Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 02-09-2004 19:45
Basically, I need a mentor.
I have been lurking the asylum for a long time now (Look at the registration date and number of posts, I read up about twice a week) and now have the desire to become a better designer/programmer.
I am asking that someone here take me under their wing. Nothing more than an email a week or so. I just need some direction and someone that I can answer questions like "Why cant this tag go here?".
If anyone is willing please post.
Before a scientist goes mad, there's probably a time when he's only partially mad. And this is the time when he's going to throw his best parties.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: The Demented Side of the Fence Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 02-09-2004 19:51
Well, I'm kinda thinking that no question you would post on the asylum would be ridiculed or ignored. And if there would be other people with the same question as you, they could look up your thread (and the answer to it) later on.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: under the bed Insane since: Feb 2000
posted 02-09-2004 19:53
Well, to be honest, the best way to accomplish that is by - rather than an email or two a week - make it a post or two a week.
That way you will get more varied responses, and since there are always multiple ways to accomplish a goal, and a multitude of outlooks on any given subject, that is a very good thing.
You also won't have to wait for one person to get around to responding to emails or any of that type of thing.
Don't look for a single person to be your "mentor", use the entire Asylum instead.
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: KC, KS Insane since: Nov 2002
posted 02-09-2004 19:56
We have all kinds of mentors here. Just post a question in the appropriate forum and you'll get all kinds of good answers.
Just make sure to check the FAQ first. These Asylumites love to bandy that little hand icon around.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Jacks raging bile duct.... Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-09-2004 20:27
i would venture to say that the majority of your questions could be answered by doing searches in the Asylum...somebody's probably already asked the question your looking for an answer on...and if it can't be found here...I suggest googling for the answer...

Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 02-09-2004 20:40
Basically I just need to know where to go... I have a firm grounding in HTML, I did a few sites a couple years ago but now I'm in marketing. I have recently had an opportunity to become part of a side business that I will be able to head of the martketing of both locally and web-based. My HTML is okay and I have photoshop experience. Right now I only need web-design languages. Whats my next step? PHP? JavaScript? VBScript?
I thought these types of things would be best handled by a mentor and not an entire community. Because although more there is more input it may be harder for me to come up with a decision on which path to take.
Before a scientist goes mad, there's probably a time when he's only partially mad. And this is the time when he's going to throw his best parties.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Mexico Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 02-09-2004 22:36
quote: Whats my next step? PHP? JavaScript? VBScript?
Dependa what are you amining for. PHP is for server side data handling, Javascript is client side. VBscript is not really useful to learn when you plant to do cross platform stuff.
On webdesing matters, if you havent already go learn CSS. Plenty of stuff is around.
quote: it may be harder for me to come up with a decision on which path to take.
If tahts how you drive your life, then you are lost. Take the path you consider best. if it does not work for you, just take another path.
My learning method is by splitting. One day i learn a couple of js stuff, next day painting, the other day about processor, then js again, then go party, then a bit on box model, and so on. I am not saying you should do the same than i do, but I mean it is rather unhealty on relying on someone else about your decissions.
Sexy Demoness cel
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 02-09-2004 23:06
I suggest you get the client side, side of things to grips before you move server side,
HTML's best friend is CSS CSS - FAQ
Adam, Web Desing isnt like Engineering , it isnt like a 'path' to take at the end of the day all input you get is going to be based on opinon,each and every opinon being diffrent.. you dont become a good web designer by following the latest trends or listeing to what everyone says,
Yes you should follow standards and you should try and make things cross browser compatiable, You should use CSS,Javascript ,PHP to make your site all spiffy and we can help you with these, we can point you to articles explain things etc. but this is the web part of web design
You have to deal with the Design siede we can tell you what we think looks ulgy and what looks good but at the end of the day its your choice isnt it? if it's a personal site.. and if its a client site.. well then its the clients choice
The trouble with a Mentor is. what if they have faults? you will pick up these faults, You have no chance to escape the holes you may fall into..
Now if you ask the community you can get a number of inputs and opinons and you can make your own mind up, thisis all part of the learning process 
[This message has been edited by Trigger (edited 02-09-2004).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: PA, US Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 02-09-2004 23:08
CSS is your next step I think, then a server side language. Plenty of FAQs abound on both these subjects.
Another good place to pick up tricks of the trade and common mistakes to stay away from is the Site Reviews forum. Read what the reviewers write to people about their sites and take note. This is probably the area of this site where I have learned the most.
edit: And what Trigger says above. 
[This message has been edited by Ramasax (edited 02-09-2004).]
Rinswind 2th
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Den Haag: The Royal Residence Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 02-09-2004 23:30
function: Learn(){
if understood
else Read_again
if Read_again != understood
goto Ask.
else Try_again
then Goto understanding.
else loop
if understanding =1 break.}
Try this function...it will make you a better person 
"Art has to be forgotten. Beauty must be realized."
Piet Mondriaan
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: out of a sleepy funk Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 02-09-2004 23:42
hmmm, I see what you mean, maybe a mentor would be nice =D
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: New York City Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 02-10-2004 00:27
Adam- this community is based on the foundation where basically people ask questions, and more knowledgeable people answer them. Pretty simple. I do not think you need one person to bounce ideas off of- that?s one opinion you will be working with. Here at the Asylum, I have found it more helpful to have many mentors- all with various backgrounds which can help with my various questions.
Not quite sure if you are going to find someone willing to email you 2x a week to mentor you- we all have FT jobs, families, etc. I'd say, post your questions here- and get to know some of the inmates- you?ll be pleasantly surprised how much high quality feedback you?ll receive- and in the course, the answers you receive may help someone else.
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Insane since: Jan 2004
posted 02-10-2004 15:59
Adam, I think you have to stand outside the door for a few days wearing a black Tshirt and listen to how worthless you are.
"The future is not written in stone.
It is written day by day,
What are you writing today?"
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 02-10-2004 16:54
Trigger: CSS (Cascading Style Sheets I assume), excellent I'll look into that thank you.
Ramasax: Ill be sure to keep an eye on the Site Reviews section, although in the past it hasnt been a very active board.
I assure each and every one of you that I know how the Asylum works. I've been checking these boards atleast twice a week for about a year and a half now. While very accepting to new people I want you to understand that the community here is pretty tight and intimidating to those who are more inclined to listen instead of speak.
Before a scientist goes mad, there's probably a time when he's only partially mad. And this is the time when he's going to throw his best parties.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: outside Augusta National Insane since: Nov 2001
posted 02-10-2004 17:06
Speaking from experience Wulfius?
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: there...no..there..... Insane since: May 2001
posted 02-10-2004 17:42
quote: Adam, I think you have to stand outside the door for a few days wearing a black Tshirt and listen to how worthless you are.
was that really necessary or am i missing something? 
The rule that I have learned to live by is coupled with Rinswind 2th's function. There are *no* stupid questions, only stupid answers. We all have to learn some how. If you read it then try it and it doesn't work, try to figure out your problem, if it still doesn't work....ask a question. 
~Binary is best~
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Jacks raging bile duct.... Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-10-2004 17:52
a wise man once said, "I don't read the directions...they are just another man's opinion!"

Maniac (V) Inmate
From: The Pool Of Life Insane since: Feb 2003
posted 02-10-2004 18:28
Hi Adam, I don't think we have communicated before. I know what you mean about feeling intimidated about joining in, I was at first. But just look at how many replies you have so far, 12, and apart from one unhelpful remark from WULFIUS-KHAN, they have all given advice as best they can, given the information you provided. Personally, I have zero skills in the areas you seem to be asking for help in, so I can't help you there. Photoshop rocks my world, and I would be more than willing to share what knowledge/skills I have with you. Knowledge and skills I have gained almost exclusively here at the Asylum btw.
In my experience this is one of the best places to come to for assistance in Web based and graphical design.
As you must know from your visits here, things can get a little heated; one of the reasons for this is that it is a serious forum. You must have seen people posting here demanding assistance on a topic they usually don't even specify, while insulting the people they are asking help from.
Yes, I have also seen newcomers treated rather roughly, without due course (imo) from one or two inmates who should know better. But invariably, one or two of us would jump in and reprimand them for doing so. Usually with humour.
Here's my suggestion;
Make a brew of your favorite beverage, slip your shoes off, order your thoughts, and let us know how you are progressing. One of the harder things to do is to ask questions clearly, and precisely. If you do that I am sure there will be someone here who can help.
Heh, for someone who is incapable of helping you in coding, I sure did have a lot to say didn't I. 
[edit] spulling and removed my childish remark[/edit]
[This message has been edited by Taobaybee (edited 02-10-2004).]
[This message has been edited by Taobaybee (edited 02-10-2004).]
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: KC, KS Insane since: Nov 2002
posted 02-10-2004 18:33
CPrompt: Wulfius was making a reference to Fight Club. Before guys could get into Tyler Durden's little cult they had to stand outside and get verbally abused for a few days.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: there...no..there..... Insane since: May 2001
posted 02-10-2004 18:42
damn! how did i miss that reference!!!!! ah.....my bad. hehe
~Binary is best~
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 02-10-2004 18:55
C:\, I think its only the minortiy that actulay got it :P
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: out of a sleepy funk Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 02-10-2004 20:24
quote: Basically I just need to know where to go... I have a firm grounding in HTML, I did a few sites a couple years ago but now I'm in marketing.
If doing a few sites a couple of years ago is all you've done with html then you most likely still have a lot to learn, perhaps eve catch up on. Did you do those sites by hand or with an editor (wysiwyg/graphical)?
quote: Right now I only need web-design languages. Whats my next step? PHP? JavaScript? VBScript?
Depends, what do you want to do? You talking about in general, or a specific site with a specific goal in mind?
quote: I thought these types of things would be best handled by a mentor and not an entire community. Because although more there is more input it may be harder for me to come up with a decision on which path to take.
You'd do better on that front if the email address in your profile actually worked I'd encourage you to ask away at here as much as you can (or find another community if MS/ASP turns out to be your course), and take advantage of the diversity of answers you'll receive. If the answers are far too many and far to 'across the spectrum' then think about narrowing the scope of your inquiry.
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 02-11-2004 05:32
JAMabry: You are definately right about me needing to brush up on my HTML skills. I did them all by hand, not with an editor but still I know that my HTML will need some work.
I do have a certain site in mind. I have had the opportunity to head up promotion for a small company that is starting in my city. The first thing that needs to be done is to have a website built. It wil have to be an e-commerce site with some sort of "shopping cart" type functionality.
And I fixed the email, Its been a long time since I updated my profile.
Before a scientist goes mad, there's probably a time when he's only partially mad. And this is the time when he's going to throw his best parties.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: out of a sleepy funk Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 02-11-2004 07:27
Okee, for someone that "needs to brush up on their html" and is asking what scripting language to learn, rolling out an e-commerce site by yourself is going to be difficult, if not impossible, depending on your project's timeframe and scope. Hm, that sounded discouraging, don't be discouraged =D
You're gonna need webhosting (with featured to be determined, SSL most likely), a merchant account, payment gateway, a secure server certificate and the software/script/site your lookng to build...
I guess we could get started by asking, How many items in your database/inventory? Got any projected sales/traffic? Deadline? Those will determine your platform and whether you should roll your own with the help of the Asylum's server side scripting foos or if you wanna grab a pre-rolled cart/p.o.s.ware and go off that.
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 02-11-2004 19:27
Now I am having problems with your email.
Before a scientist goes mad, there's probably a time when he's only partially mad. And this is the time when he's going to throw his best parties.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: out of a sleepy funk Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 02-11-2004 22:54
well, all my 10,000 email accounts seem to be working, including the one in my profile. I have 12 metric tons of spam in there 
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 02-12-2004 05:40
The one you sent from said it wasn't available.
Before a scientist goes mad, there's probably a time when he's only partially mad. And this is the time when he's going to throw his best parties.