Not bad. A few suggestions, in case you're looking for some:
- Slow it down *just* a little bit. It's a little too fast to control well, like if you want to press two keys to do a U-turn, it's difficult to get the timing without skipping a space inbetween. (If you want to be really fancy, queue the arrow key input, so if I press up and left really fast, he first goes up and then goes left; then speed might not be such an issue for this sort of thing.)
- Give an easy way to restart after losing, like a "restart" button, preferably with a keyboard shortcut close to the arrow keys so that I can just hit, say, Enter, and I'm playing again.
- When moving the next space will cause me to crash and lose, give me just a little extra time to react (maybe twice as long as usual). This might seem like it's going too easy on the player, but it really makes the game more fun because you don't have to *fear* the edges, and you can try to go right along the edge of your old path. You'll still lose if you have nowhere to go, but it reduces random frustrating losses because, say, pressing up and then left as I described above didn't work as expected. It also makes the game more playable when you get really long, and even though you still have to think fast, it prolongs the excitement towards the end.