Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Nurse's Station Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 09-11-2001 21:31
Let's all chill and post news to those that aren't getting it. Read what's been addressed and carry on from there 
edit: The United States has stood strong and recovered before and we WILL again.
[This message has been edited by Shiiizzzam (edited 09-11-2001).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: under your rug, Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 09-11-2001 21:33
can anyone confirm the report, I posted about the pilot?
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: San Diego CA USA Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 09-11-2001 21:33
I heard (I think fox news) that the price of gasoline will go up to $6/gallon. Don't know if that is correct, just heard it once - but if people panic it will drive the price up too.
have not heard anything re: pilot
[This message has been edited by lotiss (edited 09-11-2001).]
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: The year 1881 Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 09-11-2001 21:34
Amen, Shi.
As I've said on another Forum:
Call your mom, your dad, brother, sister, friend... whomever.
Even if you weren't anywhere near New York or Washington, I'll bet there's someone who'd love to hear from you. Someone you haven't talked to in a while. Someone who's just as rattled as you are. Call 'em up, tell 'em that you're alright and that you love them. Check in.
They'll appreciate it, and as this morning so sadly illustrates, you never know what tomorrow may bring...
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: 8675309 Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 09-11-2001 21:37
Um. Yeah. I was just trying to be helpful 
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 09-11-2001 21:37
Synthetic- I was talking to my friends at lunch about the chance that the pilot of the plane that crashed in shanksville might have been crashed there on purpose. I was thinking what I would have done.
~Terriost~ "Fly the plane to DC"
~Pilot~ "Fuck you" (Crashes plane right then)
,but the idea that he locked the door to the cockpit sounds better. What I wouldn't give to hear the blackbox...
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: under your rug, Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 09-11-2001 21:38
true that wang !!! Preach it !!!!!!!!
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Nurse's Station Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 09-11-2001 21:38
They have confirmed that a 911 call went out from that flight from a cell phone that the plane was highjacked and that it looks like the pilot or something caused it to dive into a crash in the field.
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: 8675309 Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 09-11-2001 21:41
IMO if that's true, that pilot is a hero.
What a horrible, sad day.
[This message has been edited by Jeni (edited 09-11-2001).]
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: North Carolina mountains Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 09-11-2001 21:42
Excerpts from USA Today:
"A fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, crashed near Pittsburgh after a passenger used his cell phone to report the plane was being hijacked, officials said. United said 45 passengers and crew were aboard the Boeing 757 bound from Newark to San Francisco."
"The next confirmed crash came around 10 a.m., near Jennerstown, Pa., 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh. WPXI-TV in Pittsburgh said a passenger had called an emergency dispatcher on his mobile phone to report the plane had been hijacked."
Bipolar (III) Mad Scientist
From: Eastbourne, UK. Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 09-11-2001 21:44
Sheesh what a terrible day to return to the Asylum. My heart goes out to you guys over there.
Shiii, last I heard over here is that London Heathrow (Terminal 4 - Transatlantic flights) is pretty much no go, people are being put up in hotels near the airport.
Security over here (especially airports, military bases and London) is on high alert.
PM Tony Blair has issued a statement saying that the UK position with America is shoulder to shoulder (no compromise), and he's asked for all America's allies (European Nations inc Russia) to come together to erradicate the terrorist cancer in our world.
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: North Carolina mountains Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 09-11-2001 21:45
Concerning blood donations, again from USA Today:
The New York Blood Center sent all of its inventory to hospitals, in some cases hand-carrying it through chaotic streets, and mobilized blood banks throughout the region to collect more. "There's enough to handle emergency needs at the minute. That could change in an hour," spokeswoman Melissa McMillen said.
The American Red Cross did not call for emergency blood donations, saying it had 50,000 units ready to ship to New York if needed. However, it urged blood donors throughout the country to keep any appointments they have this week to give blood.
Officials at the city's largest blood donation center said they had only 40 points of O-negative blood left by mid-afternoon and could run out by evening. O-negative can be given to any patient, but only 5% of people have it to donate.
Murphy's 50 Laws of Combat Operations
11. Try to look unimportant -- the enemy may be low on ammo.
23. When in doubt -- empty your magazine.
Maniac (V) Lord Mad Scientist Sovereign of all the lands Ozone and just beyond that little green line over there...
From: Stockholm, Sweden Insane since: Mar 1994
posted 09-11-2001 21:48
Just for the record, I've been following this thing since it happened (this afternoon for me.) It was a bit of a shock and panic situation, half of my family lives within 30 minutes of Manhattan, and the phones were*not* working at all. Thank god for email, and I just got the word that everyone is safe at their homes! Sweden's Prime Minister said publically that we should back up the US of A, no matter how violent and extreme their reaction. (Göran Persson is a bit of an ass, obviously.) Back to the news...
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: out of a sleepy funk Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 09-11-2001 21:49
I found this quote interesting: http://www.noahgrey.com/
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: North Carolina mountains Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 09-11-2001 21:54
The president is on the move, this one from abcnews:
"The president had started the day at an elementary school in Florida, but landed in Louisiana shortly before noon. He was to leave there on Air Force One and continue traveling to undisclosed locations, said ABCNEWS White House correspondent Ann Compton, who was with the president. The pared-down press corps traveling with the president were not being told where they were going."
CNN TV reports that he may go back to Washington soon as a show of American strength. Wait and see I guess.
Xcessive Force
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: The Trustee Tank Insane since: Nov 2000
posted 09-11-2001 21:55
Rumor has it (my local news) that eventually the President might come to Wichita, Kansas (my city) becuase the Retired Air Force One , which just retired a few days ago sits in a hanger at McConnell Air Force Base while its being restored.
I guess the reasoning would be so there would be an option as to departure or maybe a distraction as to what plane was used if needed.
I do not know why they would bring him here but maybe my theory is correct.
[This message has been edited by Xcessive Force (edited 09-11-2001).]
Xcessive Force
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: The Trustee Tank Insane since: Nov 2000
posted 09-11-2001 21:57
The security for that area and about a 5 mile radius around McConnell Air Force Base is blocked off and closed. so it just might be true.
[This message has been edited by Xcessive Force (edited 09-11-2001).]
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: 8675309 Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 09-11-2001 21:58
Yep I just heard that he was currently in Oklahoma and is in constant contact with the VP and staff...My source is Dan Rather and friends.
Go look at the photo gallery here for more photos.
[This message has been edited by Jeni (edited 09-11-2001).]
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 09-11-2001 22:00
JKMabry- You got that right! a eye for a eye and the whole world WILL be blind.
Damn straight, good quote.
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: North Carolina mountains Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 09-11-2001 22:02
Airports are going to be closed for a while, this from Charlotte NC news:
"Airports across the United States are closed for the next 48 hours after one of the most devastating attacks ever against this country. "
"Meanwhile, hundreds of people are stranded at the airport in Charlotte, either looking for rental cars to leave or hotels where they can wait out the grounding of all flights.
"Airport director Jerry Orr says people will be fed at the airport. "
And look for special editions of most newspapers to come out today. I work for a newspaper in Morganton NC, and we are throwing an edition together now. I'm helping get some negatives through our sloooooow printer.
Again from the Charlotte news:
"And for the first time in 10 years, the Charlotte Observer is publishing a special extra edition today on the terrorist attack on the United States. It will be available at racks and newsstands during the afternoon and evening.
"All proceeds from sales of this extra edition will be donated to relief efforts.
"This is the first extra edition The Observer has published since the onset of the Gulf War, January 17, 1991."
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Insane since: Apr 2000
posted 09-11-2001 22:06
Yep. The air base in my jurisdiction has scrambled most of of their aircraft. That doesn't happen too often......
[This message has been edited by Pugzly (edited 09-11-2001).]
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 09-11-2001 22:06
Anyone know anything about this one? Can anyone get any Canadian info? I'm having trouble getting to the cbc.ca.
KAL jets escorted to Whitehorse landing
Tuesday, September 11, 2001
Globe and Mail Update
Origination unclear, but Canadian air force treats them with caution
Ottawa ? Two Korean Air Lines planes ? one of which declared an emergency and was being treated as if it might be under the control of hijackers ? have been diverted to land in Whitehorse under escort from what are believed to be both Canadian and U.S. fighter jets, CBC said.
That's according to Yukon Premier Pat Duncan who spoke to the Globe and Mail today.
It is not clear where the aircraft came from or whether they are connected to the bombing attacks in New York or Washington.
Reports said the jet fighters that escorted the Korean planes were CF-18s.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Insane since: Nov 2000
posted 09-11-2001 22:07
same here, all 3 airbases in my state have scrambled fighters, earlier there were fighters in the air around the Kritland AFB and airport, nothing visible currently tho.
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 09-11-2001 22:11
CNN Reports- Israel is sending a rescue plane to help out the US EMT. (4:10 PM)
CNN Reports- Senator Bob Graham "All information to who the suspects are is pre-mature" (4:15 PM)
[This message has been edited by Dark (edited 09-11-2001).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Styx Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 09-11-2001 22:24
Seems like Vladimir Putin (President of Russia) is backing a strong counterstrike towards terrorism as well:
Russia put troops on alert Tuesday after a spate of unprecedented attacks rocked Washington and New York as President Vladimir Putin told his US counterpart he supported a tough response to the strikes.
"The series of barbaric acts directed against innocent people fills us with indignation and revolt," said Putin in a telegram to US President George W. Bush.
"Such inhuman acts must not go unpunished," he said, according to the Interfax news agency.
Read more about it (pretty ok server)
I'm a bit relieved that my friends in the area seems to be ok, but I can't shake that eeire feeling...
[This message has been edited by Nimraw (edited 09-11-2001).]
Bipolar (III) Mad Scientist
From: Eastbourne, UK. Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 09-11-2001 22:25
Just pulled this off CNN Europe.
All civilian flights over London have been stopped and UK defence facilities around the world put on the highest alert. Key buildings in London shut down, including the London Stock Exchange.
In France, armed troops have been deployed at airports and metro stations. Border controls have increased.
The U.S. Embassy in Paris is closed and will be shut again on Wednesday. The embassy is warning Americans in France to be careful about speaking English on the streets.
NATO Secretary-General George Robertson urged all non-essential personnel to leave the alliance's headquarters In Brussels and said they should not report to work on Wednesday.
Israel evacuated its diplomats from its U.S. facilities and closed its airspace to commercial aviation.
There was widespread confusion and congestion at many European airports, as airlines cancelled flights to the United States and recalled or diverted planes already in the air.
A spokesman for Canadian Minister of Transport David Collenette said all air traffic in Canada had been grounded, except for emergency and humanitarian flights.
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 09-11-2001 22:29
Have you seen the amateur video by Dr. Mark Heath on CNN? He was right under the building when it collapsed! He hid behind a car and taped the whole damn thing!
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: North Carolina mountains Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 09-11-2001 22:30
F1, not much to report yet, this is from cbc.ca:
"TORONTO - Schools and government offices in Whitehorse, Yukon were evacuated Tuesday as jet fighters escorted two commercial airliners to unscheduled landings, after aviation authorities suspected one of the aircraft may have been hijacked.
"One of the airliners is a Korean Airlines 747, the other an unknown 747. Both landed at Whitehorse airport. The jet fighters continue to circle over Whitehorse.
"Peter Novak of CBC Radio in Whitehorse told CBC News Online that aviation authorities said one of the aircraft may have been hijacked. Novak said highways in and out of town may have been closed, and a bomb squad was at the airport."
Hope that helps a little ...
Murphy's 50 Laws of Combat Operations
11. Try to look unimportant -- the enemy may be low on ammo.
23. When in doubt -- empty your magazine.
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 09-11-2001 22:32
Does anyone have anymore info on the black boxes?
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 09-11-2001 22:39
I am 17 yrs old, and I turn 18 in May. If we go to war with anyone over this incident, I am there all the way. If I can I'll have my parents sign the paperwork for me to enlist. Anyone else want to kick some Bin Laden ass?
P.S.: Nothing confirms that is WAS bin laden that coordinated this attack, but most things point in his directions. Everyone pray for the victims of this act of war, and pray for the U.S. Military to have mercy on bin laden as we tear him a new one.
this is only the beginning....
E-mail: Cburwell@netzero.net
ICQ#: 95194100
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 09-11-2001 22:39
Dark do you have a URL of the amateur video by Dr. Heath that you spoke of?
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: 8675309 Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 09-11-2001 22:44
All major league baseball games have been cancelled...Good idea.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: out of a sleepy funk Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 09-11-2001 23:07
I'm gonna go see the US women's national soccer team vs China this weekend. I've been thinking a little about that, it's a bit of a spooky thought, not to mention inconsequential at present.
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 09-11-2001 23:12
F1_error- as of yet there is no URL to this video that I am aware of. I saw it on CNN They interviewed alot of the people on the street and found this guy with his video camera and asked him if they could use what he recorded on the news. THe video again is freakin awesome! The whole building comes down on him and he hides under a car. Then later he comes back to the car after getting some oxogen from a firefighter and says "that's the car that saved my fuckin life."
[EDIT] I think they put the video on the air about 4:30PM [/EDIT]
[This message has been edited by Dark (edited 09-11-2001).]
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 09-11-2001 23:19
Roosevelt warned, and I will repeat:
"The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself."
If you do nothing else over the next several days, weeks, months, years...remember this.
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: North Carolina mountains Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 09-11-2001 23:20
Someone in an earlier thread had heard rumors about gas prices going up. The following is excerpted from USA Today site:
"The Secretary-General of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries Ali Rodriguez said that the Arab-dominated cartel would ensure world oil supplies and price stability.
"OPEC member countries are committed to their promises to guarantee sufficient oil supplies and their policy of strengthening market stability," Rodriguez said after the attacks.
"Furthermore OPEC's members are prepared to use their spare capacity, if deemed necessary, to achieve these goals."
"Rodriguez said there was no chance that any cartel members would threaten to use oil as an economic weapon in the Middle East situation.
Hope that helps clear the air on that a bit ...
Murphy's 50 Laws of Combat Operations
11. Try to look unimportant -- the enemy may be low on ammo.
23. When in doubt -- empty your magazine.
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: 8675309 Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 09-11-2001 23:23
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone that participated in all these threads for the updates all day. Especially Shiiizzzam. I would have felt really disconnected from it all if I had to sit through it alone in front of this computer. Thanks everyone. Now I'm going home and I guess I'll get to see the video of all this tragedy...
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 09-11-2001 23:24
CNN Live and ABC News reports- A 3rd Building ::: "Building Seven - 47 Stories High" of the WTC has collapsed (5:21PM)
[This message has been edited by Dark (edited 09-11-2001).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: East Ward, Asylum Insane since: May 2000
posted 09-11-2001 23:42

Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 09-11-2001 23:43
CNN- Reports that "Barbra Olson" was on the plane that crashed into the pentagon. The report says she called her husband and told him that the plane was being hijacked, she told him that the terrorist were armed with mere knives and box cutters. 3 minutes later the place crashed into the pentagon. Barbra Olson rest in peace (1955-2001)
~I can't believe they were armed with knives and box cutters, but that rules out the wooden guns which were orgailly thought to be.~
[This message has been edited by Dark (edited 09-11-2001).]