Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate
From: the one place the Keebler Elves can't get him Insane since: Apr 2004
posted 05-14-2004 21:14
there is an interesting theory that says that without god(s) need humans as well as humans need god(s).
it goes kinda like this:
No people=No believers
No believers=No Religion
No Religion=No God
No God=Pandemonium
And it does have some strong backup-points:
look at the Aztecs and all the other old religions once all the people who believed in those religions died out so did the religion once the religion died out the only time you ever heard of their god(s) was in mythology and folklore thus creating a dead god. However if for some mysterious reason the world converted back to one of those religions the god(s) of that religion would become alive once more. Now I know what some people may say "That's not true because of our god is the one true god and he or she will never die" well i would be willing to bet anybody at least ten to thirty dollars that most of the followers of the other dead religions felt just the same way before their gods die. And I know that this is going to sound really anti-religous and stuff but I really do believe that there is a way to 'kill' a god if that is a good word for it. You just have to forget about that god or gods depending on your belief.
If one match can start a forest fire then why does it take the whole box to start a BBQ Grill?
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 05-16-2004 03:17
The entire point is based upon the premise that humans invent gods. If a god or gods exist independent from human thought, then the whole idea falls on its face. The God I worship, if he truly exists, exists whether I believe in him or not.
The bummer about this is that there is no way for any of us to know which way it really is for certain. I can't prove that my God really is there and no one can prove He isn't.
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Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: the one place the Keebler Elves can't get him Insane since: Apr 2004
posted 05-21-2004 03:32
Good point. I also believe that I just thought it interesting since most people just suffice to say that gods can't be killed they're immortal and dont put any more thought to it.
If one match can start a forest fire then why does it take the whole box to start a BBQ Grill?
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admittedFrom: rooted on planet Mars, *I mean Earth* Insane since: May 2004
posted 05-21-2004 04:55
Well, it does really depend on the god doesn't it? I mean, if the god was made by man's hands, like a the household gods in ancient Rome, then it could be easily smashed and scratch one religion. But, if the religion is thought up by a man and if the god doesn't have jsut one physical embodiment, then you would have to get rid of the thought in the minds ALL the followers. The last kind, though, cannot be killed, because He was not made by man. This one Almighty God is claimed by many religions: Christians, Jews, Islamics, just to name a few. But all the religions seem to point to one God, who was not merely created by a man like alot of other religions were and still are. I guess the only way you could kill this Almighty God would be to destroy about one third the entire population of the Earth. I believe, being a Christian myself, that this unfortunate event will happen someday in one form or another any way, but I, personally, do not think that wven that could kill the Almighty God. I'm sure the Aztecs did believe that their gods would last forever, but why would I want to have a god of murder, when I could have a God of peace and hope, that loves me. I think that in all these religions, that people are just trying to fill the hole that God has put in their hearts. They, unfortunately, either didn't know about the loving Almighty God, or, they didn't have the best of person telling them about Him.
Why is what doctors do called a "practice"?
White Hawk
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Insane since: May 2004
posted 05-21-2004 16:35
Is this the same One Almighty Loving God in whose honour all manner of evil has been committed through the ages?
Oh yeah, like he is something different!
I don't think it matters that you might be able to quote excerpts extolling the virtues of peace and love - as there are plenty of ways to interpret the bible as a manual for all-out-war too, methinks.
It could be said that the blame for religion-related attrocities rests with the majority of the people who believe in him and interpret the bible in such a way; but as the actions of the believers really dictates the nature of the religion (a statement of opinion, perhaps) then the smattering of quiet decades in the last century that have not seen incredible slaughter of some sort (in his name) can hardly be shown as the truer face of a religion that has otherwise been an excuse for carnage on a global scale.
I think there is a way to kill a god. Christianity proved this by killing all the traditional gods, phasing out religions and belief systems that were older than Christianity is now.
Sheep... I mean people were tempted to easy ways of the lazy man's religion fairly easily once their own belief systems had been systematically erradicated - their idols smashed, scriptures burned, and temples vandalised by a growing army of new cult fanatics.
The organised army of The One God waged a war not just of arms, but of psychology and politics. In the process, many older gods died (as did an entire culture, or several).
Now, seeing as The One God made it into being on the say-so of a group of people you've never met (and never will, if you're wrong about them) and became established through violence and subterfuge, how can you be so sure that he is any more real or exclusive than a god in which people believed long, long ago?
Sangreal, have you read Terry Pratchett? Specifically, a book in the Discworld series called Small Gods? If you haven't, then I plead with you to find it, buy/beg/borrow/steal it, and read. You've more or less encapsulated the whole premise of the plot - and it is a very entertaining story, too.
To back you up a little too: I've always been puzzled by this...
If there really is only one true God, why on Earth (or wherever) is he a jealous one? How can it really make a difference to him whether or not people decide to believe in another god?
(Free will? Huh!)
Whether or not other gods exist, this would seem to suggest that he is aware of his own vulnerability, for if he does not ensure the focus of his followers' beliefs, he ceases to exist!
Just a thought. 
To clarify, lest my bias be presumed: I have never, nor ever will believe in or worship a deity - nor ever excuse my actions with my beliefs or interpretations of scriptures written in an ignorant and unenlightened time. This does not mean that I do not have beliefs. I think this should be made clear.
(Edited by White Hawk on 05-21-2004 16:37)
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 05-21-2004 17:27
around 70% of world population are not capable of critical thinking...
you know I was thinking the same before...*we should get rid of religion, it's useless* etc.
but now, the closer I look at the world, I see that people are too damn stupid. Therefor we need religion more than ever...
Me, I am nonreligious, I strictly object all the supernatural ideas and stories. Just because we do not have answear to something now doesn't mean it's supernatural...we simply need more time. =)
But religions are very important to our society, it gives dumbasses morals and values to uphold. Not that everyone who believes is a dumbass, I know quite a few inteligent people who believe what they want to believe and they keep it to themself. I respect them for that
But look at Arabs for exemple...they once were most civilized people. Now they are bums living in the deserts, just think about if they didnt have a religion. It would be chaos... Unlike us, who got everything( education, modern laws, technology)...it's still hard for them to decided from "right" and "wrong"...so you could say religions bring order of somekind to society.
Even Society in America is suffering from morons...teenagers go experiment with sex and drugs and all unneccesary crap subcultures are starting to dominate fashions, everyone is buying those ugly sunglasses because they think they will be cool once they have them, teens get pregnant and breed more morons...get herpes, AIDS, STDs you name it...
there are just to many stupid people...so by giving them idea of invicible guy in the sky who says "thats wrong" they might listen...
If you are capable of critical thinking, I am sure you can, not only decided for yourself what you want to believe, but kinda live as civilized person(which includes not breaking a laws, upholding relationship, be loyal, etc.) and most of all tolerate others beliefs and ideas.
(Edited by Ruski on 05-21-2004 17:30)
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 05-21-2004 17:41
quote: Yes, I wondered about that too, MW. I was pretty sure we were doing business with Germany before the war. There was even a decent amount of support for Hitler himself in the early days of his rise to power.
[edit for clarity] From a biblical perspective, there are no real gods other than He. So anything that you place before him becomes a god or idol. [/edit]
The idea is that he desires a relationship with the people He created. The Garden of Eden presents what it was like when God walked with Human and there was no separation. You mention Free Will and I'm sure you're aware that is what brought on our fall from Grace. Ever since, the entire history of Human has been about trying to rconcile back to that perfect relationship that once was.
: . . DHTML Slice Puzzle : . . . : Justice 4 Pat Richard : . .
(Edited by Bugimus on 05-21-2004 17:46)
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 05-21-2004 17:46
^...as it's said in Genesis 
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Greensboro, NC USA Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 05-21-2004 18:38
WHiteHawk, the more you post, the more I like you. 
My first thought was "Small Gods" too - what an excellent story! Not to mention the point Mr. Pratchett makes...
Another book with an interesting perspective on the rise of Christianity and the reasons for why it took over so quickly is Dan Brown's "The DaVinci Code". It's a mystery novel, but much of the information contained therein is based on a large collection of historical data. Certainly it is all open to interpretation, but the interpretation Mr. Brown presents is one that has not often been considered. For obvious reasons, once you've read the book.
I firmly believe that the general populous needs something other than the material world to believe in. It's not only a system for providing morality to the world, it is a means of community, and of enculturation. On top of that, it's comforting to folks, especially most Christians I've known, to have faith that there is a reward awaiting them at the end of this incredibly difficult life. Most of the major religions believe in an afterlife of some sort.
quote: But look at Arabs for exemple...they once were most civilized people. Now they are bums living in the deserts, just think about if they didnt have a religion. It would be chaos... Unlike us, who got everything( education, modern laws, technology)...it's still hard for them to decided from "right" and "wrong"...so you could say religions bring order of somekind to society.
Ruski: this statement is so bigoted. If you've ever visited any arab cities, you will know that they live in much the same conditions as we do, and have many of the same societal problems. Islam is as complex a religion as any of them, and even if they are biased against Americans right now, the majority of the followers of the Koran are intelligent human beings. Just because the Bedouins still prefer live as nomads, doesn't mean they are uncivilized. It just means they prefer to follow their ancient tradition. Besides, they are only one tribe of Arabic people.
Quit being so ethnocentric. There is no perfect society yet existing on earth.
I honestly don't think it matters what one calls God (or god). I believe that all creative power comes from the same source, regardless of the name it has been given by any people. Dogma is just the set of beliefs associated with a particular name. Gods don't die, they evolve into new Gods.
(Edited by bodhi23 on 05-21-2004 18:39)
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 05-21-2004 19:25
I agree bodhi. Culture is a human tool for coping with this life. All cultures have their ups and downs. Ruski, we are all of the same family on this planet. It is better to view *them* as siblings rather than outsiders. Discussing the current struggle between the Arab world and the West is a heavy topic and will take some effort to handle adequately.
One of the problems encountered by the Xians even from the earliest days was that they confused their culture with their salvation. The early church was exclusively Jewish and when Paul began opening the door to the Gentiles there was a huge debate over it. Xianity is independent from culture and it is supposed to change the individual from the inside out. Once it takes hold in the individual, the culture will begin to be informed by that transformation.
But I completely understand how it looks when you view history. And in many cases it is quite true that Xians (in name and/or in reality) have committed terrible atrocities against other groups of people. The entire history of the OT illustrates just how difficult it is for a people who were entrusted with God's message to carry it as He wanted.
As far as most people being like sheep. I agree with that. I think it is much easier to have your culture/society/parents/whoever tell you what to think than to actually have to do it yourself. And I believe most people take the path of least resistance.
: . . DHTML Slice Puzzle : . . . : Justice 4 Pat Richard : . .
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Denver, CO, USA Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 05-21-2004 20:36
"If God has created us in His image, we have more than returned the compliment."
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Greensboro, NC USA Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 05-21-2004 22:38
I had an anthropology professor way back when who used to tell us that humans were "herd animals". Herd animals naturally look to follow the strongest and best leader. Humans, unfortunately, have more going on in their heads than just the survival instinct, and so we do not necessarily follow the best and brightest of our number.
All religions are guilty of "holy wars" at some point in their history. It is not fair to lump it all onto Christianity. The Muslims are big on holy wars, but the Celts fought among themselves, often on the basis of their differing tribal deities/priests, and let's not get started on the Germanic tribes... Just because Christianity swiftly became the most widely practiced religion in the world is no reason to assume that all Christians are evil and blood thirsty. It just goes against the entire belief system.
Actually, now that I think of it, it's more likely that secular governments throughout history have used Christianity to promote their own agendas, and that historically, Christians and members of other religions were only guilty of doing what "herd animals" do: follow the leader.
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 05-21-2004 23:05
That's not a bad bit of analysis, bodhi23 Very well put.
: . . DHTML Slice Puzzle : . . . : Justice 4 Pat Richard : . .
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 05-22-2004 00:49
hey hey, I have nothing agains Arabs...and why have you mentioned Islam? I was not talking about any particula system.....besided I never view them as an outsiders...I do not view anyone as an outsider be you Chinese or Arabiant or Eskimo...I dont care....I myself don't even belong to any nation...at least I do not feel I do...
I have left my nation 5 years ago and my way of thinking changed greatly...I was finally able to view everything from an outsided perspective...
Personaly I think if people travel more(not vacation, but more like migration) they mature faster...
My statement was refered especially to areas like Afganistan and wast big Arabs empty desert fields. The communication can be very hard alot of people are nomadic etc.
I know that there are urban areas in Aran nations and that they are very similar to us, but I also believe they are having very rought time...
The problem is of course that their government is bonded with religion, which is unneccesary...and always bringas alot of negative actions...
now please keep in mind I am not refering to Isalm or Christianity as being evil..I am saying that seperation from church and state is very important and that they should not be mixed.
quote: All religions are guilty of "holy wars" at some point in their history. It is not fair to lump it all onto Christianity. The Muslims are big on holy wars, but the Celts fought among themselves, often on the basis of their differing tribal deities/priests, and let's not get started on the Germanic tribes... Just because Christianity swiftly became the most widely practiced religion in the world is no reason to assume that all Christians are evil and blood thirsty. It just goes against the entire belief system.
bodhi I agree very much, but what about all those beautiful cultures that perished to Christianity...Japanese, Native Americans, Aztec, Incans...sure we see, know and hear about them...but they either dont exist or are not seen anymore...
I am not saying that scripture is responsible for it...but showing your faith to someone's face...or doing it by force was never good actions/
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 05-22-2004 00:59
I think Spain would have conquered much of the Americas with or without Christianity. The same goes for just about every other invasion in human history. The sad fact is that it's human nature to hate those with whom we differ.
: . . DHTML Slice Puzzle : . . . : Justice 4 Pat Richard : . .
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: out there Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 05-23-2004 07:03
quote: . . .I've always been puzzled by this...
If there really is only one true God, why on Earth (or wherever) is he a jealous one? How can it really make a difference to him whether or not people decide to believe in another god?
who created who? we him, or he us? him in our image, or we in his image?
of course he's jealous, aren't you? be honest. would it make any difference to you if someone broke your heart?
quote: (Free will? Huh!)
quote: Whether or not other gods exist, this would seem to suggest that he is aware of his own vulnerability, for if he does not ensure the focus of his followers' beliefs, he ceases to exist!
signed, sealed, and delivered! (he is also well aware of our vulnerability)
quote: To clarify, lest my bias be presumed: I have never, nor ever will believe in or worship a deity - nor ever excuse my actions with my beliefs or interpretations of scriptures written in an ignorant and unenlightened time. This does not mean that I do not have beliefs. I think this should be made clear.
oops! i think you put you foot in it here. (never say never)
don't get me wrong, i'm not picking on you (except maybe humorously). 
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 05-23-2004 10:06
quote: of course he's jealous, aren't you? be honest. would it make any difference to you if someone broke your heart?
why are you comparing god so much to humans? why do you assume he has emotions? and if he does is he human? if so then he is not perfect?
who the heck are humans to even speak for a deity?
I always found it funny how people use idea of magical being to be our father and we children, and if children misbehave he punishes them, heh.
I say: "failure of children is a failure of a parent"
according to OT, our sin was simply "knowlegde" and "curiosity". Since we gained awareness of ourself we were punished, why? what is there so "evil" in knowing? why is nakedness bad when he created us naked?
I assume, according to bible he created two robots who are happy, dumb and don't know anything and would always worship him...kinda like pets....yet when we gain acknowledgment of our awareness we become evil unholy bastards that deserve to be punished.
why didn't the great almighty magical being teach us how to use "knowledge" is a correct way? Yet so many human fathers do... he simply shows great deal of impatience...
he rushed to punish us, why? and then requesed a bunch of sacrifieses and worships? yet then he gest tired of it and sends his own son to be murdered? for what? for somekind of sacrifies? yet he is called perfect and needs to see more murder and blood all for what? his own entertainment?
in order to "save" people?
I mean...do people buy that stuff? I am quite surprised many take those jewish stories literally...
we all know that Genesis was written by man...I mean it was all written by man, but before you moan and shriek; "it was inspired by god"
how could man get into the head of magical being and talk for him and what was he thinking...all the conversations, between god and devil...al the private talks between Jesus and Pilate are written as if they were recorded right in front of them...
sure I can say, it is possible to get great deal of wisdom from reading stuff like that, if you know the history, culture etc. understand how people lived during that time and why they wrote like that...there can be found alot of great messages...over all bible is pretty good philosophy, only if you know "how" to read it.
but if you gonna use an ancient poetric text to explain all the purposes/reasons/causes of the world....*sight* 
(Edited by Ruski on 05-23-2004 10:09)
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: the one place the Keebler Elves can't get him Insane since: Apr 2004
posted 05-24-2004 23:27
Bodhi, Yes you are correct Small Gods is a great book by Terry Pratchett (one of my favorite authors) but that is not the only place i have seen this theory.
Bugimus I have a question if: From a biblical perspective there are no other gods than the one god why does one of the ten commandments say: Thou shallt not have any gods before me.? (Just to be difficult) 
If one match can start a forest fire then why does it take the whole box to start a BBQ Grill?
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: the one place the Keebler Elves can't get him Insane since: Apr 2004
posted 05-24-2004 23:29
Bodhi, Yes you are correct Small Gods is a great book by Terry Pratchett (one of my favorite authors) but that is not the only place i have seen this theory.
Bugimus I have a question if: From a biblical perspective there are no other gods than the one god why does one of the ten commandments say: Thou shallt not have any gods before me.? (Just to be difficult) 
If one match can start a forest fire then why does it take the whole box to start a BBQ Grill?
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: the one place the Keebler Elves can't get him Insane since: Apr 2004
posted 05-24-2004 23:30
Please ignore the second post my computer is being stupid again.
If one match can start a forest fire then why does it take the whole box to start a BBQ Grill?
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 05-25-2004 04:32
Sangreal, the "other gods" specifically refers to man made gods, idols. Idolatry was very common at that time, and even among the Hebrews themselves; remember the golden calf? The God of the bible is saying that He alone is worthy of worship and not images fashioned from stone or metals. In today's world it is far less common to actually worship stone gods. But any object can become the focus of our attentions which is the essential element of worship. So the commandment is germane even today.
: . . DHTML Slice Puzzle : . . . : Justice 4 Pat Richard : . .
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 05-25-2004 06:25
Bugimus are you telling me that Brahma and Shiva and this "third magical guy whatever his name is" are to be concidered false idols and not gods worthy of worship?
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 05-25-2004 12:59
bodhi23, quote: All religions are guilty of "holy wars" at some point in their history
Not quite - the Aborigines of Australia have never embarked on a "Holy War" of any sort in regards to their religion - which happens to be the oldest known religion (unbroken).
WebShaman | Asylum D & D | D & D Min Page
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 05-25-2004 21:45
Ruski, yes.
I am telling you that Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva are not real. I believe they are everything DL-44 would most likely say that they are; human inventions. I don't for a second dispute that in the absence of real god(s), we humans will invent some to fill our need for them.
: . . DHTML Slice Puzzle : . . . : Justice 4 Pat Richard : . .
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 05-25-2004 22:35
well, I can say that Yaweh/Jehova are human inventions too, more like Jewish/Hebriew inventions..which inspired foundation of Islam and developed another root, Christianity.
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 05-26-2004 16:15
You do say that, don't you? What's the point?
: . . DHTML Slice Puzzle : . . . : Justice 4 Pat Richard : . .
White Hawk
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: the other side... Insane since: May 2004
posted 05-26-2004 17:49
Loooooooong response soon, but for now:
The point is Bugimus, that by asking "What's your point", you have shown your inability to think outside of the limitations of your belief system. You will ignore the beliefs of people whose religions were around long before yours was dreamed of by some bloke whose integrity is beyond examination (an observation qualified by the fact that a man dead for thousands of years can't be questioned, or otherwise inquisitioned).
You are, in fact, demonstrating the point! 
...and being a bit ignorant about it too.
Damn, I am actually itching to get my teeth into this argument again, right now - but it's all work, work, work... 
Seek not truth with deceitful intent...
...for that way lies the seed of dissent.
(Edited by White Hawk on 05-26-2004 18:58)
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Greensboro, NC USA Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 05-26-2004 18:13
(I wish I had more time in the day, I swear!)
WS - I can well believe that the Aborigines have never fought a holy war, expecially as isolated as Australia was for so much of history... I stand corrected.
Ruski, whether you meant to sound bigoted or not, that particular statement was very much so. As long as you recognize when it happens...
For all of us: for the most part, we debate intelligently and clearly, with some emotion, but most often respectfully. Most misunderstandings occur when we post hastily or unthinkingly. Please review your posts before clicking submit to make sure that you have made your point as clearly and concisely as possible to avoid future confusion about what you have said...
That said, since all religions are taken on their faith, and there is no way to prove that any deities exist at all, it can be assumed that all religions are human construct. Whether or not any prophet in history was truly "divinely inspired" or not is always open to debate. Religion, in itself, however, serves and important societal purpose. It is the machine of morality and enculturation for human society today. Religious worship is a means of raising up our children with a system of rules, beliefs and traditions intended to keep them in line with the current secular government. Generally, if you adhere to the beliefs of your religion , you will not break any of the country's major laws.
In light of that, whether a deity actually exists or not is a moot point.
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 05-26-2004 18:39
quote: That said, since all religions are taken on their faith, and there is no way to prove that any deities exist at all, it can be assumed that all religions are human construct. Whether or not any prophet in history was truly "divinely inspired" or not is always open to debate. Religion, in itself, however, serves and important societal purpose. It is the machine of morality and enculturation for human society today. Religious worship is a means of raising up our children with a system of rules, beliefs and traditions intended to keep them in line with the current secular government. Generally, if you adhere to the beliefs of your religion , you will not break any of the country's major laws.
In light of that, whether a deity actually exists or not is a moot point.
Hmmm...some real gems in here...but also, some false ones, as well.
quote: That said, since all religions are taken on their faith, and there is no way to prove that any deities exist at all, it can be assumed that all religions are human construct.
I tend to agree with this - and it is also my opinion, as well.
quote: Whether or not any prophet in history was truly "divinely inspired" or not is always open to debate. Religion, in itself, however, serves and important societal purpose. It is the machine of morality and enculturation for human society today.
A definite gem - well said! I agree wholeheartedly.
quote: Religious worship is a means of raising up our children with a system of rules, beliefs and traditions intended to keep them in line with the current secular government.
Hmmm...here I would tend to disagree. I don't think it is a means of raising, but "programming" - i.e. brainwashing. And I don't think it is done, to keep them in line with the current secular government, but as a means of preserving and spreading the Faith for the next Generation.
quote: Generally, if you adhere to the beliefs of your religion , you will not break any of the country's major laws.
This is just plainly false. In fact, often Religious Beliefs contradict laws of a Country - and there is then conflict. I see the opposite being true here.
WebShaman | Asylum D & D | D & D Min Page
(Edited by WebShaman on 05-26-2004 18:45)
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 05-26-2004 18:56
Bugs, White Hawk clarified all I ment....regarless of my faith or what I think of your god.
Now, bodhi. What are you accusing me of? If ya wanna know, I am trying hard to tolerate as much religions as possible( I know all about "since all religions are taken on their faith, and there is no way to prove that any deities exist" I think you are religious in someways and I am very glad that you tolerate that and so do I, yet I find christainity to be the hardest one to convince of such oppinion, perhaps because I live in christian nation...I say there won't be understanding among religions if we do not investigate the foundations of religions, Bugimus said that Hindu deities are idols and are fake human invetion (which leads me to assume that he expresses that whole hindu system is pure hoax) to me it shows little understanding of their faith...
My statement ment exactly what White Hawk has said, I just questioned him. Sorry if I am incapable of expressing myself better and if I may appear sarcastic at times, but I am not living in united states yet and I do do not practice much of my english in day to day communication.
If you are offended that I forgot the name of the third god of Hindusm and called him "third magical guy whatever his name is" then I can only offer my apology. =)
edit: Shaman I agree with you on everything you mentioned in your last post.
(Edited by Ruski on 05-26-2004 18:59)
White Hawk
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: the other side... Insane since: May 2004
posted 05-26-2004 19:20
Leaving the office now, so a passing comment...
Bodhi, I agree with what you say (and I am glad that I please you, BTW), but what decent moral grounding can one truly expect from a religion which condones the fatal stoning of an unmarried mother, for instance?
Okay, without naming religions, I am well aware that I making a reference to the sort of thing that happens(happened?) in a country where the brutal governmental regime was/is as much to blame for such atrocities (regardless of anyone's opinion, such an act has to be considered an atrocity) as the religion practiced by its people...
. ...therefore, I am not necessarily disagreeing with you, but I am suggesting that not all religious beliefs (or perhaps, interpretations) could be considered an appropriate mechanism for shaping a society's moral framework.
But, again, that is also a matter of (my) opinion. Maybe I'm wrong?
Perhaps it is right, in some circles, to bludgeon a woman to death within days of her giving birth to a bastard child, while it is also (quite rightly) a terminally punishable offence for a woman to expose her face in public?
Sure, the religion of which I have made an example, is not always practiced with such extreme fervour - but it is religion in general that people use as much to excuse their actions as to control them.
I don't know...
Argh! The time! I've got to run for my bus..!
*sound of slamming doors, fumbled keys, running feet, then distant profanity as a bus pulls away...*
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 05-26-2004 20:04
quote: ...you have shown your inability to think outside of the limitations of your belief system. You will ignore the beliefs of people whose religions were around long before yours was dreamed of by some bloke whose integrity is beyond examination (an observation qualified by the fact that a man dead for thousands of years can't be questioned, or otherwise inquisitioned).
You are, in fact, demonstrating the point!
...and being a bit ignorant about it too.
Actually, I'm not. But you're new to this community and I can totally see how you would get that impression from what I told Ruski. I look forward to your looooooong response 
: . . DHTML Slice Puzzle : . . . : Justice 4 Pat Richard : . .
White Hawk
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: the other side... Insane since: May 2004
posted 05-26-2004 22:36
I am indeed new, and I think perhaps that I jumped on the wrong person (too tired to read back now).
Thank you for being gracious about it. 
I've decided that I should delay my looooooooooong posting. I'm feeling a little too energetic to be objective, and I've been doing far too much thinking on the bus home to be politically inoffensive.
One little thought though:
If a child grows to believe that a man is his father and never discovers otherwise - in fact, dies believing that man was his father - does that belief make the truth of whether or not the man was his father?
Also, if you gave him the opportunity on his death bed to know the truth - would he:
1) want to know?
2) be better off knowing?
The way I'm thinking right now, that probably doesn't make the sense I was hoping for, but I'm going to leave it like that.
(Edited by White Hawk on 05-26-2004 23:31)
White Hawk
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: the other side... Insane since: May 2004
posted 05-26-2004 22:51
I HAVE read back now, and I must admit that it wasn't a hasty posting, but a hasty reading: I confused Ruski for Bugimus somehow (despite the obvious), when, in fact, I'd misunderstood you both. 
I will strive not to make the same mistake again.
Seek not truth with deceitful intent...
...for that way lies the seed of dissent.
(Edited by White Hawk on 05-26-2004 23:24)
White Hawk
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: the other side... Insane since: May 2004
posted 05-26-2004 22:54
*double posting - slow browser - sorry*
(Edited by White Hawk on 05-26-2004 23:26)
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: the one place the Keebler Elves can't get him Insane since: Apr 2004
posted 05-27-2004 03:40
Religion is a touchy thing and that is why I like to debate on it. Many say that religion is a subject that should not be discussed with others because of the same reason. For my point of view on it suffice to say:
Religion and Science, while they seem like opposites, are, in a way, very much related. Humans invented science to tell them the how to's and whys. And again Humans invented religion to tell them the why's and who-dun-it's and saddenly, more often than not, yes who to persecute or ridicule.
I said Man because even if the god is a not man-made he still needs man to believe in him otherwise what's the point in being a god. For life (again as it says in Small Gods) is merely a game of chess with god(s) as the player(s) and once that god(s) has lost all it's pieces it doesn't wanna play any more.
If one match can start a forest fire then why does it take the whole box to start a BBQ Grill?
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 05-27-2004 04:18
I decided a long time ago that people SHOULD discuss religion and politics. It never made sense to me to avoid the two most important topics in life. That's one of the reasons I love this place.
: . . DHTML Slice Puzzle : . . . : Justice 4 Pat Richard : . .
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: the smaller bedroom Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 05-27-2004 07:39
heh - the only problem is that, with enough of the wrong type of participants, they degenerate into the same circular arguments. 
White Hawk
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: the other side... Insane since: May 2004
posted 05-27-2004 11:43
What's the 'right' type of participant? 
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 05-27-2004 13:58
Rush Limbaugh, Mr. Bush, I'm sure there are others...
*whistles innocently, while striding towards the door*
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