will have a chance to flex your ego with work ............and you will have the oportunity to respond. That's real life...you encounter learning experiences all day long..if your not learning how to live your learning how to die................
There are some self proclaimed icons here who are a legend in there own mind....me being one of them. But i can back up what i say with top shelf work.....................so i ramble on with experience as my license
Its only a hang out here......a place to vent -chill-share-disagree........i could give a rats ass about what most of you boys/girls discuss here....but when something peeks my interst ill chime in....and help if its a technical question i can answere.......im not a lurker.
As far as what i said to DarkGarbage was the truth......digital art doesnt have the respect yet....because his digital work is done with a software program...........or an EDITOR....which he was commenting on..EDITORS.......it wasnt a personal attack on him...read the post again .......i think his artwork has a quality to it.
DocO............Sorry things got out of hand but i read the forum topics and have stayed within my patients rights here and will defend against any azz hole who thinks they have to rake me thru the mud because they dont like my opinions.
For the most part its been enjoyable here.........but a few of you havent a clue what your saying when you talk Asylem straight jackets......black pills.......illusions...................most of you are living an illusion......its seems the freedom i use doesnt have the emotional baggage the rest of you carry in here..............lighten up its the internet
Whats an ol king ta do.......................but watch his kingdom fade because of a few posters....hahahaha
no body cares....sniff
[This message has been edited by DocCyber (edited 06-22-2001).]
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Nurse's Station Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 06-22-2001 17:46
Second thought....I don't want to even be in this so my post was deleted 
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist
From: Massachusetts, USA Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 06-22-2001 17:54
I think the reason your post came off as insulting was because of a few things... the words "geek purists", the caps, saying that DG's work "doesn't count." Like, maybe you didn't *intend* to be insulting, but it came off like that, and after that post I believe just about every post made by you, twitch, or DG was meant to be at least somewhat insulting.
Since it was insulting, it started a flame war, since others reacted to it. And since there was a flame war, the thread was locked.
Your work is very good; So is Twitch's, and so is Dark Garden's. But lets just drop this, OK? No point starting any more insults. =)
[This message has been edited by Slime (edited 06-22-2001).]
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Brisbane, Australia Insane since: Apr 2001
posted 06-22-2001 17:56
Here's an Idea for you all to consider:
If you have a problem with someone in the forum. Email them!
You wouldn't openly abuse people in public like this now would you. If I ever have a problem with something someone said in here I'll send them a quick email to let them know that I'm not impressed and express my opinions privately.
No one likes to be insulted, talked down to, or made fun of in front of everyone.
So, if we could all just restrict the negative comments to emails, this place can be just that little bit more plesant.
However, I still maintain that Hitler was my love child 
~Grab's black pill and makes a break for it!~
everybody needs a swamp bear
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: 8675309 Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 06-22-2001 18:02
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: RigHt NeXt tO tHe sPeAKeR! Insane since: Jun 2001
posted 06-22-2001 18:02
Im not sure if i should be posting about anything like this, because I have no clue. But in the time from when i made my first post here, Ive learned so much. Whenever I have a question, I know i can always ask this place. If I have a thought and i cant get it out, i use the tutorials you provide me. I Mean, thats what a message board is used for, and i use it to the fullest.
(oK that sounded really dumb)
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Insane since: May 2000
posted 06-22-2001 18:23
Jeni.....thats funny.........mine wasnt computer generated but was done on the hood of a 1975 luv truck that is a weekend blessing for the family that show it at show and shines. They have collected over 25 first place trophies for best paint that where judged by pros in my field ............so thanks for your opinion................plus it was done ol style lacquer and style to reflect the paint of the 70's.....they also drive it so it also has to be durable and withstand the sun......go print that picture and set it in the sun for a week .....OUCH
Dont mean to be rude here...........but the image wasnt anything but a visual to a comment...........i think there watering down the medication in here..................hmmmmmmmmmmmm
Oh and nice light study on your image....................i do like image wars.................you game
[This message has been edited by DocCyber (edited 06-22-2001).]
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Brisbane, Australia Insane since: Apr 2001
posted 06-22-2001 18:29
The email addresses of the persons involved are listed below:
twItch^: steve@th-inknet.com
Darkgarden: eter@pixelflo.com">peter@pixelflo.com
DocCyber: doccyber@doccyber.com
I really don't want to see any more petty bickering in here ok