Maniac (V) Inmate
From: The Pool Of Life Insane since: Feb 2003
posted 12-19-2003 15:46
I treated myself to a (Medion) graphics tablet a few weeks ago, read all the documentation that came with it (4 page booklet) and so far have not been able to draw anoything other than a scribble because of the excessive pen jitter.
I have checked the options to turn off jitter in the brushes pallet, but I think it is something to do with the configuration of the graphic pen itself.
When I attempt to use it in PS I keep on getting documents opening and closing seemingly by themselves and it is almost impossible to select a layer or tool or anything as the pen dances all over the place.
Is there something I am missing? I have tried to calibrate it (Pen pressure, working area, etc) with the software that comes with it.
Do you use the pen just for drawing (not for navigating within PS).?
Frustration is too light a word to describe my present feelings with it. I think instead of wasting money on this piece of shineola It would have been better if I had bought a slaughtered turkey and stuck it on my head!!
Has anyone actually used a graphic tablet, and overcome a problem like this?
Has anyone actually used a graphic tablet?
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: *land Insane since: Nov 2000
posted 12-19-2003 16:28
Not sure what to tell ya, here.
Tried re-installing yet? Have you checked relevant websites to your product that may support some sort of patch that's come out?
Although I mainly just use the tablet when I'm painting.... I use it for a number of other things. The pen is really no different from your mouse (when it's working correctly) as far was simple functions on your computer.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: out of a sleepy funk Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 12-19-2003 16:44
The only time I've ever experienced problems of that description were when the pen and the mouse were fighting for control, that is, I was using my mouse and had forgotten that I had laid the stylus on the tablet, so: jitters.
I've never heard of Medion though, or this problem after looking at newsgroups...
[edit] and seconds later he alters keywords and... http://groups.google.com/groups?q=graphics+tablet+jitter
[This message has been edited by JKMabry (edited 12-19-2003).]
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: The Pool Of Life Insane since: Feb 2003
posted 12-19-2003 18:08
Thanks Michael and JK. 
I've just been out for a walk and taken many deep breaths, so I'm not quite as agitated as I was before (Tao, the incredible Sulk)!
I think the first problem is that there's no support from Medion at all and precious little instruction that came with the hardware. What guidelines there have been online have nearly all been for the Wacom range, which means that it may or may not apply to me.
Secondly, it is an inexpensive model, (heh, not cheap) and only sold through Aldi, so it actually may well BE a load of shineola. (The price was £30 in a "special" sale).
I have some questions that may help me to clear it up.
The graphic tablet comes with the pen (in a little holder) and a cordless mouse. I only plug (usb) the tablet in when I want to use it in PS, otherwise I use my normal mouse.
Should I unplug my regular mouse when I am using the pen?
Does it matter how close the cordless mouse (that came with it) is to the tablet, when I am trying to use the pen?
Thanks again for your response.
I'll post this up and then take a photo of the graphic tablet setup for you to see.
[edit]Here's the Medion Graphic Tablet, I can't find a tape measure atm to give you a better idea of the dimensions, but that is a 19" Mitsubbishi [/edit]
[This message has been edited by Taobaybee (edited 12-19-2003).]
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: *land Insane since: Nov 2000
posted 12-19-2003 20:20
To hell with the mouse that came with your tablet. For the most part, they're all shite. I think the mouse that came with my wacom is probably still in the plastic and tucked away in the closet.
My tablet is hooked up 100% of the time. There should be no need to flip-flop back and forth.
Leave your normal mouse plugged in.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Cell 666 Insane since: Mar 2002
posted 12-19-2003 21:35
Your computer space makes me want to cry.
"Nothin' like a pro-stabbin' from a pro." -Weadah
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: out of a sleepy funk Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 12-19-2003 21:39
what he said^ (edit: haha, actually, one up, nax is too fast)
keep it all plugged in, all the time, toss the tablet mouse, keep your old fav mouse, leave em plugged in.
They're both pressure sensitive (or optical in the case of a laser mouse) so they're only going to interfere with each other because of simultaneous movement, proximity shouldn't make any difference.
As far as that stuff in the newsgroups goes about different models, I'm sure they work on the same prinicpal, you may well find some useful info in there. Good luck man.
edit: *stabs stabby*
[This message has been edited by JKMabry (edited 12-19-2003).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Mexico Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 12-19-2003 22:43
quote: Your computer space makes me want to cry.
You certainly have not seen mine :/ 
Sexy Demoness cel
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: PA, US Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 12-20-2003 06:47
Hey, I have those speakers!!
I understand your frustration Tao, I went to the Medion website, about as useful as a can of spam. The first graphics tablet I bought cost me $45 at a computer show and I had jitters too. Never did figure out why. It now resides in a box in my basement.
You'd be better off saving up for a Wacom. I did, and have never been disappointed. You can get the small graphire3 for under $100US. Of course, take care not to drool over the Cintiq while you are there. 
I have a Intuos2 6x8, but I have used the cheaper 4x5 and the size didn;t make any difference to me.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: the Asylum ghetto Insane since: Oct 2002
posted 12-20-2003 07:25
quote: .....about as useful as a can of spam.
you, obviously, have no idea just how useful a can of spam can be! 

Maniac (V) Inmate
From: The Pool Of Life Insane since: Feb 2003
posted 12-20-2003 11:57
Your totally right about the mouse that came with it Michael and and Jason, 'tis now back in it's box. I'm so glad you told me that, I thought it was just me!
Synax please shed no tears, I'm relatively happy with the space my computer occupies, it's the best I can do atm. 
Ramasax your right about Medion support (non-exsistant). My computer is also a Medion model, last time I tried to get a Bios upgrade from Medion they totally ignored me for a couple of months and then graced me with a reply too say they don't have any, and if I wanted one I would have to pay another company for it!!
Anyhoo, back to the tablets...........
Guess what happened next...?
I turned on my computer this morning then I plugged in the graphic tablet, fired up PS and hardly any jitter!!! I'm not too sure why, but I'm happier.
I think realising that using a graphic tablet and pen is a whole new skill set that I have to learn helps. There is a learning curve, and I'm now on it.
Thanks for your help/advice/encouragement. I hope to post up some examples of work I have done early in the new year.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Cell 666 Insane since: Mar 2002
posted 12-20-2003 16:19
It's funny how sometimes computers seem to fix themselves. It's good to hear that it's working now, though.
Graphire3?! I still have the first graphire...
"Nothin' like a pro-stabbin' from a pro." -Weadah
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: *land Insane since: Nov 2000
posted 12-20-2003 20:27
^...and you also don't ever use the damn thing.
Glad it's working now, Tao..
The Fragmaster
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate
From: Insane since: Apr 2001
posted 12-30-2003 08:53
Is there any difference between the Graphire2 and 3? The only thing the website seems to imply is that it now includes a seperate pen holder, which is alright if you're a rapid seperate-pen-holder type of person 
Tyberius Prime
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Germany Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 12-30-2003 19:32
my graphire 2 came with a seperate pen holder....
It probably got a new design, though; -)
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist
From: the Psychiatric Ward Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 12-30-2003 19:47
yeup... mine too... and i keep loosing the dang thing on my desk.
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: KC, KS Insane since: Nov 2002
posted 12-30-2003 20:09
I've seen your desk Izzy. You could lose Oprah Winfrey on that thing.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Cell 666 Insane since: Mar 2002
posted 12-30-2003 22:08
The original Graphire's pen holder is detachable for that matter.
"Nothin' like a pro-stabbin' from a pro." -Weadah
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Dublin, Ireland Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 12-30-2003 23:03
Micheal: Are you saying you use your Wacom to navigate windows and the like ? Myself, I like to think I'm fairly handy with the pen but dragging and droping and the start/drop-menus , I find , is extremely annoying and tiresome I guess.
So .. yea, was wondering do you switch it to mouse mode(as apposed to pen mode) when its out of PS ? I don't mean using the mouse .. ya know the setting on the top right or in control-panel->wacom.
Tao: ". . . . computer occupies, it's the best I can do atm.", get a big plank (~1x2m)stick it on that table and hope the legs hold.
Its annoying my parent a few years back decided to get a carpenter to sort out the computer desk and shelves and crap, the desk is made to *snug* the computer into the corner, and infront of me I have a zigzag shape table , I told them all it was the stupidest thing ever, even to the carpenter. unfortunatly they didnt listen to me. I have the space, its just messed up with stupid angles and fancy bordering so its an awful desk, I preffer my old two tables and lots of wood deal I had before. I downgraded from a meter depth crap looking desk to two and half feet barely usable nicety.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: California Insane since: Jul 2003
posted 12-31-2003 04:59
Navigating around PS with a pen isn't too hard. It's when you start right clicking and dragging and dropping that you run into trouble. And yeah, my Graphire2 mouse is pretty crappy. The wheel is too "hard" for my tastes, for instance. Just use another mouse.

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: *land Insane since: Nov 2000
posted 12-31-2003 06:43
Yea Hugh... every once in a while I'll use the pen to navigate windows. I don't prefer to do it, and it can be a pain sometimes.... however, normally when I'm using my tablet, I've moved my mouse off to the side of my desk and I've got the tablet sort of in my lap. So if I'm doing something with the pen and I get some messages on Q and I need to upload some files or do something else in another program.... I just keep right on using the pen. And no, I don't change it to mouse mode. It's in pen mode 100% of the time.
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist
From: the Psychiatric Ward Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 12-31-2003 06:54
hahaha... my desk has been extended now, onto a table. Mr. Neat freak.
Problem being, I think there is some universal law that states, "The more room there is to fill, the more it will be filled."
As for Wacom, I have my tablet right in front of me, under a box of dominos and papers, and my optical mouse to the right of it. When i am painting, if i need, i just reach over and use the mouse while i still have my pen in my hand. Easy enough.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Mi, USA Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 12-31-2003 07:33
I use both, pen and wacom mouse, just slide one or other out of the way..... whats the big deal? its all habit
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist
From: the Psychiatric Ward Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 12-31-2003 07:35
^ hes just odd like that.
I did look at the wacom mouse and wonder how it worked once... I think its in the bottom of my big rubbermaid computer box. 
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Mi, USA Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 12-31-2003 07:40
bleah.... I used too, too, but then I thought, this wacom mouse must be good for sumin.... so I set it free from the box and wow! mouse heaven
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: The Pool Of Life Insane since: Feb 2003
posted 12-31-2003 11:00
Well I've had the Medion Tablet for about a month now, and I must admit I still haven't gotten used to it. It seems far too sensitive to navigate PS with never mind Windows. I have to confess any work I have done recently I have had to give up using the pen and go back to the mouse, (not the one that came with the pen).
The problem of the pen jittering is still there, sometimes it's only very slight, other times it is so erratic, dialogue boxes opening and closing at will, new docs, new layers, etc. All from just holding the pen ready to work!!
I have not given up hope though. I'm convinced that a lot of the problems arise from the fact that it is a completly new tool for me to learn, and the process is slow.
What I have started to do is to set time aside just to practice using it. Simple shapes and fills, then moving on to the settings for the brushes. This looks like the real meat to master. All those settings for pressure, fade, dual brushes etc, getting the right brush tip shape with the right settings for the job.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: *land Insane since: Nov 2000
posted 12-31-2003 11:44
I was surfing around looking for any other ideas on this...
quote: Q: When I use the pen on the tablet the screen cursor jitters, what is causing this?
A: Jitter of the screen cursor is usually caused by the tablet being placed to close to the monitor. Monitors produce RF (Radio Frequency) noise, which can interfere with the Wacom tablet. To correct this problem, try moving the tablet away from the monitor, or change the refresh frequency rate of the monitor. In case of an Intuos tablet, it can help to activate 'single mode' in the control panel under 'tablet mode'.
Jitter may also be caused by interference from desk lamps, heaters or other electrical devices in close proximity to the Tablet.
Judging by your desk layout, this could be an issue. ^
If possible, you might want to check to see how the tablet reacts on another machine..... it could help determine whether or not there's a hardware issue. Mebbe check it on another USB port as well.
Just a few ideas.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: The Pool Of Life Insane since: Feb 2003
posted 12-31-2003 15:53
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate
From: Insane since: Jan 2004
posted 01-31-2004 08:24
Hello~ Please, help needed. >< I just bought my wacom graphic tablet pen set today. -_- And i've been using it all day now, but towards the end the pen width/line is changing without me doing anything out of the ordinary. I was sort of dashing out the lines and basically tapping the pen tip, and then once in a while instead of looking like a line a drawn by the paintbrush tool [i'm using photoshop here] it'll look a lot like a line made by the airbrush tool. x__X This is really frustrating... I'm hoping its not the pen tip getting worn out *already* and is just some really weird fluke that's not going to repeat itself.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: *land Insane since: Nov 2000
posted 01-31-2004 10:27
crystalclear's topic is being discussed here ---> http://www.ozoneasylum.com/Forum3/HTML/003889.html