Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: The Lair Insane since: Apr 2003
posted 06-20-2004 16:08
quote: The name of the game is Petals Around the Rose. The name of the game is important. The computer will roll five dice and ask you to guess the score for the roll. The score will always be zero or an even number. Your mission is to work out how the computer calculates the score and become a Potentate of the Rose.
Have fun. Remember one thing: you cannot disclose the solution to anyone... People must come to it on their own.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Gig Harbor, WA Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 06-20-2004 18:35
I feel dumb... spending about 20, 25 minutes trying to figure out where these abstract number answers were coming from. I've tried adding, averaging, dividing, and multiplying a ton of combinations... pretty clever though 
edit: Best part of it all is finding someone else and driving them nuts with it.
(Edited by njuice42 on 06-20-2004 19:31)
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 06-20-2004 19:16
Yeah, this one took me awhile. I was getting into the possible math of it and driving myself nuts. Then I sat back, closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and looked again with only one thing in mind. Once I had settled with a very specific, singular thought, I had the solution in under 30 seconds.
The solution still gives me giggles.
Iron Wallaby
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: USA Insane since: May 2004
posted 06-20-2004 19:28
Ok, I cheated to find the algorithm, but pretty nifty. 
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -- Arthur C. Clarke
"Any sufficiently arcane magic is indistinguishable from technology." -- P. David Lebling
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: the space between us Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 06-20-2004 20:05
pretty wicked puzzle. this one kept me busy for a while
| - THESPACE - | E.A. | PORTFOLI0 | lonesome | CELL 557
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Cranleigh, Surrey, England Insane since: May 2003
posted 06-20-2004 20:06
OK, I managed to guess the algorithm after sheer brute force (BG-style But I still have no idea what the hell the name has to do with it. (probably the easiest bit to work out, but hey )
Go to kimber-ja.demon.co.uk and click on the link to the raytracer!
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Cubeville Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 06-20-2004 20:29
Being an artistic, rather than a scientific type, this was pretty straightforward once I took a second to digest the information at hand (and threw a couple of example rolls to get an idea of the nature of the game).
I can't wait to wind my 'scientific' friends up with it! 
[Edit] wrayal - the name has everything to do with the answer!
Who wants to live forever?
(Edited by Dufty on 06-20-2004 20:32)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Cranleigh, Surrey, England Insane since: May 2003
posted 06-20-2004 21:16
How in the hell?
Im sure Im being a moron, and of course we cannot divulge the secret, but I just can't see the link. The only thing that keeps going through my head is fibonacci numbers, and that doesnt seem to make sense. Did everybody here work it out from the title, or did some use my time consuming brute force approach (basically just keep watching and seeing )
Go to kimber-ja.demon.co.uk and click on the link to the raytracer!
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Gig Harbor, WA Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 06-20-2004 21:38
quote: wrayal said:
How in the hell?Im sure Im being a moron, and of course we cannot divulge the secret, but I just can't see the link. The only thing that keeps going through my head is fibonacci numbers, and that doesnt seem to make sense. Did everybody here work it out from the title, or did some use my time consuming brute force approach (basically just keep watching and seeing )WrayalGo to kimber-ja.demon.co.uk and click on the link to the raytracer!
I think you're looking way too hard at it. Simple stuff we're talking about here. And really, once you figure out the 'trick' of it, the name is the most relevant thing possible.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: France Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 06-20-2004 21:48
Does the words "petal" and "rose" in the name of the game really refer to a flower or is it metaphorical ?
I was sure the solution is extremely simple, and that I'd have wasted trying every mathematical solution I could think of, so I've tried several times before having a look at the source code. Shame on me Before that, I wondered if the drawing of the flower was important, but figured no relation. Nonetheless I still don't see the link between the name and the "algo". I'll try to figure it out. But if I fail, I think I'll ask someone to explain it to me by mail.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Cranleigh, Surrey, England Insane since: May 2003
posted 06-20-2004 21:51
I properly give up - even tried "I sat back, closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and looked again with only one thing in mind. " - not a chance. Oh well, I know the answer, just the name confuses me when its simply meant to help 
Oh well...guess it doesnt really matter...
Ok, forget the above, I realised literally as I was typing that last sentence. Dont wana give anything away, but I was certainly thinking far too hard 
Go to kimber-ja.demon.co.uk and click on the link to the raytracer!
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: the space between us Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 06-20-2004 22:32
ARGH. i just found out that i had another solution that worked. there is a second one which referrs to the name... heh. 
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: The Lair Insane since: Apr 2003
posted 06-20-2004 23:07
Im glad you all liked it, but shame on those who looked at the source code...
and yes, as njuice42 said, the best part about the puzzle is driving other people crazy with it.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Still looking.. Insane since: Mar 2003
posted 06-20-2004 23:49
Asptamer: I wonder where you been hiding.. you been messing with that 'numbers magic' stuff again I see..
QUOTATION: I've learned so much from my mistakes... that I'm thinking of making a few more.

Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: 1393 Insane since: Dec 2003
posted 06-21-2004 04:34
Oh my... I have been developing a large headache for the past hour just to finally realize how easy it is.
70% of statistics are made up on the spot.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: the Asylum ghetto Insane since: Oct 2002
posted 06-21-2004 05:51
i was a lil worried cuz i didn't get it... but i adopted wj's "sit back and breathe" method and it worked just fine. i don't feel left out now 
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: :morF Insane since: May 2000
posted 06-21-2004 08:55
Oh...*now* I get it! Damn...heh...that was so fucking obvious that you overlook it completly
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: A graveyard of dreams Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 06-21-2004 12:56
Found the page a couple of weeks ago, didn't take me that long to figure it out. A couple of try rolls and I saw the system 
"There are 10 kinds of people; those who know binary, those who don't and those who start counting at zero"
- the Golden Ratio - Vim Tutorial -
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Gig Harbor, WA Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 06-21-2004 17:09
So I pissed my entire family off with this game. At first, instead of trying to 'get' the game or figure anything out, it was ruled out and deemed fake by everyone. Of course, despite my mother saying such things as "Screw this game" and "It's bullshit, you're just making it up", she ended up bribing me for the answer.
Of course then it was fun again... *shakes head*
Still drove everyone else crazy, but my father got the answer after about a dozen or so rolls after my mother started poppin' off correct answers for every roll. My brother never did figure it out, but then he didn't show much interest. Though, really, the quote of the night came from my father. I had told him it took me nearly a half hour to figure it out on my own.
"You spent a half hour staring at your computer figuring this out?"
"...you're a pretty boring guy sometimes."
Cracked me up.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Still looking.. Insane since: Mar 2003
posted 06-22-2004 00:24
Oh Dear.. I did and clicked as directed.. and absolutely nothing happened. Nothing. I'm gonna go back to my flight simulator..
QUOTATION: I've learned so much from my mistakes... that I'm thinking of making a few more.

White Hawk
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: London Insane since: May 2004
posted 06-22-2004 02:00
Spent a couple of minutes thinking I wouldn't have a clue, then got a little bizarre, and came to the answer quite without realising it. Took me a while to figure out the 'petals' and 'rose' though..?
quote: Correct again! We think you've probably got it.
I really did not expect that.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Madison, Indiana, USA Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 06-22-2004 20:23
Xpirex: You are obviously using a sane browser. I had the same problem. Had to switch to IE for anything to work. The JavaScript on the page causes lots of erros in NS or FF.
-- not necessarily stoned... just beautiful.
Iron Wallaby
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: USA Insane since: May 2004
posted 06-22-2004 20:47
Hmm... I don't see the significance of the name. Even with knowing the algorithm and maintaining 100% accuracy. 
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -- Arthur C. Clarke
"Any sufficiently arcane magic is indistinguishable from technology." -- P. David Lebling
Rinswind 2th
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Den Haag: The Royal Residence Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 06-22-2004 21:43
I got it, but i had to search for "petals" on dictionary.com for a better understanding.....
There is also a flash version off this game:
Support Justice for Pat Richard
(Edited by Rinswind 2th on 06-22-2004 22:04)
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Wales Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 06-22-2004 23:09
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The year 1881 Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 06-22-2004 23:35
Took me about a dozen rolls to figure it out. And yes, it did require stepping back and looking at it again from a different frame of mind.
I have now unleased its insidious tentacles upon my friends and co-workers. Muahahahahaha!!!!!
Evil in theory, not so much in practice...
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: Inside THE BOX Insane since: May 2000
posted 06-25-2004 05:51
Geez ... took me a whole minute just to figure out the song was by Rush.
Haven't even started the game yet.