ZOX, welcome to the U.S. and congratulations on your marriage.
As to your "horror" stories, I would like to discuss those.
Certainly the Web design market is over saturated and employers will use that to their advantage. If you are skilled at any of the programming associated with a web project you should have no trouble finding a job as the field is still growing faster than there are people around to fill the positions.
Unless you land the best job ever, you will get no, I repeat NO vacation your first year on the job. Some places will give you two weeks after a year, most will give you one. Some make you wait a couple of years before getting any, and this little piggie had one.
The whole over-time: no compensation thing is true if you become salaried. Companies HATE paying overtime to hourly employees, never want to hire enough people to do the work, so the poor salaried people have to make up the difference.
Suit and tie will certainly help your career as well as showing people respect. Isn't this true all over the world??? This usually isn't a requirement here in the States.
All in all, Americans work many more hours a week than people living in European countries for less money. With so many people trying to get ahead, the rest of us have to give up our lives just to keep up and now our employers expect it from us.
We pay less taxes however, and we don't even like to pay that because the money goes to poor, unwed mothers who would rather have another kid to get a bigger wellfare check than get her fat ass a job.
Right now my sister only has to pay $83/month to rent an apartment bigger than mine just because she's pregnant. Her husband won't even look for a job that pays better than minimum wage or more than 20 hrs/wk so they can keep the government assistance. She's not worried about the future because she says the state of Oklahoma will support her kid until its 18. We let these people reproduce and all we get for it is another generation of freeloaders.
I pay my taxes so the government can pay for people like my sister to have and raise lowlifes like herself and if I were to show up at a hospital without any insurance and bleeding from my head, I would probably bleed to death before anyone there attempted to help me.
I'm all for helping people when they need it, but why can't we help them get a JOB, rather than money and encourage them to sit a play Playstation all day?
ZOX, convince your fiance to move to Sweden and stay where you are. You'll be much happier and probably live a longer, more stress free life.
It's your God, they're your rules, YOU go to Hell.