Perfect Thunder
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Milwaukee Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 04-22-2003 23:41
Okay, Easter is safely behind us -- hope everyone had a good time. I've made some updates to the Dragonhunt site, particularly in making the Ozone page accessible from the main menu, and finally adding a "dates" page under Setting. I've also got the logs up to date, so if you need a refresher on Dannyl's investigation, there you go. It's a whopper, though, so make time to read it.
Are we lucky enough to have everyone on board for this weekend? Suho, I read about the loss of your grandfather -- I can sympathize, I've lost a few as well -- so if you can't make it I'll understand.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 04-23-2003 01:28
Ah, I guess my site has a larger readership than I thought...
I appreciate the consideration, but I think I'll be OK. I don't see how skipping a gaming session--something I enjoy--is going to make me feel any better, so, as far as I know, I'll be able to make it this weekend.
Hmm... I wonder if that doesn't sound too callous. Well, I can't think of any other way to explain it...
Perfect Thunder
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Milwaukee Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 04-24-2003 22:52
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: outside Augusta National Insane since: Nov 2001
posted 04-25-2003 18:59
Sorry to hear about your grandfather Suho.
I can make it this weekend, what time?
Perfect Thunder
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Milwaukee Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 04-25-2003 19:43
Well, I'm going to be out from 0100 to 0500 GMT Saturday (Friday night for me), but any time after that (including the rest of the weekend) is fine with me. Skaarjj and WebShaman?
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 04-25-2003 19:58
I got a real mean head cold...sorry. And on Sunday is a birthday party for my nephew...and I'm supposed to bring my daughter...just hope this god-damned cold is gone, before then...grrrr!
Perfect Thunder
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Milwaukee Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 04-25-2003 20:21
Well, if Skaarjj is able to play, then we'll be able to finish up Chapter 1; WS, I hope you get well soon.
I'm officially opening up the campaign to new characters, since we haven't really had much luck getting the original four all together in one place. WarMage, you were interested in playing; and I just got an email from CPrompt; if anyone else is interested in joining the game, just pop me an email.
I've decided to modify my approach to characters a bit. The four original characters were meant to be major characters in the campaign, where each one is the center of some major plot mojo. But I'm thinking that instead, people should look at how much time they have to play, and how regularly they'll be able to make it, and then decide whether they want to be major or minor characters. I can do either; the major characters will have more interesting lives, but will also be required to play in more sessions.
I guess the difference between a major and a minor character is that a major character would have to be in most of the sessions, whereas a minor character would have a lot more freedom to come and go.
Right now, Suho's and Skaarjj's characters are important to the big overall plot; they'd be major characters. Tikigod and WebShaman both have interesting things in their futures, things I don't want to give up, but the characters aren't completely essential to the direction of the game. With a few minor tweaks to the storyline, Tiki and WS would be more free to play when they feel like it, instead of getting nagged every couple of weeks. (And, just as important, the game could go on even if WS or Tiki can't make it.) Are you two amenable to that? Or would you rather remain "major" characters, accepting the scheduling commitment that goes with that?
[This message has been edited by Perfect Thunder (edited 04-25-2003).]
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 04-26-2003 02:41
OK, so it looks like we're waiting on news from Skaarjj. I'll be honest with you guys, my schedule these days is ridiculous. I've got four presentations (a report on my translation project, two presentations for my classes, and another presentation that I have to give at the next meeting of the Society of Korean Oral Literature) that are coming due one after the other, starting at the end of this month and spaced about one week apart each. I'm having a hard enough time just keeping my head above water.
Now, this does not mean that I will not have time to play, because I figure I can spare a few hours here and there (things aren't that ridiculous yet). However, I can't afford to keep time slots open if I don't know for sure that we're going to play. Anyway, to cut to the chase, if we don't here from Skaarjj in the next hour or so, I'm going to have to pull out of this session as well. I'm really sorry about that, but I just can't afford to make last minute scheduling changes.
[Edit: OK, guys, sorry to have to say this, but it doesn't look like we're going to hear from Skaarjj (and he's not on Q). Maybe next weekend, huh?]
[This message has been edited by Suho1004 (edited 04-26-2003).]
Perfect Thunder
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Milwaukee Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 04-26-2003 04:23
You're entirely in the right, so don't feel like you're bailing out on us. A well-mannered game session would have acquired buy-in from all comers days ago. Sorry, gentlemen.
(And yes, without Skaarjj, this particular chapter can't go on.)
[This message has been edited by Perfect Thunder (edited 04-26-2003).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: outside Augusta National Insane since: Nov 2001
posted 04-26-2003 06:58
NP Suho,I understand I'm in the same position. We'll just have to plan
better next time. Well, it's 1 a.m. so I'm going to crash.
p.s. I haven't seen Skaarjj on the Q for the last week maybe he's away. Also I won't be available in 2 weeks(My wifes birthday).
-tiki, cell 478
Perfect Thunder
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Milwaukee Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 04-30-2003 03:32
Okay, I suspect that Skaarjj will be back with the turning of the month, so I'm renewing the call to battle. Anyone willing to make (very) tentative plans to play this weekend, if all goes well? If Skaarjj doesn't pop up by Thursday, of course, everything will be back off, so don't cancel any appointments for me or anything.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 04-30-2003 04:01
OK, I'll toss it out there again: I will be available to play this weekend. In fact, I have no plans to go anywhere anyway, so if we don't play I will just use that time to work on my presentation for the academic society.
I really hope we can get together this time. I really need to do something fun. I've been a wreck lately--way too much stress.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: :morF Insane since: May 2000
posted 04-30-2003 10:38
Sorry, Skaarjj will not be back with the turning of the month...Skaarjj has been forced to cancel his internet connection...so if he can convince one of his friends ogie or luxo_jr to let him install OpenRPG on his computer then he can player in a week or so...sorry, but not before that.
Perfect Thunder
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Milwaukee Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 04-30-2003 11:01
Hmm... will Skaarjj be getting a new internet connection in the future? Or is Skaarjj gone for good?
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: :morF Insane since: May 2000
posted 05-01-2003 13:13
Skaarjj isn't gone for good...Skaarjj would go crazy if that was the case...
But Skaarjj will not have a new internet connection till Skaarjj and Skaarjj's dad manage to pay off the bills from this current connection.
I'll see if I can manage to get OpenRPG installed somewhere else and play...the time will have to be altered a bit so that we are playing in the middle of the night at someone else's place. We also won't be able to play more than a couple of hours...is that acceptable?
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 05-01-2003 14:59
OK, then... I'm going to assume that we're not going to be able to play Saturday. I've got a ton of work to do, and I need to budget my time wisely...
Perfect Thunder
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Milwaukee Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 05-01-2003 15:00
Hmm... after all the investigation, I wanted to have enough fun for the rest of the party, so my plan is "investigate (blow up) Greenbriar Manor, get vital clues, solve mystery, track down perpetrator while dealing with unexpected dangers." We could probably do everything up to the first comma in a couple of hours. But I guess I'd rather wait until we're able to schedule things further in advance. After all, we've got logs archived to get us back up to speed... it's a bit depressing, yes, but I'd rather try to get the entire party together only when there's time to do it properly.
Suho, you're going to be around during the weekend on your own, though, and you said you're looking to have some fun -- I've been planning to run an interlude adventure for you to get you a little further into your character, and to help us both get used to some of the more unique game concepts. The events of the mini-adventure could take place a few months before Chapter 1, thus acting as a bit of historical background to your current situation. Care to play? Suggest a time; then anyone who's reading this will be welcome to drop in and take over an NPC or something.
edit: Doh, somehow overlooked your most recent message. Obviously, if you've got work to do, that takes precedence (and given my own schedule, I might not be up past zero GMT Friday/Saturday anyway).
[This message has been edited by Perfect Thunder (edited 05-01-2003).]