I was just trying to prove a point that if we do not protect ourselves, we will be destructed. If we did not spend money on military we would be obliterated.
In that case, I agree 150%. We have no choice but to fight, p-e-r-i-o-d. If there is another alternative, I am all ears, but as of yet all I've heard is leftist rhetoric about a supposed religion of peace, a war for oil, the "Freedom Fighters" for Iraq as a certain fat-ass says (AKA Terrorist scum, many of which are foreigners) blah blah blah. But hey, peace at any cost.
The part that threw me off was the comment about "immature children" and "bullying tactics." I do agree with the immature children comment, but to me that is certain politicians on the other side who will do and say anything to 'take back America' and impose their socialist utopia (re:
Bill Clinton's wonderful speech at the Democratic National Convention). I just wish the media would call a spade a spade for once.
As far as Sudan is concerned, it is a damn shame that we are always the ones who have to step in to do things, either by military force or billions of dollars in aid directly or funneled through the UN, which I might add is totally taken for granted. Then of course, the inevitable outcome is that we are criticized for everything we do, even though we are the MOST generous nation on Earth. I am one American who is fed up, why the hell do we bother. Either way, we are the bad guys.
Well, maybe John Kerry can change all that. Oh wait, no, he is for sending more troops to Iraq, at least last I heard, but you know he has a new position every week depending on the polls and where he happens to be campaigning at that particular time. 
And George Bush, well, he may not be the greatest, and I pray to God that he would lock down the Mexican border, but I see him as our best hope. Did you know that many of the people they catch coming across the border are of Arab descent? How many are getting through that we don't know about, using the water stations we placed in the friggin desert on account of liberals, and carrying God only knows what. But hey, peace and PC at any cost...
And you see how they "reported" in the article you posted. Rather than give a factual account of what is happening over there; Arab Muslims raping and killing blacks (both Muslim & Christian) to breed them out, driving them from their homes, the lack of action by a Muslim government, etc, they take focus off it and shift it to speculation about how it is our fault that no one has been paying any mind to it.
Hell, they don't even mention the words "Islam" or "Muslim" in there, why is that, considering that yet again Muslims are at the epicenter of another tragic happening? In any case, we're two nations. Why don't the French and the Germans and all the other European nations get off their 'superior' asses and do something for a goddam change.
The first line basically says it all:
Britain and America's preoccupation with Iraq has blocked international efforts to end genocide in the war-torn Darfur region of Sudan
What have we blocked? How have we blocked it? No, it just means that we are currently occupied and, once again, somebody else needs to step to the friggin' plate. We are 2 nations, and roughly 28 others out of how many? There are 191 members in the UN, so where are they? We are criticized for policing the world, well do something to change that. Sometimes I get the feeling they'd rather attack us from some of the shit I see, hear, and read from around the world.
What do I know though, I am just an ignorant American fool. 
Sorry for my bitter tone, not directed toward you or anyone in particular, but I am in a bitter mood when it comes to current events. I don't hate the French, Germans, or any nation for that matter, but I do dislike their governments, just as many of them hate ours. Just wanted to point that out so that certain individuals here don't think I am a total right-wing nutjob, but it's more than likely too late for that. Oh well, I always speak my mind regardless of what label is applied.
(Edited by Ramasax on 08-04-2004 04:51)