Just a piece of Doug Adams-ish fiction, written by yours truly.
No matter which universe you reside in, there is an overwhelming possibility that somewhere, someone is wondering how the universe was actually created. For example, the Bekadads of Bekadad 9 believe that the universe is a lot like the television on a Sunday; it?s boring, and seemingly never-ending. The Ouigumorgh Union thinks that the entire universe is a big and infinitely complex computer game. The truth, however, is somewhat different.
In the very beginning, a hundred million billion years before any universe was created at all, existence was the most boring thing imaginable. Everything was basically an infinitely big and particularly dull shade of the colour black. It was also very empty. However, one day, due to an accident involving a faulty beaming beam and a quantum dinghy, the First Thing Ever appeared. The First Thing Ever happened to be a near dead, manically depressed British toaster. Being the First Thing Ever should have been absolutely fantastic, and for a short time, he felt a bit happy, but his depression set in again when he realised there was no one to gloat to. Because of this, he spent ninety-nine million billion years thinking and evolving his consciousness, as well as finding a better accent. This only made him more depressed, because there was no one to share his infinite and amazing knowledge with.
It was quite a shock, then, when the Second Thing Ever popped it into existence about two feet away from him. It so happened that the Second Thing Ever was a 79-year-old pie shop owner from Jonth Zornigak in the Flundermen Galaxy. His name was Rangodimek Yoof, and his status as the Second Thing Ever was a complete accident. After a dispute involving the amount of lizard blood in a space chicken pie, Rangodimek Yoof had been shot with a badly calibrated Shoot-2-Kill disruption pistol. As a result, he had been vaporised from normal space and time, and had suddenly reappeared a million billion years before the universe, in a mostly empty space occupied by a super intelligent toaster with a slightly less-British accent. Rangodimek realised quickly that he was no where near his pie shop, and that in front of him was a very excited toaster.
?Greetings, Second Thing Ever. Welcome to Nothing, population of two.?
?Um, hello. I?m Rangodimek Yoof, pie shop owner.?
?Greetings. I?m a hypertoaster from an incredibly long time from now.?
?So, do you get a lot of company here??
?No. No one ever comes. It?s just us two. Why do you think I called you ?Second Thing Ever?? If I?d had guests, you?d be Third or Fourth, not Second.?
?Well, that?s sort of boring, isn?t it??
?A million years ago, I discovered that I could do anything. So you know what I?m going to do now??
Rangodimek shook his head.
?You?re the first person in over ninety-nine million billion years to even show the slightest bit of concern for me. As a gift, I shall bestow upon you three wishes.?
?Well, it shouldn?t be that hard.?
?Okay, I?d like the perfect skunk pie, please.?
It was in this fashion that the Third Thing Ever was made and consumed.
?Second, eh? I dunno, maybe, having the ability to do anything and everything I want to??
?Well, that?s a bit of a hard one, so bear with me.?
A million billion years minus three minutes passed, and the only two things in existence were bored.
?It?s done.?
?Great. So, now what happens??
?I don?t know. Let?s give each other names, and see what we?ll think of afterwards.?
?Okay, I think I?ll call you Terry.?
?I like it. I?ll call you God.?
Terry and God hovered in nothingness. Both now had infinite powers, so there wasn?t really that much that they couldn?t do.
?I?ll tell you what; I?m going to spend my last wish. How about some entertainment??
Terry created a little round thing with a wick.
?What is it??
?Oh nothing, just a fireworks display.?
?Sounds like fun. What are you going to call it??
?How about ?The Big Bang???
?Wow, that is a good name. Let?s light it.?
So it is clear that, while God did exist at the very beginning of the universe, it was his best friend Terry that built and lit it. As a result, everyone in the universe fights about religion, and toast never gets cooked properly.