Actually, I don't particularly attach any emotional worth to your responses, so no, I haven't been hurt or harmed by anything that you posted, to be truthful.
Be real. Statements like the above and "As for the crowd going "nuts" - actually, you went nuts first." would make my 6 years old nieces laugh for even her can see the strong feelings behing it.
And why are you answering this thread in the 1st place?
I also do not see myself getting between yourself and your goal. I am not sure how many members on this board are familiar with legal matters or the law in your country - but surely it is not many.
Perhaps you should consult with a lawyer.
Are you legally insured?
And now, to quote myself in the above post:
if you don't know, don't talk, if you doubt,
CONGRATS! That's the difference between BIASED judgement and REAL advice.
Having said this before would have spared me a lot of wasted posts and energy.
As you are aware that some people here are likely to take the opportunity
to pour judgement on me, as you may be aware that crowds tend to follow
the general direction of a single person, I hold you 100% responsible of having actively helped
the thread drift by not admitting you had no precise answer in first place.
But making mistakes or having no answer is no crime by me, as long as you have the balls
to admit them and draw consequences.
--> to shed some more light on other events in that thread:
When I mention differences between me and guys like you, I am talking about these
kinds of "show and prove" or patronizing behaviors.
Why can't you just assume that a mere statement on MY side is just a mere statement?
Things like "I am a deluxe consultant" is what I am, in the same vein as "I am a cook" if I was
a cook, NOT as "I am a better professional you could ever be".
It just means my job, mindset and set of competencies is to give priceless IT advice, paid a fortune on a daily basis.
How do I assess facts like that without coming across as arogant?
It's exactly the same blame I put on Hugh during our recent clash btw:
"I've asked the lambs to just give me some calm to let me get the plan started".
DL-44 showed why this was well, well deserved on my side: absence of "I'd prefer doing it
this or that way" and the likes in the early stages of planning.
How did DL backup my point? He proposed something that made perfect sense
to a human being, and I spent time considering it, but in the end, it didn't apply
and would not work, would maybe help though.
Large-scale applications should be planned perfectly at first using strict methodology: emotions and assumptions and "tremendous ideas" that do not belong in that methodology should
by ALL MEANS be discarded first.
Crowds tend to follow the initiator of a movement.
Hugh's first response in that case was arguing on the engineering approach, therefore initiating the controversy.
A mod-bot like mine would be a gem once fine tuned, I shouldn't even "have" to prove it to anyone, I am "offering" doing it, a clever reaction would be to put all the energy you can
in helping me doing it.
The time spent answering Hugh, and the ten posters who'd had followed, and getting emotional,
and philoso-debating the why's and how's of AI...
All that total waste of time risked to have me divert from the original goal,
to have me have to implement ideas that don't make sense just for the sake of proving
they don't make sense, and to l-o-s-e m-y f-o-c-u-s.
Applications development is like building cathedrals nowadays: I can't afford drifting or risking to drift, and I can afford it twice less given the fact the Asylum is not likely to really help me implement ideas like that (prove me wrong on this one: check my request in the Mad-Sci forums, please, I am already wasting time working on html copies instead of the real thing - it can be finished over the weekend if somebody gives me a real hand as requested there), and that *wild* comments and *original development methods*
are just likely to kill the effort altogether.
Then again, this whole stuff doesn't entitle me to treat you like a cunt, I took liberties myself
on this. And I don't regret it, as long as the movement leads to something
good for the whole of us.