Here is perhaps the weirdest post I shall ever venture to make here.
I use and have been using for quite a while FireFox browser. Started with beta, then got 1.0. Worked fine - no complaints... until the last time I reformatted my drive and reinstalled WindowsXP.
So here's the problem: While a page (any page) is loading (takes 3-5 seconds here) the cursor freezes periodically, as if there's really not enough RAM or some other hardware issue.
I found a fix today: When I go to yahoo games and java runtime environment is loaded (the little coffee cup in systray), voila!! everything works as fine and smooth as before the cursed reinstall.
My question(s) for you:
- Does anyone know WTF is going on and how do I fix it?
- Is there a temporary solution ? Like making JRE start when Windows starts (I cant seem to find the starter)? The only way I found to do that, is to put a bookmark to Yahoo Games into startup folder, and keep that window open while I browse the web (JRE closes once I kill Yahoo). This solution seems really lame, and I know that the same software and hardware was working very fine few days ago. It's even exactly the same version of FF...
I know that 99% of the time, the first reply to such a post is something like "we need to know what comp u're running so that we can help you" uhh no you dont... it's been working fine with the same comp before, but here it goes:
Its a P4 1.7GHz, Mainboard MOBO, On-board sound, 512 SDRam, 32Video, Logitech mouse, MS Natural keyboard, Belkin Mousepad, viewsonic monitor with some stickers on it... okay okay, I got carried away a little. Do forgive the sarcasm, I would REALLLYYY Appreciate some help on this issue....
Please help.