![]() Topic awaiting preservation: loading images from a folder (Page 1 of 1) |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: London |
![]() Hi there, |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: cell 3736 |
![]() Should be very easy in any language but I used PHP... code: /* Function directory($directory,$filters) reads the content of $directory, takes the files that apply to $filter and returns an array of the filenames. You can specify which files to read, for example $files = directory(".","jpg,gif"); gets all jpg and gif files in this directory. $files = directory(".","all"); gets all files.*/ function directory($dir,$filters){ $handle=opendir($dir); $files=array(); if ($filters == "all"){ while(($file = readdir($handle))!==false){ $files[] = $file; } } if ($filters != "all") { $filters=explode(",",$filters); while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false){ for ($f=0;$f<sizeof($filters);$f++): $system=explode(".",$file); if ($system[1] == $filters[$f]){ $files[] = $file; } endfor; } } closedir($handle); return $files; }
code: $folder = "gallery/"; $handle = opendir($folder); while(($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) { if($file != "." && $file != "..") { echo ($file."</br>"); } }
code: <? $folder = "gallery/"; $handle = opendir($folder); while(($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) { if($file != "." && $file != "..") { echo ("<img src=\"".$folder.$file."\"></br>"); } } ?>
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: London |
![]() Wow it can be really simple, this is what I came up with last night, the only thing I need to do on it now is make sure the file names all have the prefix 'thumb_', I don't want the thumbnails generated dynamically as they may not look right. code: <?php $folder = "images/"; // The folder containing the images. $list = array(); // This will hold data for the images found. $valid = array("jpg", "jpeg"); // Images that Flash can load. // Open the folder and read the files. $dir = opendir($folder); while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { // Make sure the file is an actual file. if (is_file($folder . $file)) { // Check for valid file extensions. if (hasValidExtension($file)) { // Get the image info. // $info->name = $file; // Add the info to the list array. $list[] = $file; } } } // Close the directory. closedir($dir); // Check to make sure a file has a valid extension. function hasValidExtension($file) { global $valid; $dot = strrpos($file, "."); if ($dot === false) { return false; } $ext = substr($file, $dot+1, 4); foreach ($valid as $value) { if ($ext == $value) { return true; } } return false; } ?>
code: <?php echo "<ul>\n"; foreach ($list as $image) { echo "\t<li><img src=\"images/{$image}\" /></li>\n"; } echo "</ul>"; ?>
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: cell 3736 |
![]() Looks like the first code block does exactly what the "function directory($dir,$filters)" snippet did. code: <?php import("library.php"); $folder = "images/"; // The folder containing the images. $valid = "jpg,jpeg"; // Images that Flash can load. $list = directory($folder, $valid); // This will hold data for the images found. echo ("<ul>\n"); foreach ($list as $image) { echo "\t<li><img src=\"images/{$image}\" /></li>\n"; } ?> </ul>
code: <ul> <?php foreach ($list as $image) { echo "\t<li><img src=\"images/{$image}\" /></li>\n"; } ?> </ul>
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: A graveyard of dreams |
![]() The glob function is another option to use if you don't want to write your own directory listing function. code: $list = glob($folder."thumb_*.jp{,e}g", GLOB_BRACE);
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: London |
![]() This is all good stuff, cheers. |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: cell 3736 |
Maniac (V) Mad Librarian From: Seoul, Korea |
![]() Holy crap... it's Veneficuz! Long time no see! |