My quest on Pi in trying to get a piece of the pie continues............then I came across this.
This proved that my initial observations were is impossible for the human mind to comprehend a circle 
I might as well have myself a Pi...opps Pie 
Document Alpha
Does God Exist?
Examine the Evidence and Decide for Yourself
See: Document Alpha: Expanded Highlights of the Evidence
Written by
Vasilios Gardiakos
"Humans have written countless research papers about pi. The fascination with pi may be a universal phenomena. It is conceivable that mathematicians on other worlds beyond earth have done likewise. They may have also noticed the oddities in pi and wondered why. They may have pressed on and discovered the pi message.
The 3-4-5 (pi = 3.141592653...) Pythagorean triplet is special because it is the simplest and most easily recognizable constant. It seems reasonable that God inserted 3, 4 and 5 in the first five digits of pi so that we would spot it and perhaps wonder why this oddity exists in pi.
Besides the 3-4-5 that is visible very early in pi there are many more oddities which are covered in Document A so the chance occurrence argument is not only weakened but I should say destroyed. More strange is that in pi, (3.1 41 59...) 31, 41 and 59 are primes. What a coincidence? In pi 314159 is a prime and so is the mirror image, 951413. Coincidence or was these oddities included right at the very start of pi so that we will notice them. Strangely, 31, 41 and 59 can be used to generate prime numbers. Can this also be a coincidence?
For eons the search for the evidence for the existence of God has not produced any proof. Finally the scientific evidence in Document A proves that God exists. His existence is not the existence of a religious God but the Pythagorean God. There are two reasons I call Him the Pythagorean God. The first reason is that God gave Pythagoras recognition by inserting the 3-4-5 Pythagorean triplet at the very start of pi. The second reason is that Pythagoras had somehow figured out that God is a master mathematician. It is this mutual acknowledgement that makes this so compelling. Perhaps we should more carefully re-examine Pythagoras and his philosophy."
Time, space and energy are all numbers. Our minds, our thoughts, our sentience is all number. As Pythagoras said God is a Mathematician and in fact God is Number. Pythagoras thought numbers were divine, an expression of God?s mind. All of existence is number. "
~Sig coming soon~