Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-17-2003 05:30
I wanted to know how to write the word "destruction" in Japanese characters for my art project. Thanks in advance.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 06-17-2003 05:37
Pronounced hakai in Japanese, pagoe in Korean, and pohuai in Chinese.
(I'm assuming that you have the proper fonts installed on your system to see that... if you don't, let me know and I'll send it to you as a graphic.)
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-17-2003 05:40
could you please send it to me as a graphic? so I could print out a copy?
I couldn't even see it, I think this computer doesn't have the translation feature, the language barrier is on.
[This message has been edited by Yannah (edited 06-17-2003).]
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 06-17-2003 06:37
quote: the language barrier is on
That is classic. 
I sent a .PSD file to your e-mail.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Vancouver, WA Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 06-17-2003 08:14
Suho, what is a .PSD and how do I open it?
[This message has been edited by counterfeitbacon (edited 06-17-2003).]
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 06-17-2003 10:00
Um, what?
Are you relaying a message for Yannah or something? What exactly is going on?
Anyway... a .PSD file is a PhotoShop Document, and you open it with PhotoShop.
I'm still pretty confused as to what is going on here.
[This message has been edited by Suho1004 (edited 06-17-2003).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Vancouver, WA Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 06-17-2003 10:42
I was being sarcastic. Except, it wasn't very good sarcasm, because I'm not very good at being sarcastic. I was poking fun at Yannah. Sorry.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 06-17-2003 11:44
Ah... um, OK. Well, I'm glad that has been cleared up, at any rate.
[Edit: Also, I'm not sure if that would qualify as sarcasm. I think that was more along the lines of mockery...]
[This message has been edited by Suho1004 (edited 06-17-2003).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-18-2003 00:34
hey, counterfeitbacon, could you please stop mocking me?
well, I still couldn't open it from my email 'cos I'm using the computer at my school. I'll go find another wait...
Gilbert Nolander
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Washington DC Insane since: May 2002
posted 06-18-2003 01:02
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-18-2003 02:29
hey Suho!
could you please send it as .jpg file? These computers at school doesn't read .psd. Thanks.
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
From: Insane since: May 2003
posted 06-18-2003 03:36
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-18-2003 03:54
shut up whoever you are.
I'ma open the net at home after school. I'll try, I might be busy working on my site ^-^
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 06-18-2003 04:29
Yannah: I'll send it as a .gif, which the school computers should be able to read. Hope it's not too late.
[Edit: File away...]
[This message has been edited by Suho1004 (edited 06-18-2003).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-18-2003 04:41
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-18-2003 05:12
it doesn't look like Japanese to me. How come?
are you sure it is Japanese?
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: KC, KS Insane since: Nov 2002
posted 06-18-2003 05:19
Dude, I think he'd probably know how to frickin' write something in Japanese.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-18-2003 05:20
well, I didn't know because the pic. looks like written in chinese. LOL
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: NZ Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-18-2003 05:39
Hi, Yannah. Suho's answer is right.
Japanese use three types of character which is Hiragana, Katakana, and Chinese.
Suho's answer is right. It is using chinese character though.
If you want to know how to write in Hiragana, I can send it too you.
Hiroki Kozai
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-18-2003 05:57
please do so, please I need to print it out now.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Cell 666 Insane since: Mar 2002
posted 06-18-2003 06:05
Hi Yannah! As always thanks for being ungrateful and ANNOYING as all hell!
Suho did you a nice favor, despite your obvious lack of respect and BRAINS and then you tell him it "doesn't look Japanese", based on your vast knowledge I'm sure.
Tell me, how would you be able to know what's what if you don't know the languages in the first place?
I grow tired of your insolence and because of people like you I visit here less and less everyday... Thanks for being part of ruining a good thing.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-18-2003 06:16
I know that synax, In fact I already thanked him. K? So, why not just listen to me.
I'm just making sure that it is in major japanese language, because I'm doing it for my art project. And I know that I have explained what's the use of this thread. I wanted to pass my subject, is that so hard to understand? Why not stop being such an ass and maybe just maybe we'll learn how to get to know each other. J.K.
Hiroki told me that it is in chinese character so I'm getting his help too.
I'm greatful that SOMEBODY can actually help me with this.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 06-18-2003 06:24
OK, reading synax's response has been a nice vicarious experience, allowing me to remain calm. Thank you, synax. 
Yannah: As Hiroki explained, Japanese uses three different writing systems (four, actually, if you count romaji). Most words in Japanese (especially nouns), though, are written in kanji (Chinese characters). If you asked a Japanese to write the word "destruction," he/she would most likely use the kanji, not the hiragana. When I was learning Japanese, we used hiragana all the time. Then I actually went to Japan and discovered that practically everything is written in kanji. I'm pretty sure Hiroki can back me up on this.
Anyway, what I sent you is authentic. If you want the hiragana characters, perhaps Hiroki will oblige you. Personally, I think kanji have a certain grace and beauty that work well in design. It's up to you, though.
Also, a telling comment:
quote: well, I didn't know because the pic. looks like written in chinese
To you it's a picture. To Hiroki and I (and others here), it is a word, and carries with it all the power of language. If you are going to use language in design, you need to understand that it is language, and not a picture. It does make a difference.
Anyway, I hope everything works out for you. I've got things I need to take care of, so you'll excuse me if I drop out of the discussion.
[Edit: Yannah snuck in a reply there while I was typing...
quote: I'm just making sure that it is in major japanese language
Yannah, I'm not sure if you are going to understand this, but what I sent you is Japanese. What Hiroki meant was not that it is written in Chinese, but that the Japanese use Chinese characters as well--as do the Koreans. It doesn't necessarily mean that it is Chinese. Ah, this probably isn't going to make any sense to you. It tried to explain it above, and if that doesn't help, I don't really know what else to say...
To sum up, I would advise you to use what I sent you, because that is what the Japanese would write...]
[This message has been edited by Suho1004 (edited 06-18-2003).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-18-2003 06:59
it does make sense a lot. Thanks I'll go paint the words in my canvas tommorow.
Rameses Niblik the Third
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: From:From: Insane since: Aug 2001
posted 06-18-2003 14:54
quote: Japanese use three types of character which is Hiragana, Katakana, and Chinese.
Actually, the third writing type is known as Kanji.
Yannah, good luck with your project.
Yannahismyhero, shut up and go away.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: NZ Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-18-2003 23:18
Hi, guys. How are ya?
I am very surprised a lot of people know Japanese well.
Hey, Suho! Have you studies Japanese? And have you been to Japan?
Which part????
BTW, Yannah! I have sent word document including screen shot of destruction.
Probably you can see it as print screen is on the document as grafic. And I think you have MS word on your machine, don't you.
I wrote three different ways of expressing destruction.
If you need any further help, let me know.
All right. Cya, guys.
Have a good day.
Hiroki Kozai
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-19-2003 00:35
could you send it as .gif?
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: NZ Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-19-2003 00:45
Cannot you see it???
All right.
I will do that for you after lunch.
Hiroki Kozai
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-19-2003 00:46
thanks a lot.
wait...after lunch? but that's 6 or 5 hours to go on NZ right?
[This message has been edited by Yannah (edited 06-19-2003).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: NZ Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-19-2003 02:49
Hi, Yannah.
Please see destruction in Japanese..
I uploaded for everybody who might be interested in.
Hiroki Kozai
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: NZ Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-19-2003 02:51
Hi, Yannah.
I have done that. Please check your emial.
Hiroki Kozai
[This message has been edited by Hiroki (edited 06-19-2003).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-19-2003 02:54
the link isn't working
quote: HTTP1.1 STATUS 403 Remote Access to this object forbidden This file cannot be directly accessed from a remote site, but must be linked through the Brinkster Member's site.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Brisbane, Australia Insane since: Apr 2001
posted 06-19-2003 03:04
If you click and drag the link your your address bar it will work just fine.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-19-2003 03:13
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: The Lair Insane since: Apr 2003
posted 06-19-2003 03:36
bah nothing here
[This message has been edited by asptamer (edited 06-19-2003).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: NZ Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-19-2003 03:59
Hi, guys. As you know, I am having hard time to upload jsut gif file.
I uploaded but I can only see from inside of the brinkter account.
I mean if I posted here as link, I cannot see.
I don't why.
Anyway, I sent it to you, Yannah.
Have you seen that?
Hiroki Kozai
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: NZ Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-19-2003 04:09
Hi, Dracusis. It worked on your way.
I could see it.
Thanks a lot.
Hiroki Kozai
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-19-2003 05:39
yeah I seen it. thanks a lot.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 06-19-2003 05:48
Hiroki: Yup, I studied Japanese in university. My original plan was actually to go to Japan, but I got kind of side-tracked and ended up staying here. I did visit Japan for a week in '95--I stayed with friends in Tokyo and Yokohama. A typhoon came in for half of the time I was there, though, so we ended up spending those few days just sitting around and drinking sake. I could think of worse ways to spend my time, though.
I definitely want to go back someday, but I would want to brush up on my Japanese before doing so. It's gotten a bit rusty.
[Edit: Also, I looked at the image you posted, and would I be correct in saying that hakai would not normally be written in katakana?]
[This message has been edited by Suho1004 (edited 06-19-2003).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: NZ Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 06-19-2003 06:43
Hi, Suho. I would say yes, you are right.
Generally speaking, only when I write some words inported from overseas, Katakana will be used. For example, English word table, we pronounce like English way. So peple use Katakana. Make sense?
Actually how many languages have you learned so far?
I'd love to study Spanish for my next one.
Hiroki Kozai