WebShaman said:
Isn't this the guy that Ini blew his fuse over?
InI... fuse... who???
Suho1004 said:
Someone is in need of some serious shock therapy...
You know I'm sick and tired of standing inline for all those shock therapies... I NEVER GET IN!!! It's always WShaman, WH or some other guy with a W in their name before me!!! That's why I've decided to buy myself a personal shocker from the money that I get from selling pills in "Black" around the back of the cafeteria... ummm.... maybe it's time I changed my trade...
*slips out of view and starts to think of a new place to continue bidnis...*
THE PUKE ROOM!! oops..
Note to self: Don't shout thoughts out loud
*returns* Oh I almost forgot I was here to review your newsletter
and now I will... well you seriously aren't going to find me signing up for that! Hey if you wanted to go simple... why didn't you just make it a blank page with some text here and there in different sized fonts!
More work to do on that logo, don't just use drop shadow because you can use it because it makes things look good! I consider using a 90 degree shadow with full opacity on text a sin! Mr. Benedict should call a crusade on stuff like that! I hate the "Volum. 1" thingy... dude or dudette... ummm... whatever! I don't understand why you didn't just type the letter e in volume!! What your hands started to shake there comeon!!
And I find it kind of... interesting how you've mixed grey with red, a white border and some swirly gibrish in the back! Truely something to admire in an absolutely (as old Function Key up there calls it) BLAND *GASP* newsletter.
F1_error said:
I do have one question though, if this is new, and is your first design, how did you get all those 5-star ratings / awards? Or is this not as new as you would lead us to believe?
Umm what awards?!? OH THOSE! Aren't those related to the software on the page?
flash2005: If you find all that I've said in anyway appauling and utterly humiliating and with a little salt on the side embarassing aka offending then that's your luck! Usually I'm a nice sarcastic guy with not much to type around but it's just the combination of red and grey that brings out new light on a subject so desperatly in need of attention! But most of my behaviour is because I don't get a fair cut on the shockyness of the asylum!
Alright guys that's gotta be enought to get me into Shock Therapy!!!
[signed]desperate guy in need of therapy![signed]