Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2005
posted 05-02-2006 12:03
Good afternoon.
As you may know, I've been into several legal battles recently,
and won them easilly.
Because as shaky and terrified I was, I was right in the sense of the law.
However, this time, the pressure my current supervisor puts on me has gone off the limits
of decency, and while the company is huge, while the salary is cool...
I want my dignity.
Now, I am concerned about the public image of a guy who battles his direct supervisor:
I am here as a consultant, but enough is enough...
False accusations of lies, sporadic and non-compliant threats,
getting locked in a blinded cell for such an intimidation... enough is enough.
Opinions are badly needed on this.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: there...no..there..... Insane since: May 2001
posted 05-02-2006 12:37
maybe a little more information would be helpful to base an opinion on. You're current employer "locked you in a blinded cell"?
You've been in "several legal battles recently"?
I am not sure what the hell you are talking about but you certainly seem to have a lot of "drama" in your life.

Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2005
posted 05-02-2006 13:01
Well, my own elder brother had accused me of something out of jealousy, which has turned into *nothigness* and no way
for him to pursue the false accusations.
An ex doctor had billed an appointment I hadn't had with her to me, and the trial went in my favor, she lost and had to pay
all the expenses, because she couldn't prove something that hadn't happened.
All in all, I am getting in court about every two months because I have decided to stand against my oppressors,
which is uncommon in Switzerland, and so far, I've won all the battles - at the exepense of loads of energy, but dignity matters more.
Regarding my current boss, he has taken non-compliant actions often against me, including accusing me today of
"lies" when I wrote an email mentionning a "spare laptop", which wasn't a "stock laptop", but an unused laptop from some user.
He does that everytime there is a complaint of any kind towards our department, because he is afraid and has no understanding
of anything techy whatsoever.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: North Coast of America Insane since: Dec 2001
posted 05-02-2006 13:39
Ah. So the way to teach him about techy things and quell his fears is to take him to court? Are you sure you're not American?

Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Land of one Headlight on. Insane since: May 2001
posted 05-02-2006 13:41
Try your best to resolve this within the company. Take it up the ladder until you find a superior who either agrees with you, in which case he/she will deal with the asshole, or you will be told to sit down, shutup and get back to work.
If you are told to 'get back to work' you can at that point decide if you want to proceed with court action. You've got to be careful with this 'dignity' stuff. He called you a liar.... he didn't call you a thief.
Lunatic (VI) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 05-02-2006 13:48
My take on things .
Avoid such actions, if at all possible.
Even if you win, you lose. Such things have a way of getting communicated further. Which basically means, you win the battle, but lose the war.
Perhaps stepping back and assessing things would be more appropriate. If this Supervisor is out to get you, then the only real defenses that you have are :
A) Make damn sure that your shit is clean and doesn't stink. And I mean squeeky clean.
B) Document everything. If you have to do any type of conversations with this person, only do so with a neutral 3rd party present, that will give testimony (like if your company has a Company Work Council).
C) If your Company has a Work Council, speak with them (but make sure you have done A and B first).
In fighting among management is a day-to-day occurance. You need to learn how to do these types of things correctly. Taking someone to court should be the absolute last alternative, because that is normally damaging to the company itself, and that reflects badly on all parties involved.
Good luck.
WebShaman | The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities.
- Sophocles
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: London Insane since: Jun 2003
posted 05-02-2006 14:30
Really Mauro I think this is a company matter and should be dealt with within the company. I can't see that your dignity will be kept if you take this to court, your company probably won't trust you as their employee anymore if they don't think you can communicate with them about things that bother you within the company.
If your company won't support you then, and only then is it time to either quit or take matters to court.

Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2005
posted 05-02-2006 16:20
Righto. Issue settled for now, but there are "manager friends" involved. Namely, the direct superior of my superior will
have his back because they play golf and stuff together.
There is an internal compliance helpline, though, and the federal department for protection of workers.
I don't blame the company, malpractices of this kind are specific to some areas.
If I contact any of those lines, I am starting a heavy machine, which could lead to my superior's actions to
be investigated, but the guy in question is clever enough to avoid emails and witnesses when he misbehaves.
I am considering getting myself a tape recorder, and keeping it in my pocket, then once I have enough info to have him immediately
sanctionned, contact the internal compliance line.
The worst thing is: the root cause for most misunderstadings and arguments with user are his sporadic reactions.
Suddenly he wakes up on some issue, suddenly he minds things too much, gets emotional and stupid, which all sorts
of pre-made expressions that aren't advice, aren't solutions, homebrewed shite like "be a whore at selling yourself but stay humble",
doesn't take action or responsibility, contacts the whole wide world about his current outburst, and when his supervisor gets
him to calm down, he has already spread the word that "Mauro was involved in a major issue" allover the place.
Everybody is aware of this, but he is getting old and many of us are just waiting for him to retire and let us do the job he compromises.
In the meantime, though, it's all bad press for me and useless pressure, adding the pressure of kissing up
and caressing his immense ego to have him calm down.
Hence the fact I want to confront him severely: he is already impacting my public image, despising my quality work that everybody else
praises, and being a major pain.
Lunatic (VI) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 05-02-2006 22:27
quote: I am considering getting myself a tape recorder, and keeping it in my pocket, then once I have enough info to have him immediately
sanctionned, contact the internal compliance line.
I am not sure about the laws where you live, but such is normally not allowed as evidence. It may even be illegal where you are - I know such is here in Germany (and I am sure such is in the US, as well) unless one gets permission first.
WebShaman | The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities.
- Sophocles
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Rochester, New York, USA Insane since: May 2000
posted 05-02-2006 23:19
What you are explaining to the best of my knowledge is how the corporate system tends to work.
I didn't read anything above that was more than opinions and simply being uncooth. You might be able to play off the uncooth comments as male-on-male sexual harrassment but that would seem a stretch, as for your boss's take on your work being different than your peers, that could be either his opinion or even a motivational tool to get you to work harder.
As for the outbursts you are talking about I know of many managers who are like this. Not knowing how to manage correctly or to motivate employees correctly is not a crime that I am aware of. I am not even sure that offending your sensibilities is a crime. You may take yelling and screem to be abuse, but others might not.
Be very careful that you do not alienate yourself in the workplace. Being someone on the outs in a corporation is not a happy thing. It spreads fast and sooner than later everyone knows and they all start to look at you differently.
Dan @ Code Town
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2005
posted 05-03-2006 00:21
Not sure about the meaning of "on the outs", but...
Not knowing how to manage correctly or to motivate employees correctly is not a crime that I am aware of.
Well, not providing employees with a safe and secure work environment is a crime where I live.
That's what defines the concept of mobbing.
The fact here is that I am standing pressure everyday: people paid millions a year tend to just await the - instant best - on a daily basis. Monster pressure there.
90-95% of my colleagues *love* me somehow, I am appreciated a lot.
This particular person is the only real tedious bit.
Locking me for threats in a blinded place, for real, doesn't sound like providing me with a safe and secure environment, and adds to a monstruous pressure.
Nobody needs this attitude: he is impacting my nightly classes, for example, on purpose: he has set special schedules and stressed out the fact my "nightly classes are none of his business".
Although he was informed I was going to school in first place, and school is adding to my information sciences knowledge.
"Train yourself, but die your own ways to do it, I'll give you a schedule that prevents you from attending 50% of the classes, and if you survive, I'll torture you twice more for the hell of it."
Lunatic (VI) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 05-03-2006 08:32
_Mauro, I think you are taking things abit too personally.
First of all, unless you have some special contract exemptions for your schooling, or it is sponsered by the company in some ways, I don't think that any manager has to make special "exceptions" for it - in fact, most that I know of (being that I am one myself) will ask the question "does the schooling take away from the effectiveness of the work being done?" - if it does, then there is a problem.
Mobbing is a very hard thing to actually prove - I'd be very careful with such accusations. As I said before, you need to build a solid case, document everything, and have neutral 3rd party sources willing to back up your claim.
Because when it comes to management vs worker type conflicts, unless one really has his/her stuff together, and can prove things beyond a shadow of a doubt, management normally sides with the manager (unless of course the manager is under pressure from above and they are looking for an excuse to axe him/her).
All in all, up till now, you have described, as WM has pointed out, the normal office workplace in a large company.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Principal 
One thing seems to be missing from all your posts so far - what have you done, or initiated, to unescalate the situation? Have you spoken to your boss? Have you attempted to diffuse the situation in a private sitting with him? Did you approach him with a worker-to-boss attitude, or did you attempt another approach? Is he aware of the amount of pressure you are under?
Often, managers are not aware of the personal circumstances affecting a particular worker. They are not mind readers. Most I know will attempt to find a solution to potiential problems, to head off them becoming serious problems (that is one of the things that managers are supposed to do - manage things).
WebShaman | The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities.
- Sophocles
(Edited by WebShaman on 05-03-2006 08:36)
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2005
posted 05-03-2006 11:14
WS, over 8 years of work, I've been giving consulting to PWC (PriceWaterhouseCoopers), UBS, BAT (British American Tobacco), the Swiss federal government, and have been working 4 years for one of the main ISPs in Switzerland.
Either I am really pointing out the issues poorly, or you're used to getting locked under random threats in a cell and it's legal in your country, or there is a small bias in your judgement, a huge one even: you sound like a deaf cracky butt having difficulties at actively reading what I am trying to say.
Emphasis put on the word "actively", as in assuming I am what I describe, professionally, instead of a silly teenager making fuss for no good reason.
I am 28 years old btw.
Pardon my french, but there really is no reason for me to explain without a true listening/reading on the other side, thank you for trying though.
Lunatic (VI) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 05-03-2006 12:15
Well, you did ask for input.
I gave you mine.
Good luck.
WebShaman | The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities.
- Sophocles
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2005
posted 05-03-2006 12:47
Not fully flawed, hence a thank you, but the weak bit in it, and the assumption I need someone to patronize me, sound bad to my ears.
I even consider the patronizing bit quite "rude" to me, really didn't call for someone to pat me on the head and call me "good boy".
Advice/patronizing. Please take the time to draw the line.
And by "weak bit", I am referring to comments from other treads and discussions: "IE7 will be the future BECAUSE companies decide..."
"You have no right to decency BECAUSE the company decides."
"The CC probably can't be ported to the web BECAUSE nobody did it so far."
And so on and so forth.
What's up with failing before trying? What's up with accepting to be fed bullshit and smiling?
I have got a commitment for you, and will definitely go through that, am writing it down here: the CC will happen,
but really, if there is something that pisses me off, it's a self-defeating attitude like that.
In the words of Trent Reznor, "bow down before the one you serve, you're going to get what you deserve".
I'll take all the good in your advice though - e.g. the practical, non-biased, and non-judgemental ADVICE as opposed to JUDGEMENT,
but some other thing that pisses me off is being patronized instead of really assisted and heard.
Better say it now than never.
Thanks for trying: luck, common sense and courage are three different things, so keep those wishes for yourself.
Lunatic (VI) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 05-03-2006 13:10
If I wanted to patronize you, then I would have. I am really not interested in patronizing you. There is no incentive, nor reason to do so.
Such is illogical.
Since you indicate that you feel patronized, perhaps you could point out the areas that you find offensive, and I could try to present them differently.
I gave you my honest input on what I have read from the situation. Having been in many similiar circumstances (and on both sides of the fence), and having not only survived them, but prevailed, I rely on the experience and information won through such to guide me to this day.
Of course, that which I have learned and experienced may not apply to your situation.
Perhaps I tend to fight my battles differently than you do. Perhaps the way that I see things, is not how you see them. There could be many factors that seperate us, so that my experiences and knowledge in your case does not apply.
I have not suggested to you not to fight - if you got that impression, then I apologize, for that was not my intent. Instead, I have presented you with a different way of fighting. I tend to change my tactics and strategies to adapt to the situation at hand. Again, I can only go from the information that you have posted - I am sure that there is much more information to be gathered here. For instance, I have never personally met your Boss/Supervisor. I tend to trust my instincts, and my ability to seize someone up. I also do not know the entire history of the situation here. How did this conflict start, how did it progress, how did it get to where it is now.
Whenever I am in a position where I think that I am being treated unfairly, I normally resort to information gathering first. I try to seperate my emotions (which cloud judgement) from the information gathered, to get a gasp of the "big picture". Knowing is half the battle, IMHO.
When I wish someone good luck, then I mean it (unless I include a slimey like ). If you do not wish it, that is also ok.
WebShaman | The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities.
- Sophocles
(Edited by WebShaman on 05-03-2006 13:24)
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2005
posted 05-03-2006 14:23
Nevermind, you did try your best, and this won't go further.
I'd be all for having an issue like this settled as soon as it appears,
but we'll have time to clarify this out of the forums.
Just to clarify something: I am a pro, and a perfectionist of some sort,
and I am not a tit-for-tat kind of guy, I will -never- understand the general trend
at "not breaking the oppressive establishment"... sometimes you have to take the warpath,
The less I follow the "avoid conflicts" kinds of advice, the more I win battles, so trust
me, this will be heavilly pondered and carefully weighed, I'll find a solution,
I will win..
And I will take the time to sort the "patronizing" bit with you some other time, in complete calm
and if it is required.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2005
posted 05-03-2006 18:14
All in all, up till now, you have described, as WM has pointed out, the normal office workplace in a large company.
Yeah, and my behind is an apple pie. ~cough: oh, forgot you guys work for large mining companies... or?
1) About schooling. We are three persons with three shifts. At first, we had settled early for me shifts for the days I have to attend classes.
It has been explicitely discussed with them: classes improve my information science knowledge and impact my skills greatly.
Everybody loved these shifts.
With the excuse of setting up a new scheduling tool, these shifts were turned into weekly shifts.
So, I am one hour to two hours late in class 2/3 weeks. Given that classes consist of 14hours a week...
The scheduling tool in question has been totally abandonned (in a non-official way) since a few weeks: nobody just cares to update anything there.
I've been threatened verbally to be fired if I "ever mentionned my nightly classes again".
During the exams period.
And while my employer has required me to get professional certifications I passed.
2) The "being locked in a blinded cell" means this: my badge is one of the only keys, the boss took it from me, and pushed me in - no witnesses, no way out - L - O - C - K - E - D. Aw, forgot it happens everyday in the mine where Mage and WS work.
3) The other day, I've been explicitely accused of being a liar for a wording issue, "spare" vs "spare laptop unused by it's owner".
4) My bro accused me of -bullshit-, illegally, he brought some documents regarding this to my workplace, and made a scandal as he works
for the security there.
He wasn't put in question for a second.
I've been threatened to be fired in written form because of the bad press he made - regardless of wether the accusations were founded or not.
In the end, I am free of all charges and the dipshit feels guilty of having the moron that time forgot.
That piece of crap is my bro... and a good friend of my boss.
Aw, but then again, in the mining company you work for, this happens everyday. Silly me, forgot that detail - again.
That's why I am severely pissed.
Of course, I might have not made all this details clear at first, but then again,
re-read that, which is about 5% of what I've gone through with this supervisor, and please, please think twice before telling me again
this is normal and happens in all companies, all the time.
@Mage and WS, honestly, has anything in that list -ever- happened to you or one of your colleagues?
Out of curiosity.
Patronizing: ok, you might not have restated the -obvious- to anyone who has delt with major companies for the past 8 years
in order to "sound patronizing". You did sound like an old fart giving a lollypop to a whiney kiddie though. But some of the advice was good.
I am *not* whiney, and I am *not* a kid, I am just under tons of pressure on a daily basis. Please keep that in mind
when talking to me, it will help draw the line between advice, judgement, usefulness and silliness.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: London Insane since: Jun 2003
posted 05-03-2006 18:51
Why don't you just leave then?
The company clearly doesn't appreciate your time or expertise, and they won't bend to allow you to study, that's their perogative. If they won't offer you part time, and they can't be flexible with their shifts then the job surely isn't for you?
You'll probably be under a lot less stress too...

Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Rochester, New York, USA Insane since: May 2000
posted 05-03-2006 20:55
For some reason I fail to see how your failure to previously explain your situation clearly a fault of mine or of WebShaman's.
Your first issue. A boss threatening to fire you is something that they are able to do. In the US if my employeer does not wish me to discuss my school schedule while at work they are free to inform me of this, and to threaten termination if I persist and terminate me based upon this.
Being called a liar is in itself not slander as having the trait of being a liar is not criminal (as oposed to theif or traitor). It is also not slander if there is no third party involved as without the third party the recipients reputation is not impaired. It is also posible to use slander justifiably. You boss could claim that it was justified as he was using it as a tool to gain better understanding of the situation. As you have said that your boss does this while others are not around I do not believe that you could claim slander, were this to occur in public this might be actionable but it would be a difficult sell.
As for being threatened to be fired over falicies brought by your brother. The threat of termination over something that might infringe upon the image of the company is not out of order. You would have a slander case against your brother (or libel as it appears it was written). Your brother would be actionable but not your employeer in this case. It might be a little different in your country but I am under the impression that most of the European laws on such things are similar to those of England.
As for being locked in a room. This point is the one you have been the least clear on. Based on the idea that you were forced into a room and locked in there you might have a case that goes above and beyond a civil complain into a criminal case for abuse and kidnapping. You would be able in the US to launch a civil suit against against your employeer for this which you might be awareded damages. Against your manager the case (in the US again) would have to be proved beyond a reasonable doubt (which is not needed for a civil case). At this same time you would need to make sure that there were no circumstances that might be able to turn this against you such as the action being performed "for your own safety." If it comes down to a your word against his word case you might be in a losing position unless you have other proof of the malicious intent of this action and that it happenned.
On the whole Blaise's advice might be worth considering. As skilled and as experienced as you proffer finding a less hostile enviornment to work in should not be difficult.
Were you to explain more in concise details maybe we would all have a better idea where you are coming from but baring your most recent posting they have not been all that illuminating as to what the actualy situation is.
Dan @ Code Town
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: [s]underwater[/s] under-snow in Juneau Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 05-03-2006 23:27
It seems to me that for quite a few years now you are almost always involved in some kind of conflict. Unless you actually enjoy that and thrive under those conditions, I would suggest figuring out why this happens so frequently.
What you are complaining about now is call office politics and it goes on to some degree in each and every workplace. The whole trick to finding a solution to this is to find out what action (or inaction) will get both you and your supervisor what you are both really after. Sometimes what it takes is asking "....so what is it you want from me?" and figuring things out from there.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2005
posted 05-04-2006 17:49
At Mage, quoting myself several days ago:
Either I am really pointing out the issues poorly,
The only other bit I will adress is: laws here are not the same. An employer has the duty of creating a comfortable
environment for psychological and physical needs of the employee, that's the most accurate
translation of the local civil code I can make.
Ponder that and weight it against your arguments. Things seem to differ quite a bit around here.
Why don't you just leave then?
The company clearly doesn't appreciate your time or expertise,
That is very wrong, Blaise.
1) 40 of my direct colleagues appreciate me enough to do all sorts of things, including warm demonstrations of sympathy
during my birthday, and protecting me in written form as issues with my direct supervisor persist.
Let me restate: HE is the problem, not the company, again.
I will never leave because of him.
It seems to me that for quite a few years now you are almost always involved in some kind of conflict.
Sorry to have a mind of my own, you won't appreciate it, but this comment is really biased, judgemental and therefore... silly,
especially when you're wanting to give me lessons about office politics.
And you're quite wrong as well: one good example could be kimson, seemed we had a "huge" argument, even more than that,
several actually, but we still are friends, and this is long lasting stuff.
I have more friends than you can count, and many of them would give theyre own bed to me if I would need it, mommy loves me,
big bro regrets and feels guilt.
The thing with me is I am bright, quite good looking, have a mind of my own and dare to stand against oppression,
and this seems to be the main difference between me and all the people who expressed a judgement in this thread.
This makes me different of the many people who are, in DarkGarden's words, "too polite or otherwise retarded to say the truth",
the whole recipe causes jealousy and clashes, yes, as much as I am not afraid of being committed to my friends.
I am not afraid of being committed to my foes until *they* break.
And they do, all of them, in one way or another.
Lookie, I've told you the blunt truth, and you do feel bad, offended right now. Says more about why I "seem to get in so many conflicts"?
I am handling this the extreme politics way now, with detailed mails and copies allover the place just like he does,
seems to have him calm down, and gets me rewarding mails where my direct colleagues protect my behind by writing
things such as "Mauro has been extremely helpful on this issue", "The responsibility belongs to XXX", "Thanks a lot to Mauro".
That's how the war is progressing: I am playing his game and thanks to the many people who do value my work,
it seems to be working.
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: 100101010011 <-- right about here Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 05-04-2006 18:08
Dear god man. What's the point of this post?
If you think suing your company is the best way to go then do it. I think it's right up there when we bowed to your idiotic demands to remove your posts when you left before under an unfounded threat of legal action. If you don't realize that you have a victim mentality and can't see that there's a reason these travesties probably have some basis in your attitude then they are going to continue to happen to you. Otherwise really there's not much left to say nor room to say it considering the gigantic size of your ego is squeezing out the space in this thread.
.:[ Never resist a perfect moment ]:.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2005
posted 05-04-2006 18:21
I am merely expressing my views, and you're merely insulting and getting judgemental as *usual*.
I could rant a lot about your incapacity at showing one helpful line of code over the years I've seen you casually pop-up
and casually bitch and moan at me, but THAT surely is not the point of this thread.
The implicit agreement about my getting useful is a right to speak my mind and ask for advice: advice, judgement
and insults, again, are three different things: tell that to the adult you should be, I am tired of patting the baby.
I am sorry if I've brushed off your ego in the process of not letting people get wild on judgement instead of meaningful advice.
If you don't feel like discussing intelligently, if you feel like waving some privileges over my right for disagreement over poor advice,
then really, enjoy yourself, and stroke whatever you can: it won't help *anybody* get to a meaningful conclusion,
it may help you vent though.
A coffee would be a better option: my immense, but realistic ego is enjoying one and having fun at seeing you be... as predictable as you
can be, nothing more.
Nothing less.
Would be tough getting lower 
Ah, don't know about the US, and your predictability at waving things I've made amend for quite a bit already right now,
but here, in Switzerland, in court, what is current are acceptable evidences, and what is behind...
Is behind.
But as I said, I don't except you to play fair or display intelligence, got used to the absence of both on your side.
(Edited by _Mauro on 05-04-2006 18:24)
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: 100101010011 <-- right about here Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 05-04-2006 18:37
Yes you're right I know I have a reputation on these boards as someone with little technical knowledge and harsh and unforgiving temperment. My apologies to all I have neglected to help and upon whom dispersions have been cast.
You're completely right you should be able to seek advice upon these boards, moreso you have the inalienable right to both ignore and inpugn those who have attempted to give such advice, as you have done to four people in this current thread. Your openmindedness to the constructive criticism given is a shining example to us all and a beacon of hope in our dismal existences.
.:[ Never resist a perfect moment ]:.
(Edited by bitdamaged on 05-04-2006 18:38)
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2005
posted 05-04-2006 18:39
Ok, this is getting tiredy. I've got as much positivity from this thread as I could by taking the small good bits
to turn them into something constructive.
I've noticed the same people I don't like are still the same people I will not like, for good reasons.
I don't feel I have a victim attitude when asking for advice: I do feel insulted when people express a bias based
on past events towards me.
I do not feel I am behaving like a victim when asking for the same respect my boss grants to collaborators
who do the same work I do.
I do feel shocked at the level of oppression tolerance of many: eeek.
What has happened to having a mind of one's own?
I don't feel Mage's argument make sense or depict my situation, no real blame here, I might not have explained it well enough,
and laws seem deeply different indeed, no argument meant there.
I totally live up to my immense ego, because it is also full of sincerity and it works in real world, and still makes
me a pioneer for some things on the web.
Ask Webshaman about that bit (btw, the CC is now writing bics).
I do not have anything to add, don't mind constructive criticism, will react and sanction idiocy and free insults
with a verbal kick in the rear.
And if you want to speak your mind about this without polluting the forums, brundle [twenty one] AT hotmail dot com
is all ears and eyes: will answer to calm and sensible answers with calm, will treat assholes as they deserve, make your choice.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: there...no..there..... Insane since: May 2001
posted 05-05-2006 00:01
_Mauro said:
make your choice
I'll make a choice to "pollute the forums". You're a freak man. You say your supervisor has "oppressed you" but I have yet to read anything you said that has given me one freakin clue as to how the hell you are being oppressed. Locked in your office? Are you saying that he literally locked you in your office? I doubt that.
Standing up for what you believe in is one thing, over reacting (which you have shown in the past that you can do well) is another. Doesn't sound like you know this so I'll tell ya. When you are employed through a company you are expected to do your work and only your work. Play by the rules as the company sees fit. There are reasons there are rules and there are reasons these rules are put in place.
since we are only hearing one side of the story (and not a real good one at that), it's hard to make any type of comment. But I will.
_Mauro said:
The thing with me is I am bright, quite good looking...
Let's not forget modest. Sheez.
I think I'll let it rest at that for now. I don't want to get sued 
So, give us some details and maybe...just maybe, someone can give better CC. Until then get your panties out of a wad Nancy, sit down and shut the fuck up.

Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Long Island, NY Insane since: Jun 2000
posted 05-05-2006 00:27
you sound like a deaf cracky butt having difficulties at actively reading what I am trying to say.
What the hell is a deaf cracky butt??
Lunatic (VI) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 05-05-2006 08:29
_Mauro, first of all you paraphrase DG here quote: This makes me different of the many people who are, in DarkGarden's words, "too polite or otherwise retarded to say the truth",
the whole recipe causes jealousy and clashes, yes, as much as I am not afraid of being committed to my friends.
The blocked parts are DGs words.
I cannot speak for DG, but I do not think he meant his words in the way that you are understanding them. There is a diffince between being polite instead of rude. Sometimes, being rude does have a purpose. But just being rude without reason, is unnecessary. It just creates friction, resistance, and opposition.
For example, DG would never say
quote: The thing with me is I am bright, quite good looking, have a mind of my own and dare to stand against oppression,
and this seems to be the main difference between me and all the people who expressed a judgement in this thread.
He wouldn't (and doesn't) have to - the thing about being "real", is that one either is it, or one isn't. It isn't something that one says, points to, insists one is, etc. Much like it was pointed out to Neo in the film The Matrix about being the Chosen One - either you are it, or you are not.
I have never witnessed a point where DG has ever said things in that regard to himself.
Second, you lumped being bright, quite good looking and having a mind of your own and dare to stand against oppression together, and then state that this seems to be the main difference between yourself and all of us that have expressed a judgement in this thread. In that sense, you are then insinuating that we are all what? The opposite? Dumb, ugly, weak of mind, and bowing and scrapping to the forces of oppression?
Perhaps you would like to rephrase that? Or is that how you see things?
In any regards, I have been through much worse situations then those that you have posted here. From phyiscal conflicts, to attempts on my life and health, to psychological terror, etc. All of these I have successfully defeated, without having to leave my jobs at the time, or taking them to court.
As I have said before, all part of the day-to-day workings of most office life.
WebShaman | The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities.
- Sophocles
(Edited by WebShaman on 05-05-2006 12:25)
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2005
posted 05-05-2006 11:59
Yeah, you're right, I should really rephrase and rethink my point of view....
Let me find words.
You're an ass, plain and simple.
And you're the same ass who came whining to me about porting some Java app to the web because "nobody was ever able to do it".
You'll get your app.
Because the difference between you and me holds true.
Lunatic (VI) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 05-05-2006 12:43
As you will.
WebShaman | The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities.
- Sophocles
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2005
posted 05-05-2006 13:33
Locked in your office? Are you saying that he literally locked you in your office? I doubt that.
The fact you can't read is fine by me.
The fact you're assessing prejudices and judgement, and discarding my inquiry as bullshit without having read it,
is called being stupid. It is your right.
The fact is, as I said, I called for practical advice, not your poor opinion on wether I say the truth or not.
The fact you're making it vulgar suits you:
So, give us some details and maybe...just maybe, someone can give better CC. Until then get your panties out of a wad Nancy, sit down and shut the fuck up.
The fact you're a useless being is sad for the worms in my backyard, as they always like good food, and you'd sure
make a better job at that than at trying to make sense, trying to help, or sounding clever.
I've quite enjoyed your display of prejudices and total lack of understanding or willingness to help, though, it proves the difference between you and me more than anything else could do.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: London Insane since: Jun 2003
posted 05-05-2006 14:09
Ini, what are going on about? relax...
You started this thread to get advice, people gave it good or bad.
Some of it you didn't like, but there's no need to take out your frustration with your work situation with the people here. Just ignore it and move on, don't play their game if you think they're deliberatly being provocative.

Tyberius Prime
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with FinglongersFrom: Germany Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 05-05-2006 14:13
All right.
Serenity all around.
This thread is being locked - we've accumulated enough unkind words.