might be cool... if a white square on black bg in Safari is considered cool & professional from a company like that
{cell 260}{Blog}
-{" Computer:
?As a Quantum Supercomputer I take advantage of Zeno?s paradox?
C: ?Imagine a photon that must travel from A to B. The photon travels half the distance to B. From its new location it travels half the new distance. And again, it travels half that new distance.?
C: ?It continually works to get to B but it never arrives.?
Human: ?So you keep getting closer to finishing your task but never actually do??
C: ?Hey, coders make a living doing that??
It's a great idea for a portfolio, it's clever how it works out what pictures to put in what areas of colour, I wonder if there's some flash algorythm he used for that.
Don't want to spoil the fun, but it's ooooold.
"Some flash algorithm"... an algorithm is the minimal set of actions required to perform a given task, and is meant to be platform independent.
So there's no such thing as a Flash algorithm. In this case, the algorithm is bitmap based, no vector graphics involved,
so Flash wasn't a requirement at all to do it (it could be ported to dhtml even, or php/gd).
The first time I saw this, it was in a Royksop video, then in "VS", a demo by an excellent demo group Aikarele (shameless plug). http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=7145
Released in August 2002.
August 2002.
...Ack. Shockwave. "bites tongue to avoid saying the truth about Shockwave in this thread".
Still, it's old, and the Royskopp and Aikarele versions are 100 times more thrilling and entertaining, they rotate,
they whirl, they do loads of stuff this doesn't, plus Aikarele managed to pack hundreds of photographs in 64k,
making it a true technical exploit.
And the fact that you've seen it before in Java somehow makes it less cool for those who haven't seen it before and wouldn't know it from a bar of soap?
Oh, common, don't whine, I'll get you a lollypop and a pack of world cup stickers.
More seriously, ever happened to feel, and say something like "recycled"? It's just hard to hold inside when you notice.
You know, kinda like... speaking my m-i-n-d.
In addition, I have a "relationship of some sort" to Aikarele, which makes for the little additional pinch to the heart.
And my post gives people a chance to see other occurences of the same effect.
If I really wanted to spoil the fun.... nah, forget about that.
*bump*ing this for the hell of it.
Because it -is- cool, still, and mostly, because other concepts on that site are really cool too (and I didn't see those ones before).
And, about the front menu at interact10ways.com ...
can't help it you know, as a demo lover there are forms of contemporary art I love ...
well, the front menu is "heavily inspired" on Designers Republic,
theyre website, and theyre early works on Wipeout. 1999.
All in all, the 9 other way to interact shown there really are worth a couple of clicks.