Here in BC the geological record provides evidence of a 9+ Richter about every 500 years.
The Juan De Fuca Fault is LOCKED off the West coast of Vancouver Island and could slip any second now.
This will prove a major catastrophe and we are nowhere near ready for it. Though some efforts have been made recently, they are little more than window dressing.
The lower mainland will suffer most here. Much of Richmond and Delta will pretty much disappear due to liquifaction. That means hospitals, police stations and fire departments will be unable to respond. The airport will be out of commission.
The West Coast of the island will suffer the brunt of the tidal wave as will Washington State and likely could also wreak a bit of Havoc in Japan, Russia etc.
Here on the Island we should fare better, though we will likely lose all bridges across the Gorge. However, we have plenty of emergency services all over the area.
But as we have few tall buildings, so-called 'collateral' damage should be relatively light.
Loss of life? Unknown.
Funny story, this week there was a Tsunami Warning here due to the quake off Calif.
Several people fled to their cars and drive to the local high spot, running red lights all the way.
Such panicked ignorance. The only effect we in the Victoria
area will feel from such an event will be extremely high tides.
In any event, it is on it's way.
Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right.
Isaac Asimov
US science fiction novelist & scholar (1920 - 1992)