+++we have a new ranking system...see Our Ranking System +++
There are 2 sets of rank.
Those based on post count:
starting rank - Neurotic
31 - Maniac
61 - Lunatic
and those based on responsibilities:
+Mad Librarians- who are moderators (they can edit, move, open/close and archive threads, and clean up the sink).
-Psychotics - who are forum moderators (they can edit, move, open/close threads).
Mad Scientists - who are roaming site moderators (with the same powers as Psychotics but they can use them in any forum).
Relevant threads:
The Asylum hierarchy
User Status Question.
There's something wrong about rankings... - no good answer but a fun thread anyway
Could ya be a little more clear on what the rankings are like how many posts you need to obtain a certain rank, I mean ranking?
(Added by: Emperor on Wed 20-Nov-2002)
(Edited by: Emperor on Wed 20-Nov-2002)
(Edited by: kuckus on Thu 21-Nov-2002)
(Edited by: Maskkkk on Wed 16-Apr-2003)
(Edited by: Emperor on Sat 10-May-2003)
(Edited by: Michael on Sat 10-May-2003)
(Edited by: Emperor on Sun 18-May-2003)
(Edited by mas on 07-28-2004 07:59)
(Edited by Alevice on 07-28-2004 18:16)
+(Edited by Tyberius Prime on 01-15-2009 09:56)