![]() Preserved Topic: Why do people lie? (Page 1 of 2) |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: San Juan, Puerto Rico |
![]() Looking back at life in general, ever since man was created, the human race has lied, a lot. All lying has brought have been problems and problems, so I wonder, why do people keep lying? What do you think you're gonna get out of lying? |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: *land |
![]() Lying has never brought "good".... hrmm... dunno 'bout that mate. |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: San Juan, Puerto Rico |
![]() What I am simply saying is that lying never brings good. It may bring good to the one who lied, in occations, but the other person is being lied to therefore someone one is gaining something by taking from another. It is a form of stealing, in this occation you are stealing knowleadge or a piece of information for your own gain which is a selfish act. You may get what you want when you lie, but if the truth is revealed you will suffer the consecuences of your selfish act which creates problems. Even if by lying you are doing it for "another person's sake", it is still wrong because you are missguiding them creating a false sense of security which can be shattered at any moment so in the end you are doing the person wrong, not good. I prefer a harsh truth, to a pretty lie, you have to be realistic. So, in conclusion, even if by lying you win, in the end, you don't really win, you are doing the human race wrong. So my question is, if it brings bad things, why do people keep lying? What is the point? |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: under the bed |
![]() most often because people are selfish. other times because they think they can spare someone undue grief. |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: Oblivion |
![]() quote:
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers From: Cell 53, East Wing |
![]() My take is that this kind of behaviour (as a subset of our wider subterfuge skills) is all part of toolkit for surviving communal living whilst also trying our level best to pass on our DNA as much as possible (Machiavellian behaviour has been obsreved in chimps and probably in other primates and is I suspect pretty universal in all animals. |
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist From: the Psychiatric Ward |
![]() deeo thought for the day... |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: Oblivion |
![]() quote:
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: AČ, MI, USA |
![]() I never lie. |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: Oblivion |
![]() Liar! |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers From: Cell 53, East Wing |
![]() I always lie |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: Seoul, Korea |
![]() Why do people steal? Why do people hurt other people? Why do people make shows like Jackass? |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: the Asylum ghetto |
![]() i don't lie...i don't have a good enough memory to lie. for me personally, i don't ask someone's opinion unless i really wanna know what they think. if i think i'll get my feelers hurt, i don't ask...also, when someone asks me for my opinion, i make it very clear that, that's exactly what they're goin to get...if ya don't want hurt feelers, then don't ask. i think lying is usless really...it's very disrespectful (aside from being wrong) to lie to someone. that's how i feel about it when someone lies to me...that they didn't have enough respect for me to tell me the truth. telling the truth is much easier..and it helps me sleep better at night |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: |
![]() Why we lie? dont we know that human isnt perfect? of course we do know, and we never will be perfect...another point of lying could refer to, when someone doesnt want another person to know something, I wouldnt say it is lying, it just that a person prefares someone else not to know what he thinks or doesnt want someone else to know....we not always lie, we just dont want our mind to be an open book, everyone needs privacy. |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: San Juan, Puerto Rico |
![]() Well, yea I know people are selfish. What really gets me about other people is when they lie to themselves and they actually belive it. Also when someone is caught after they lied, they blame it on everyone else but themselves. They can't see the error of their ways and in the end they end up alone, in denial. They say they don't need anyone but themselves (another lie) and that everyone else is doing that person wrong (another lie). They fool themselves into a false state of security that is all based on lies. It really pisses me off. Something similar happened to me recently, this person lied to me and this person's friends told me the truth and now the person that lied blames everyone but himself. I know why people lie, I just can't seem to understand how this person can lie to me the way that he did and then blame evryone else and get mad at me. If a person cares so little or doesnt care at all about someone as to lie to them, why would that person be mad when the truth is revelead if the person didnt care enough to tell the truth in the first place? |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: San Juan, Puerto Rico |
![]() Ruski, not telling someone absolutley everything is not lying. People do need privacy. But lying would be to tell lets say person A something that you "think" about that person and then to go to person B and contradict everything you said to person A. Thats really being a hypocrit not trying to get privacy so don't mix the two concepts which are totally different. |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: the Asylum ghetto |
![]() blinkie, it sounds like this person is more pissed that he got caught. as to why they do it...could be any of a million reasons. |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: San Juan, Puerto Rico |
![]() ah, too late, I'm already disappointed in the human race. As for being angry, not really. I don't let people get me down. |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: Mi, USA |
![]() why do ppl tell the truth? now that always confuses me! |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: Oblivion |
![]() Uh, how to answer that one... |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: Mi, USA |
![]() ok, why do ppl feel guilt then? |
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist From: the Psychiatric Ward |
![]() ~VP~ because they think what they are doing is wrong... |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: Gig Harbor, WA |
![]() Being raised by lies. |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: San Juan, Puerto Rico |
![]() The system of right and wrong comes from morals, just as you know whatz right to do and and what is not right to do in society because of the laws. The truth is a fact, it is what is real that is why people tell the truth. Thats why people want to know the truth, because they don't want to be fooled. Lies are made up, they are not whatz real. |
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist From: the Psychiatric Ward |
![]() so... morals are based on the local laws? |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: San Juan, Puerto Rico |
![]() God gave us morals. If you don't belive in God or if by any reason he does not exist, then it is necessary for us to make him up. Because we need rules that tell us whatz right and whatz wrong, and without them, the world would not function. Morals are rules, rules are based on morals. They are teachings, they come from experience. Some people say there is no right and wrong, but there is. It not right and wrong from your point of view, or from your friends point of view but from God's point of view. Therefore, lying still remains wrong. |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: Seoul, Korea |
![]() Perhaps I'm just being cynical, but in general I think that the reasons people lie or tell the truth are the same--ie, people will either lie or tell the truth depending on what better serves their interests at the moment. |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: The Astral Plane |
![]() I think Suho is closest to the mark... |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: |
![]() Good one master shuho....people lie to protect their privacy, people lie they dont want others to know the truth...there is a million reasons and sometimes lying is necessary...for ex.= not to hurt someone, to fool someone when he doesnt deserve to know the truth....and so on....its just part of the life....not everyone deserves to know the truth about something |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: the uterus |
![]() Because I'm evil, very, very evil. |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: San Juan, Puerto Rico |
![]() Ruski, what Suho meant about that people lie to protect themselves, I don't belive he was talking about privacy. Lying in order to "protect ourselves" is still the selfish act of lying. Of course people lie because they dont want others to know the truth, after all lying is not telling the truth, but what would be the reason for that person to not want other people to know the truth? Are they ashamed of the truth, of the truth about themselves? Everyone deserves to know the truth because the truth is our reality, you have no right to fool someone. Don't do to others what you woulnd't want others to do to you. Tho you represent the perfect example of a lying person, they are selfish bastards. (When you want to protect you privacy, you just don't reveal it to the other people, you just say it's to private or whatever but you don't lie about it, cause then it's wrong) |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: |
![]() becouse this is our life and we know what we want to do about it and LYING IS NECESSARY! and I dont want someone else to know about my life. |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: San Juan, Puerto Rico |
![]() my life, my privacy, my decision..... boy ruski, aren't you quite self centered. Yes it is our life, we do decide what we want to do with it but when you lie to someone else, its no longer only your life, it's the other person's life as well so you have to stop being self centered at this point. Lying is not neccesary, aren't you catholic? One of the 10 commandments, the 7th I belive, states not to lie. So here hypocricy kicks in again. Anyway, I'm not trying to point any fingers, I know I've lied but I also know it's wrong and when I lie I try to fix it isntead of blamming everyone else and trying to find excuses that point fingers at everyone and everything else but myself. We do decide what we want to tell other people, not telling someone everything about our lifes is not lying, I never did say that. Now, telling other people something that is not true about our lifes then thats wrong. Also lying about our feelings and our thoughts to someone, that is majorly wrong because then you're playing not only with the person's mind but with the person's feelings, and you have no right to do that. You must lie on daily basis to think that lying is neccesary, only someone insecure would say that, only someone ashamed of the truth would say that. Someone who is trying to escape reality and isn't brave enough to face the truth. Lying is still wrong regardless of what you think. |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: The Astral Plane |
![]() You seem to be looking at this in a very black and white light, Blinkie. |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: San Juan, Puerto Rico |
![]() Perhaps I'm just talking about lying in my case only, the lying im refering to is when you lie to someone else on purpouse, as to fool them for ur own gain. Of course if someone says I dunno, "im fat" and that person is your friend you're not gonna say yes you are, but if they are fat your duty is to help them lose weigh because it is unhealthy but also your duty is not to say no your not fat when it is unhealthy because then you are harming them and you are making them belive they are not fat(false sense of security). Therefore, in over all the truth is better than lies(talking general) and I do not like to fool people and make them belive what is not true. |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: Arlington, Virginia, USA |
![]() Lying is just wrong...it will always come back and bite you in your bumm. |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: Arlington, Virginia, USA |
![]() darn it ...i think my post went off into the mists of time... |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: San Juan, Puerto Rico |
![]() I couldn't have said it better.... thank you |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: kofin,6ft.under |
![]() Blinkie, You wanna know the real reason Y ppl lie?well here it goes.. |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: Arlington, Virginia, USA |
![]() oh man you have no idea the experience i could bring on this conversation...just give me a "what if" |
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