I dont know if you guys have came across this documentary b4.....
But to say the least am totally shocked.
The way the facts have been laid down...am more inclined to believe the Documentary...Could it be?....noooo...is it possible to lie to the entire world...
and for what benefits....is it all abt Oil/Energy.....
If it is then there is something very very a miss..that is not being revealed to the public
Could it be?....noooo...is it possible to lie to the entire world...and for what benefits....is it all abt Oil/Energy.....If it is then there is something very very a miss..that is not being revealed to the public
Not sure what this documentary is, but....this is what most of the world has been saying all along anyway....nothing new or surprising, and nothing the public is not at least partialyl aware of....
From: Underneath a mountain of blankets. Insane since: Jan 2007
posted 02-09-2007 14:20
You mean... ...an Inconvenient Truth?
Whatever the documentary, it's probably safe to say that it didn't tell you the complete truth. Because if it told you the complete truth, you might not believe it.
rukuartic@halflght:~/$ whatis life
life: nothing appropriate.
From: Rochester, New York, USA Insane since: May 2000
posted 02-12-2007 15:04
The free fall of the towers, building 7 collapsing, and the lack of plain debris at the pentagon is very interesting. It does leave a lot of questions needing to be answered.
One counter was that I thought all of the WTC rubble was taken to Staten Island and indexed, I did not think that it was destroyed.
You can download Painful Deceptions at this site, along with a ton of other full length all in avi/divx format: http://nw0.info/?p=Documentaries/
Highly Recommended: 911 Mysteries - Focuses primarily on the collapses of WTC1/2/7.
On a related note, be sure to check out America Freedom to Fascism (banking, federal reserve system, IRS), the Corporation, and Iraq for Sale (war profiteering). They do kind of all go together in helping shape an understanding of all the facets of the dilemma we currently face.
Been studying this a little over 18 months now, and all I can say is that we have surely been lied to. The rest is up to each individual to research and decide.