I'll be interested to see how the interesting results from this interesting documentary interest people into having greater interest in the propagation of un-interesting dogma.
From: The Land of one Headlight on. Insane since: May 2001
posted 02-26-2007 23:22
~Rim shot~
"I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying that I approved of it." Mark Twain
quote:But film-makers Cameron and Jacobovici claim to have amassed evidence through DNA tests, archeological evidence and Biblical studies, that the 10 coffins belong to Jesus and his family.
I'm glad they got his DNA - now we can clone Jesus. Did they get the DNA from the 3 wisemen too? If so, we can clone the whole gang and reenact the manger scene.
Great news.
I'm glad they got his DNA - now we can clone Jesus.
Heck yes! would he have that divine spark tho? I think not, those of ye with a BA in divine spark will back me up I'm sure. Nice daydream fodder tho I must say. 9 of 10 theologians would agree that if you're gonna clone somebody, gotta be Jesus
quote: Jestah and tvItch said:
James Cameron destroys religion and un-interesting dogma?
quote:Others have claimed that if the remains do turn out to be of Jesus Christ then 1/3rd of the global population is going to end up looking rather stupid.
That doesn't really depend on what the remains turn out to be, does it?
Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.
If he's not a dragon but also didn't ascend into heaven (given the presence of his bones here on earth, don't you know) we all agree to stop worshipping him, but will clone him for awesome wrestling fights.
If he is a dragon, we still clone him for wrestling matches, but we must then all agree to worship him, but not in the pussy guilty way that people do presently. We'll steal many of our ideas from those fabulous southern black Baptist churches with the gospel singing. Also some from Medieval Europe, where we start a plague and then disenfranchise our new faith because a good god would never do bad things, but then we'd get a bigger flock because omfg our god is a fucking dragon.
I'm pretty sure you guys don't care for Jesus or wrestling so the coffee diagnosis is probably spot on. That and you're sarcasm is so finely practiced that you probably make children cry on a regular basis without even trying. Black Baptist church ahoy! Right in me own kitchen.
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 03-02-2007 10:16
And then he could raise Anna Nicole Smith from the dead as the Wh**e of Babylon, and Old Nick would appear and bust down the rows giving a long tirade on the mic!
"Let's get ready to rrrruuuuuummmmmbbbbllllleeee!"
I'd tune in...
WebShaman | The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities.
- Sophocles