Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Brisbane, Australia Insane since: Apr 2001
posted 04-13-2002 18:16
I'm always wondering where so many of us hail from and where were going so I though this might be a good Idea... I'll start.
Age: 22
Country of Birth: Australia
Current Residences: Australia, Qld, Brisbane
Marital Status: Single (Never married)
No. of Children: None
Religion / Faith: Undecided but I'm rather keen on Buddhism.
Primary Computer type: Desktop PC running Windows 2000
Occupation: Design Student
Aspirations: Primarily knowledge, an understanding of life, society and the world. Imagery, communication and the study of how I can express my views and passions through various forms of media.
Current Inspiration: Art Deco Illustration and Tim Butron.
Hobbies: Drawing, Coffee, Industrial and Blues music, Coffee, Conceptual art, Coffee, Web Design, more Coffee.
Feel free to add or remove anything you wish but try and keep it short. Basically no page and a half rants justifying your religion or anything like that.
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: the space between us Insane since: Dec 2001
posted 04-13-2002 18:25
Age: 16
Country of Birth: Austria
Current Residences: Austria, Klagenfurt
Marital Status: i've a girlfriend
No. of Children: None
Religion / Faith: catholic
Primary Computer type: tower PC, runnning Win XP
Occupation: pupil
Hobbies: music, designing, gaming, internet
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Insane since: Jan 2001
posted 04-13-2002 18:33
Ok here's mine 
Age: 18
Country of Birth: England
Current Residences: Liverpool, England
Marital Status: Single
No. of Children: None (I hope)
Religion / Faith: Don't believe in anything really
Primary Computer type: Desktop PC running Windows 2000 and an old PC to test things on
Occupation: Student in design, print and publishing, but have done multimedia studies
Aspirations: Well I don't know about this one but I like to express my feeling in art (digital art) and the more I do with digital art the more express with it.
Current Inspiration: Anything that is in life
Hobbies: Drawing, reading, making music/art digitally, web design, understanding how others work with the same stuff I do & Playing PC/console games (all day if possible)
Well that about sums me up .
Chris C
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Oblivion Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 04-13-2002 18:35
Country of Birth: United States of America
Current Residences: Kentucky, Elizabethtown, America
Martial Status: Currently Dating
No. of Children: None
Religion / Faith: Undecided but leening very closely to Athiest (If you want the long story just email me)
Primary Computer Type: Desktop Dell Windows XP 1024 x 748 P4 256 RAM
Occupation: Student (taking computer classes in high school)
Aspirations: Intellectual Genius, Web Guru, Starting a Band
Current Inspiration: Vincent Perez, TOOL, Jimi Hendrix, Ridley Scott, And good ole Burton
Hobbies: Skating, Web Design, Guitar, Music, Online Gaming.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: The Jungle Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 04-13-2002 18:39
Age: 23
Country of Birth: US
Current Residences: West Virginia
Marital Status: Married
No. of Children: 1
Religion / Faith: None
Primary Computer type: PC 1.4ghz/winxp
Occupation: Laborer (looking to freelance graphic design)
Aspirations: To raise my son the best I can.
Current Inspiration: Anime, Interfaces on the Web
Hobbies: Movies, graphic design, playing with my son

Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Omicron Persei 8 Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 04-13-2002 18:52
Age: 21
Country of Birth: austria
Current Residences: austria, vienna
Marital Status: girlfriend
No. of Children: not yet
Primary Computer type: xp
Occupation: enjoying life
Aspirations: enjoying life much more
Current Inspiration: winamp
Hobbies: skiing, basketball
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Canada, Toronto Insane since: May 2000
posted 04-13-2002 19:21
Age: 30
Country of Birth: Bosnia
Current Residences: Canada, Toronto
Marital Status: married
No. of Children: None
Religion / Faith: Christianity
Primary Computer type: Desktop PC running Windows XP
Occupation: Web Designer and Student
Current Inspiration: changing every day.
Hobbies: Web Design, Programming, Computers, Chess . . .
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 04-13-2002 19:37
Country Of Birth:England
Current residency:Czech Republic
No.of Children:1
Religeon / Faith:Lazy Christian
Primary Computer type:Tower 1.7 ghz pc 1 GB Ram (Work paid for it!)
Occupation:Graphic/Web designer
Asiprations:To give my son a better chance in this rat race than i had, and to be a good role model for him
Current Inspirations:Some of the stuff i have seen here and elsewhere
Hobbies:Fencing;Gliding & skiing
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Sthlm, Sweden Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 04-13-2002 21:15
Oki, here's moi:
Age: 37
Country of Birth: Sweden
Current Residences: Sweden, Stockholm
Marital Status: Have a semi-wife (We're not married, but together since 1989)
No. of Children: 2
Religion / Faith: Not really, if severely pressed, christianity
Primary Computer type: Desktop PC WinXP, Desktop PC Win98, Laptop W2k
Occupation: Tech Project leader/webdeveloper/...
Aspirations: Safe & secure family with a good future, more knowledge in coding, designing, myself.
Current Inspiration: Life, colors, nature.
Hobbies: Web, Coffe, Music(my own and others), Coffe, R/C Model Aircrafts, Cool people.

-{ a vibration is a movement that doesn't know which way to go }-
[This message has been edited by DmS (edited 04-13-2002).]
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: A little lower... lower... ahhhhhh, thats the spot Insane since: Jun 2000
posted 04-13-2002 21:23
Age: 27
Country of Birth: United States
Current Residences: Kansas City, KS
Marital Status: Single
No. of Children: None
Religion / Faith: There's gotta be someting out there, just don't know what it is.
Primary Computer type: Dell Dimension 8100 runnin WinXP
Occupation: Trainer for a pharmacy automation company
Aspirations: I plan on moving up within the company and retiring a rich man.
Current Inspiration: Hmmmm....
Hobbies: PS of course, reading, movies, volleyball and basketball, cooking, stuff.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Mi, USA Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 04-13-2002 21:31
Age: 337
Country of Birth: Planet Vogon
Current Residence: Visiting Planet Earth
Marital Status: 3 Partners currently.
No. of children: 21 pods in gestation currently
Religion: Follower of the Great Vog of Mindeaisa
Primary Computer: V5 Mogten7
Occuaption: Intergalatic Demolition Expert
Aspirations: To master the art of really bad poetry writing
Current Inspiration: Kylie Minogue
Hobbies: writing excruiating poor verse, treating guests hospitably
[This message has been edited by vogonpoet (edited 04-13-2002).]
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: soon to be "the land down under" Insane since: Jan 2001
posted 04-13-2002 22:17
hehe, you look pretty good for 337, VP. 
And you got the new V5 Mogten, huh? Sweet. I believe that ships with Windows Shi-Tee. 
Age: 24
Country of Birth: Western Samoa
Current Residences: Seattle, WA
Marital Status: Single (Never married)
No. of Children: None
Religion / Faith: Roman Catholic by birth, skeptic by nature.
Primary Computer type: tower PC running Windows 98, toshiba satellite running Windows 2000 Advanced Server, tower PC running Windows 2000 Advanced Server
Occupation: MIS/IT, System Administrator
Aspirations: PhD in computer science and the nobel prize (not necessarily in that order)
Current Inspiration: my father
Hobbies: guitar, computers, collecting dvds, electronics, sports, fitness, graphics
[This message has been edited by silence (edited 04-13-2002).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: The Soft Cell Insane since: Nov 2001
posted 04-13-2002 22:50
Well i'm in
Age: 37 (shit i may not be the oldest here)
Country of Birth: England
Current Residences: England, Nottingham
Marital Status: seeing two girls (Never married)
No. of Children: 2
Religion / Faith: Cristened roman catholic but not practising
Primary Computer type: Desktop PC running Windows 98
Occupation: Graphic designer
Aspirations: becoming rich and sod everyone else
Current Inspiration: the Asylumites
Hobbies: computers, weight lifting, womanising
~We're not here for long, we're here for fun~
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: under your rug, Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 04-13-2002 22:52
We have done this many times already, but anyway i got a free minute for ya...
Age: 19
Country of Birth: United States
Current Residences: United States
Marital Status: Single Still Looking for the right one
No. of Children: Does my dog count?
Religion / Faith: Christian "the none hypocrite kind"
Primary Computer type: Desktop PC running Windows XP Professional Corporate Edition
Occupation: Student in college
Aspirations: To finish this hugh pizza, to make an A on my test tommorow, to finish college before I go insane, to oneday make bill gates my butler, to figure out how to open the childlocks on the Tylenol bottles, to find my wallet hidden in a pile of dirty clothes.
Hobbies: Web-design, Almost any sports, computer games, Ps2 games, hanging out with friends, going to movies, typing long messages that I have done several times on here already but decided to do again just because i was bored, playing billiards, reading a good book, computer programming, training to be a good marketer.
Ditto that Kylie Minogue for me VP 
[This message has been edited by Synthetic (edited 04-13-2002).]
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Azylum's Secret Lab Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 04-13-2002 23:02
Age: 25
Country of Birth: Caracas - Venezuela
Current Residences: Soria - Spain
Marital Status: Single - g/f, dunno....
No. of Children: Just ME
Religion / Faith: I beleave in St. Claus
Primary Computer type: 486
Occupation: Some help in a Advertising Agency and some freelance stuff
Aspirations: To leave the advertising agency, live in 'Los Pirineos' and work only at home (some girlfriend won't be bad)
Current Inspiration: Leatitia Casta and the beer
Hobbies: Soccer, Destroy everything in PS, Annoying TiaMary and drink Cruz Campo beer
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: outside Augusta National Insane since: Nov 2001
posted 04-13-2002 23:18
I suddenly feel very old........
Age: 33
Place of Birth: Denver, CO USA
Current Residences: Augusta, GA
Marital Status: engaged
No. of Children: None that I know of
Religion / Faith: Jewish
Primary Computer type: Gateway solo running XP
Occupation: Designer/Photographer
Aspirations: Make lots of money, own a sailboat, live in the Caribbean, play golf all day
Hobbies: Photography,Drawing, animation, Margaritas, beer, football
[This message has been edited by tikigod (edited 04-13-2002).]
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Insane since: Apr 2000
posted 04-13-2002 23:43
Age: 17
Country of Birth: Canada
Current Residences: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Marital Status: Single
No. of Children: None
Religion / Faith: None
Primary Computer type: Many Desktop PC's running various Opperating systems. 2 Laptop PC's, 1 Workstation, 1 Server.
Occupation: High School Student - Currently Organizing hawaiian shirt day to break the schools lame dress code
Aspirations: I plan on going to paintball later today...
Current Inspiration: Punk Music!
Hobbies: Golf, Chess, Pool, Ping-Pong, and Racquetball
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: A graveyard of dreams Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 04-13-2002 23:51
Age: 18
Country of Birth: Norway, but I am Swedish
Current Residences: Norway
Marital Status: single
No. of Children: none
Religion / Faith: read the quote at the bottom...
Primary Computer type: Celeron 600@900 256MB-RAM running Windows XP
Occupation: student
Aspirations: hm... world domination? or maybe just more knowledge about myself, coding, computers etc. And of course a happy life 
Current Inspiration: the Asylum, the world and pretty much everything else
Hobbies: Computers, coffee, golf, coffee, computers, roleplaying and coffee
-= Veneficuz =-
"Faith: not wanting to know what is true. "- Friedrich Nietzsche
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: North Carolina mountains Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 04-14-2002 00:05
Age: 31
Country of Birth: USA
Current Residences: North Carolina foothills
Marital Status: Married
No. of Children: 2
Religion / Faith: Atheist
Primary Computer type: Desktop PC Windows 2000
Occupation: Graphic Designer of sorts at small town newspaper
Aspirations: Kick back, relax and enjoy life. Learn, learn, and learn some more ...
Current Inspiration: ummmmmmmm
Hobbies: Chess (and lots of it), writing, messing around in PS, annoying my kids, hiking.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Boston, MA, USA Insane since: Apr 2000
posted 04-14-2002 00:17
Age: 47
Country of Birth: USA
Current Residences: suburb of Boston, MA, USA
Marital Status: married
No. of Children: 3
other: 1 turtle, 1 hamster, 1 puppy
Religion / Faith: protestant Christian
Primary Computer type: Apple Powerbook
Occupation: product photographer
Current Inspiration: Vogonpoet's candor
Aspirations: keeping myself, my family and my house together in a rotten economy while clinging to what precious personal time I can, allowing for the creative pursuits that keep mind intact and soul fed.
Hobbies: web design, the GurusNetwork, digital art, Flash
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Minneapolis, MN, USA Insane since: May 2000
posted 04-14-2002 00:20
Age: 23
Country of Birth: US (Brazilian father however)
Current Residences: Minneapolis, MN
Marital Status: Single
No. of Children: None
Religion / Faith: Agnostic (Although I seek deep spiritual knowledge that transcends religion)
Primary Computer type: G4 Mac OS X
Occupation: Web designer/developer. Glassblowing (not so much for money anymore)
Aspirations: First become a consultant, working mostly from a laptop and traveling the world. Eventually i would like to be a full-time artist, but it remains to be seen whether that will be feasible. More broadly I hope to only be a positive influence on everyone I know rather than a negative one.
Current Inspiration: Kathe Kollwitz, Matisse, Various individuals I know.
Hobbies: Drawing, Photography, Glassblowing, Basketball, Mountain Biking, Snowboarding, Soccer, Disc Golf, and Spiritual Research (Yoga, Meditation, Philosophy, and Physical conditioning)
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Canada Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 04-14-2002 00:46
Age: 16
Country of Birth: Canada
Current Residences: Ontario, Canada
Marital Status: Single
No. of Children: None
Religion / Faith: None
Primary Computer type: AMD Duron 800MHZ
Occupation: Web designer, Build PC's for local Computer business
Aspirations: Was 14 years old and played an online game. Got in a little clan and made first webpage. Ever since I have been improving my web design skills. Hope to be a future computer programmer, or Network Administrator/Troubleshooter. I still have lots of time to decide my career
Hobbies: Soccer, Ping-Pong, Model building (or WWI and WWII armorments, aircrafts, etc....)
Thought I should add this
Sex: Male
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Insane since: Nov 2000
posted 04-14-2002 00:48
Age: 29
Country of Birth: USA
Current Residences: USA, Nuevo Mexico
Marital Status: Single with female roommate 
No. of Children: None, unless you count my new puppies...then 2
Religion / Faith: Slothism
Primary Computer type: Desktop PC-Windows 98, Desktop PC-XP, Laptop PC-W2K
Occupation: Free-roaming slacker
The answer is: 42
Aspirations: Finish my 4x4 to go to Moab by july, Sell all my worldly belongings that wont fit in a u-haul and move to Vancouver, BC by september, To get my degree from VFS sometime after that, and to finish forming my own religion.
Current Inspiration: Sunsets, Moonsoons and Navigating synchronicity
Hobbies: Pixel Pushing, Drawing, Tall latte's, Horticulture, Good Music, Driving fast, Cooking, Enthomycology, Conceptual art, Mechanic'in, Digital Art, Websurfing, and drinking Market Spice Tea.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Gig Harbor, WA Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 04-14-2002 00:59
Age: 19
Country of Birth: United States
Current Residences: Washington State, US
Marital Status: Single (Never married)
No. of Children: None that I'm aware of... I think...
Religion / Faith: I've been told it's something akin to olde time Dietism.
Primary Computer type: Desktop PC running 98, using a monitor from an old 486.
Occupation: *hangs head in shame* I'm the fat kid that serves you Blizzards at the DQ, but I'm also a freelance graphic designer.
Aspirations: Making it through each day without hurting someone. And trying not to freak out. That and the occassional hit off of the peace pipe to keep me on the right track (hypocritical, no?).
Current Inspiration: Poe plays a big role in my works, Alan Parsons, Stephen King, the Doc (of course ), and Heavy Metal (magazine). Oh, and Frank Zappa.
Hobbies: Sketching here and there, downloading tunes, Photoshop, Lightwave 5, writing fictional short stories (many of which are never finished, I swear I've got a collection of like 40 half-done stories), movies, talking to people.
There ya go!
icq 957255
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: A lost remnant Insane since: Jun 2001
posted 04-14-2002 01:24
Age: 15
Country of Birth: United States
Current Residences: California, SF bay area
Marital Status: Single
No. of Children: None
Religion / Faith: Christian
Primary Computer type: Win ME, 800mhz p3
Occupation: Highschool Freshman
Aspirations: YoYoing, Computer arts
Current Inspiration: Jason Lee, Weadah, Black, Poo and uhmm iono
Hobbies: YoYoing, Computers, Working Out
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: buttcrack of the midwest Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 04-14-2002 03:23
Age: 47
State of Birth: Missouri, U.S.
Current Residence:A bit north of Houston, Texas U.S.
Marital Status: WAY divorced
No. of Children: 2 ( grown )
Religion / Faith:Devout Agnostic
Primary Computer type: Desktop PC running Windows 98 SE
Occupation: Trim Carpenter ( reluctantly )
Aspirations: To see everyone on the planet smile at the same time, and to find the other end of the internet.
Current Inspirations: Life. Ain`t it a hoot ?
Hobbies: My Camaro, digital art, edged weapons, movies, Web Design, shooting pool, darts, wood carving, slouching, procrastination. ( Not necessarily in that order.)
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Styx Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 04-14-2002 03:35
Age: 30
Place of Birth: Stockholm, Sweden
Current Residence:Stockholm, Sweden
Marital Status: Single
No. of Children: none
Religion / Faith:Agnostic
Primary Computer type: old PII450 running w98
Occupation: eBusiness manager
Aspirations: To be content
Current Inspirations: all and nothing
Hobbies: Design, painting, golf, snowboarding, communication/branding, cigars, architecture

Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: AČ, MI, USA Insane since: Nov 2001
posted 04-14-2002 04:04
Age: 19
Country of Birth: United States
Current Residences: Ann Arbor, MI. USA
Marital Status: Missing my ex like nothing else
No. of Children: None that i know of...
Religion / Faith: I have my beliefs, but i don't have a religion
Primary Computer type: Krets you stole my computer! Dell 8100 running winXP
Occupation: Student in college
Aspirations: succeed in college, get a job, start a family.. live happily ever after, and die with no regrets. is that asking too much?
Hobbies: HOCKEY, photoshop, console/computer gaming.. this list goes on..

Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Kansas City, MO USA Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 04-14-2002 06:02
Age: 33 (and I thought I was the oldest here)
Country of Birth: USA
Current Residences: Kansas City, MO USA - kretsminky, we should get a beer together one day!!!
Marital Status: One wife, one mistress (just joking), one dog, 3 cats (anyone want a cat?)
No. of Children: None yet
Religion / Faith: I have religion, but no faith in uncle sam.
Primary Computer type: Desktop, Windows 2000 (hate XP), P4/2.0 - 512M
Occupation: Architect (student learning 3D Studio Viz & Photoshop)
Aspirations: To quote Pinky and the Brain... "TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!"
Current Inspiration: My wife, DeStijl Art, Bauhaus, and others
Hobbies: MP3, 3D Studio, Photography, hockey, and my website... www.zooboing.com
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Seattle, WA, USA Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 04-14-2002 06:14
Age: 15
Country of Birth: USA
Current Residences: Seattle, WA, USA
Marital Status: Single
No. of Children: None
Religion / Faith: Lutheran
Primary Computer type: Desktop PC running Windows 98 SE
Occupation: Highschool Student
Aspirations: Become satisfied with my site, learn more about computers, get better at guitar.
Hobbies: Making websites, messing around with computers, learning guitar, listening to music, hanging out.
Hmmm... I thought I was like the youngest one here, but there are a few other 15 or 16 year olds, I even saw a 14 year old up there, that's how old I was when I first started here.
Tyberius Prime
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Germany Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 04-14-2002 17:14
Age: 19
Country of Birth: Germany
Current Residences: Germany - The-Weather-Sucks-Country
Marital Status: The girl that's driving me mad is going away...
No. of Children: None
Religion / Faith: agnosticism on even days. God on odd days.
Primary Computer type: An Old Music chest with some additional tune-ups.
Occupation: Stundent... till next week. Then? No idea! Give me a hint what to do with my life!
Aspirations: Be Happy, never die, see jesus rise again, if he ever will.
Current Inspiration: A Muse, a gf, everything that surrounds me.
Hobbies:Computers. Eating. Coding, Drawing, the music chest.
Tell me what to do with my life / the next year...
Tyberius Prime
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Brisbane, Australia Insane since: Apr 2001
posted 04-14-2002 17:22
Why you asking us wht to do with your life? Ask yourself silly!
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Omicron Persei 8 Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 04-14-2002 17:50
so you are about to finish school? abi?
good luck first of all.
after that? well enjoy the after-school-parties!
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate
From: Twin Cities, MN USA Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 04-14-2002 18:18
Age: 30
Country of Birth: USA
Current Residences: Shoreview, MN
Marital Status: married
No. of Children: None
Religion / Faith: Agnostic
Primary Computer type: MAC G3 Tower running OS X (10.1.3)
Occupation: Bartender, Business Owner, Security & Slacker
Current Inspiration: My wife, good drink and WARM weather
Hobbies: Biking, martial arts & travel
Rev. Gonzo - gonzo@musicscene.org
MusicScene.ORG - Support Your Local Scene!
"If I had wanted your website to make noise, I would have licked my finger and rubbed it across my monitor."
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Small Patch of Grass in CT Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 04-14-2002 19:39
Age: 18
Country of Birth: USA
Current Residences: Brookfield, Conecticut, USA
Marital Status: Dating
No. of Children: None
Religion / Faith: Not Sure Yet
Primary Computer type: Desktop PC running Windows ME
Occupation: Student / Many other odd Jobs
Aspirations: Meeting lots of different people that live different lifestyles. Understanding as much as possible about computers and multimedia design.
Current Inspiration: Scott Bourne, Booger, And anyone else who thinks differently than me and likes to their views.
Hobbies: Skateboarding, Web Design, Thinking, Computers, Music
~ Create beautiful things. Or just kill yourself. Either way the world should benefit. ~
[This message has been edited by Skatefx (edited 04-14-2002).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Kansas City, MO USA Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 04-14-2002 22:16
sorry bad post... me bad, me bad
[This message has been edited by reitveld (edited 04-14-2002).]
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Norway Insane since: Mar 2002
posted 04-14-2002 22:54
Age: 20
Country of Birth: Norway
Current Residences: Norway
Marital Status: single
No. of Children: None
Religion / Faith: Christian
Primary Computer type: tower PC, runnning Win XP
Occupation: student
Hobbies: music, playing the guitar and drums, photographing, drawing and painting....
Sex: Female
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: The land up and over. Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 04-15-2002 00:50
Age: 19
Country of Birth: Canada
Current Residences: Saint John, NB, Canada
Marital Status: Serious Relationship (Not quite ingaged)
No. of Children: None
Religion / Faith: N/A
Primary Computer type: 1.2GHz Slocket adapted PC, 512mb of RAM, 64mb Geforce2 Ti
Occupation: Mechanical Engineering Student
Aspirations: To be me
Current Inspiration: Technology and the desire to be a part of it
Hobbies: Biking, CAD, basic 19 year old male stuff.
dave s
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate
From: ground zero Insane since: Dec 2001
posted 04-15-2002 01:55
Age: 44
Place of Birth: Buffalo, NY. USA
Current Residences: suburb of D.C. (Maryland)
Marital Status: dating (again (finally (and it's serious ))) yeow!
No. of Children: just me, any more would break my toys
Religion / Faith: Drunk
Primary Computer type: dual boot winme for games win2k for work
Occupation: photography.
Current Inspiration: The asylum of course
Aspirations: Enjoy life, try not to strangle some dickhead in traffic, keep my sweetheart happy, make it to euro2004.
Hobbies: Football!(you might call it soccer) bonsai trees, orchids, saltwater fish, stereo.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: the bigger bedroom Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 04-15-2002 01:56
name: adam
Age: 22
Country of Birth: Australia
Current Residences: Australia, NSW, Sydney
Marital Status: have most fantastic girlfriend on the planet
No. of Children: None
Religion / Faith: Christian
Primary Computer type: work pc - pII with 256mb ram
Occupation: IT Student
Aspirations: to be a good christian, husband, father, friend and colleague - and in that order. 
Current Inspiration: creation, friends, girlfriend, bible, asylumnites... everywhere
Hobbies: riding, jogging, swimming, tv, snowboarding.
- - r e i t s m a - -