Glad to know I'm not the only one who can't figure out what all the fuss is about... if I didn't have the internet, I never would have given it a second thought. Or even a first thought, for that matter.
Am I missing something or does 06-07-06 only comes once a century too? .:[ Never resist a perfect moment ]:.
Get ready to have your minds blown, everyone--every date only comes once a century!
In fact, if you think about it, chances are good that most every date you experience will be the only instance of that date you will see in your entire life (unless you live to be over a hundred years old, of course).
From: Darwin, NT, Australia Insane since: Dec 2003
posted 06-08-2006 10:13
Aaaaaaaaaaha...... I must live under a log..... a little Googling reveals that SIX is the magic number ! Devils and all that Clean over the top of this ol' head!
In fact, if you think about it, chances are good that most every date you experience will be the only instance of that date you will see in your entire life (unless you live to be over a hundred years old, of course)
Well, let's get realistic: every single date that occurs will always be the only occurance of that actual date, ever, period.
If we fuck around with the way we abreviate the dates, then we can make any number of ridiculous corrolations that mean nothing...but all dates still only happen once....
If we fuck around with the way we abreviate the dates, then we can make any number of ridiculous corrolations that mean nothing...but all dates still only happen once....
Except for that guy from Quantum Leap of course ...
I had a professor that was a total nerd. Back in '99 he was all sorts of excited because we had 9-9-99 and then he had mapped out all the "interesting" dates for the next (I forget how many) years. 01-01-01, 01-02-03, 02-02-02, etc. I think he had it figured out that the dates would all be the same for the next 12 years as far as the 010101, 020202, 030303, through to 121212. Then you hit 2013 and run out of months.
Anyway, he was a total nerd but everytime one of those dates come up I think of him giddy as a school girl.
Well, let's get realistic: every single date that occurs will always be the only occurance of that actual date, ever, period.If we fuck around with the way we abreviate the dates, then we can make any number of ridiculous corrolations that mean nothing...but all dates still only happen once....
Well, yeah. I was just going with the xx-xx-xx format. It's kind of ridiculous to fetishize certain date combinations, no matter which way you slice it.