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Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: the bigger bedroom
Insane since: Oct 2000

posted posted 09-17-2003 08:03

well, i've been reading, but not posting too much.

so, i'm going to give you guys a 5-second update of what i've been up to, and anyone else who want to do similar, well, here's a thread for that!

- graduated this year, and work in an insurance company as a java programmer.
- i'm now engaged, to be married at the end of next year.
- last week i had that laser eye operation thing, now i'm glasses free with 20/20 vision.

yeah, that's about it.



Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist

From: the Psychiatric Ward
Insane since: Sep 2000

posted posted 09-17-2003 08:10

- I am quite tired as of .... mmm... when i awoke this morning.
- I just started and finished reading "So Long, and thanks for all the fish"
- I mmmm.... mmmmm..... I think my time is up.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Vancouver, WA
Insane since: Apr 2002

posted posted 09-17-2003 08:29

5 seconds eh?

I've been writing essays on various boring peices of text for AP American Lit.
I've been writing essays on various boring peives of text for AP U.S. History
I've been writing essays on various boring peices of text for Chemistry
I've been spending way too much time playing Neverwinter Nights.
I just started reading Walden and Civil Disobediance for school.
I just started reading 5 chapters of textbook for school, which I have a text over tommorow.

[This message has been edited by counterfeitbacon (edited 09-17-2003).]

Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist

From: Somewhere over the rainbow
Insane since: Mar 2001

posted posted 09-17-2003 08:45

The poster has demanded we remove all his contributions, less he takes legal action.
We have done so.
Now Tyberius Prime expects him to start complaining that we removed his 'free speech' since this message will replace all of his posts, past and future.
Don't follow his example - seek real life help first.

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: Charles River
Insane since: May 2002

posted posted 09-17-2003 08:58

- just restarted my courses here in the USA - the three left are the most difficult
- less than a year to go, before it's time to go back to my Brazilian reality
- been having headaches more than usual lately, and it pisses me off
- but I never get tired of my wife and my two cute daughters

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: The Soft Cell
Insane since: Nov 2001

posted posted 09-17-2003 10:11

Got married
Got new computer
Getting divorced
Got new girlfriend

~We're not here for long, we're here for fun~

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: The Demented Side of the Fence
Insane since: Aug 2000

posted posted 09-17-2003 12:16

Got to university (industrial design)
Still have no social life to speak of.

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: Cell 666
Insane since: Mar 2002

posted posted 09-17-2003 14:00

+ I'm back in school for my 3rd year (computer science)
+ This means I have less time for friends, general carousing and sex
+ Not much else...

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: the space between us
Insane since: Sep 2002

posted posted 09-17-2003 16:55
  • back in school for mah 4th year in international economy
  • got a new homepage
  • ordered both a perfect circle cds
  • learning xml and better php

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: A graveyard of dreams
Insane since: Mar 2001

posted posted 09-17-2003 17:14

- continuing Computer and Math's courses on the University
- almost finnished my homepage
- learned lots of newfancy styff
- gotten a partially lame left habd+wrist, but it is getting better again now
- a got a 'student appartment' so I'm' finally moving out to my own place

"There are 10 kinds of people; those who know binary, those who don't and those who start counting at zero"
- the Golden Ratio -

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: Long Island, NY
Insane since: Jun 2000

posted posted 09-17-2003 17:47
  • Back at school for my Junior year studying Political Science
  • Spent time over the summer in California & Florida
  • Just finished reading Smith's The Wealth of Nations
  • Just started playing Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced
  • About to rule the world


Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Manitoba, Canada
Insane since: Oct 2001

posted posted 09-17-2003 18:26

Going to college for an Information SYstem Technologist Degree.
Done 2 terms since March. Have a GPA of 4.17
Moved from my apartment to a house.
School projects are driving me nuts.

"Show me a sane person and I will cure him for you."-Carl Jung
Eagles may fly high, but beavers don't get sucked into get engines.

Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist

From: the Psychiatric Ward
Insane since: Sep 2000

posted posted 09-17-2003 18:30

how does one get a GPA above a 4?

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: Charles River
Insane since: May 2002

posted posted 09-17-2003 20:18

Maybe (s)he's considering the sum of two tests taken ??

Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist

From: Houston, TX, USA
Insane since: Apr 2000

posted posted 09-17-2003 20:28

- just finished a contract job working on proposals at a defense contractor, will probably go back to work on a long-term (8 month plus) proposal in about six weeks
- went to "see you at the pole" school prayer function this morning to help out
- trying to cover my bills for the next six weeks
- will be spending my next several weeks learning more 3d and working on some modeling and character animation projects
- trying to help girlfriend from completely stressing out as she applies to PA school



Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Manitoba, Canada
Insane since: Oct 2001

posted posted 09-17-2003 21:16

In the Red RIver College GPAs are taken out of 4.5.
4.17 the average mark for all classes and exams.

And I am a he.

"Show me a sane person and I will cure him for you."-Carl Jung
Eagles may fly high, but beavers don't get sucked into get engines.

Maniac (V) Inmate

Insane since: May 2001

posted posted 09-17-2003 22:04

*just got out of one messy 10 year relationship
*pissed a lot of people off
*sueing my ex fiancee
*job is stressfull
*playing a lot of Neverwinters Nights
*building a module for Neverwinters Nights
*stressed and bored out my fucking mind

oh yeah, did a CD cover for a buddy of mines classical guitar works. Wanna buy a copy?

That's about it. Not much to say. Right now I hate everything. So...go on about your business. I'll be back when I'm in a better mood



~Binary is best~

[This message has been edited by CPrompt (edited 09-17-2003).]

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: buttcrack of the midwest
Insane since: Oct 2000

posted posted 09-17-2003 22:53

03 sucks.

One of those *2 steps backwards* years.

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: the west wing
Insane since: Aug 2000

posted posted 09-18-2003 02:52

(In order of happening)

- Left design.
- Did some design.
- Finished 6th year in college.
- Stopped doing design again.
- Went into debt.
- Narrating books on tape for the blind folk.
- Got out of debt.
- Started 7th year in college.


Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: California
Insane since: May 2003

posted posted 09-18-2003 03:07
- Narrating books on tape for the blind folk.

How exactly do you come to do that?
Are you a certified Reader of Books or anything? :-D

[This message has been edited by Snookumz (edited 09-18-2003).]

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Minnesota
Insane since: Jan 2001

posted posted 09-18-2003 08:34

- Working as a book illustrator..
- Left a$$hole, controlling, abusive boyfriend.
- Is currently unemployed.
- Plans for another book illustration project in the works.

The programmer's national anthem is 'AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH''

Wolfen's Sig Site

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: Stuck inside a Pixar short film
Insane since: Apr 2001

posted posted 09-18-2003 08:43

*Got my driver's license. 98%
*Got into University, Degree in Digital Animation (3 yrs)
*Had 4 wisdom teeth removed. Also an extra tooth without them telling me about it!
*Lost my virginity
*Good sex thoughtout majority of the year
*Got into my first *big* relationship
*Suffered big bout of depression for a time
*Broke up with girlfriend of 4 months (Cops involved and her psycho drug dealer brother coming after me). She was a bitch
*Enjoying being single
*Working on a 3d TV commerical
*Working on 3 films
*Working on various Uni assignments that continue to flood me forever on end
*Working on a *big* 3D short film that should make it's debut at a prestigious Melbourne theatre (Revenue for Uni's awards night)
*Working on over 450 programmes and tickets for awards night
*Went to the Australian Effects and Animation Festival. Might be going again to the official one in Syd this December
*Turning 20 in a few weeks
*Health suffering as a result of doing too much in not enough time

"You know you have been doing 3d too long when you walk into a church and think, "God, the polycount of this place must be huge!"

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: a pocket dimention...
Insane since: Sep 2002

posted posted 09-18-2003 12:11

Five seconds? That's only about enough time to sneeze or blow your brains out with a high calibur handgun...

It's only after we've lost everything...
That we're free to do anything...

Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: Under the Bridge
Insane since: Nov 2002

posted posted 09-18-2003 12:35

* Did Oracle
* Got promoted to a DBA
* Fell in luv with an Angel
* Drunk more beer
* Just applied 4 Micro$oft Certification

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers

From: Cell 53, East Wing
Insane since: Jul 2001

posted posted 09-18-2003 14:54

- I broke stuff, fixed stuff, broke more stuff, etc, etc.


FAQs: Emperor

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: Happy Hunting Grounds...
Insane since: Mar 2001

posted posted 09-18-2003 15:25

Quit my job at SAP - and began a job at Siemens. Went to school at the expense of Siemens. Finished school. Now heading project at Siemens.

Wife was in hospital - operation. Mother was in Hospital - heart attack. Grandfather from my wife died. Father from my wife has prostate cancer. A very busy, stressful time.

[This message has been edited by WebShaman (edited 09-18-2003).]

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: West Texas
Insane since: Jul 2002

posted posted 09-18-2003 18:34

- taking 17 hours this semester (3rd yr Sr. - concurrent 2nd BS in Comp Sci and Math)
- playing trumpet in jazz band at other college across town (and various other places)
- playing baseball (univ just added several new sports)
- working in CS research lab ~35 hours/week (only getting paid for 19.5)
- constantly fixing car (alternator this weekend)
- developing an applet to construct data flow diagrams online
- averaging about 4 hours of sleep/night...
- taking quite a bit longer than 5 seconds to write this because I'm at "work" pffffft

Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist

From: KC, KS
Insane since: Nov 2002

posted posted 09-18-2003 18:51

- Working
- Playing
- Rinse and repeat


Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: UK
Insane since: Aug 2002

posted posted 09-18-2003 20:33

Well I'm the same as in I haven't posted for a while; update my site or DA for that matter with new work (if people remember me that is :P). That's because the end of last year I put my life in order and got sorted with my career and personal life. So I've been currently:

- Finished up college and thought long and hard about going to university, but decided not to.
- Trying to get my life in order and get an idea in what I want in and from life.
- Working for a brand, spanking new design & marking agency in Liverpool.
- Getting out more and enjoying life.
- Playing around more with design (and photoshop.....aawww lovely photoy.....)

That's about it, so don't expect to see much of me around here. I'll still be here lurking, but not posting that much. As for my site and DA, I'll have to see what comes about with them and new artwork/design stuff that I can upload or not as the case maybe.

::: COPEY + CELL + DA + GFX :::

Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate

From: othersite
Insane since: Dec 2002

posted posted 09-19-2003 17:54

- working on a new homepage
- got a new hard disk
- establish my apartment
- and mmmm im tired at 6 o'clock and thats terrible

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: Brisbane, Australia
Insane since: Apr 2001

posted posted 09-19-2003 19:58

I've been quite vacant around these parts of late too, with good reason...

- 2nd year @ University, biting off more than I can chew left right and centre, aiming for straight 7's across the board (hah!) this semester.
- Building an interactive installation (VR computer vision system) artwork about space and the body...
- Attempthing to build a community site/webapp with flash.
- Working on several commercial websites and screwing around my clients cause I'm already too busy (sorry about that rob).
- Group research project for my applied cognative phyc subject... erg... not even gonna go there.
- Being poor, drinking too much coffee, not sleeping, blantantly avoiding female contact... nothing unusual there.

Oh and all that's happening in the next month. Anyone wanna switch places with me for a month? I need a fucking holiday.

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