Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: rooted on planet Mars, *I mean Earth* Insane since: May 2004
posted 01-29-2005 22:58
Well, I am taking time out to start this thread because I thought it was quite interesting. I was up late one night watching PBS, and they showed a special on this string theory and it interested me. In a nutshell it is a proposed idea that suggests an underlying principal to everything. It is in a sense the "final theory" that would unite all science.
It sounded pretty interesting to me. The only problem is that there is no tangible proof concerning the string theory. It is basically the building on of Einstien's theory of relativity.
The show talked about an institute that was built to try and at least find some proof of the string theory by smashing two atoms together at really high speeds. Then, observe if any gravitons (sp?) went flying into the other dimension. I found it quite intriguing.
I would like some input on whether you all think that the string theory, if researched more, could be the possible theory.
One other thing I found that was quite interesting:
quote: Is it really the case that feelings of joy, sorrow, or boredom are nothing but chemical reactions in the brain?reactions between molecules and atoms that, even more microscopically, are reactions between some of the fundamental particles, which are really just vibrating strings?
Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you, rebuke a wise man and he will love you.
Moon Shadow
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Rouen, France Insane since: Jan 2003
posted 01-29-2005 23:58
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 01-30-2005 02:50
Its interesting an it seems to be going beyond simple stirngs into planes.
Will this provide the Great Unifying Theory? Possibly. Its certainly an interesting direction of inquiry but, as with all science, we'll have to wait and see - the theory has expectations and if the LHC produces the right particles then this would certainly help solidfy the theory.
Some good articles:
The Emperor dot org | Justice for Pat Richard | FAQs: Emperor | Site Reviews | Reception Room
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: In Therapy Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 01-30-2005 03:30
This Post is a bit of a ramble....just a brain storm I feel Like Publishing
quote: The electric (E) and magnetic (B) fields interact with each other in a way (direction, value) that suggests the same origin.
This is seen in everyday things ... (well sort of) ...hence the electromagnet ....you add electrisaty(sp?) its a magnet, take away , and it isn't (to an exstent)
quote: Their properties can easily be described as the result of vibrating strings.
Kinda Like when there is a lightning storm..... The Lightning strikes, Heating up the air at such a rapid rate, that it causes it to vibrate and , there-fore (sp?) Thunder
quote: And the existence of the graviton could as well be explained by the strings, which would expand our understanding of gravity.
To My Knowledge...I dont think scientists have found exactly "what" gravity is , How It is formed, and Why
Atho I Think I have an Idea...of such.... Its just something I brainstormed up....it makes sence tho....
quote: Is it really the case that feelings of joy, sorrow, or boredom are nothing but chemical reactions in the brain?reactions between molecules and atoms that, even more microscopically, are reactions between some of the fundamental particles, which are really just vibrating strings?
To me that makes more sence than....well....It makes sence......an example of this would be how you feel (in a way) when your a Teenager...and
..My Brain just clicked 
Ok.....as I said Above lightning (electrisity[sp?]) makes vibrations in the air..blah blah blah
ok...The Human Brain...and there for Humans in general....creates ( or of the like) electrity.....vibration....chemicals (my brain just un-clicked )
..gaaa.....I cant find the word(s) I was going to use.... But Hopefully you get the jeist (sp?) or the Idea of what Im trying to say
Now For A Question to Ponder......If these "strings" do truly exsist....what are they.....than again..now that I think of it....what is a Quark....atom..ect
Not by def. Now..but of surface...in a way to touch it what would you touch (not to really ..but if we were at such size and touched it..what would we feel...er..what would be see....If you [and hopefully you do] get my drift
quote: To answer some of the biggest questions in physics, such as what actually happened in the big bang, this disagreement is a big problem - do you use the equations of general relativity because there is an enormous amount of mass? Or do you use quantum mechanics because it's all in such a small space?
I think the answer to this question is to - use the equations of general relativity because there is an enormous amount of mass? -
because it (mass wise..or so) in its own way answers the other option -use quantum mechanics because it's all in such a small space-
An example of this would be if you could take a tea spoon of a black hole it would weigh Many Many Tons (I cant seem to get a number) ..and therefor alot of "packed in" mass ...just a tea spoon....and altho we are speeking (with the strings) on an atleast nano level ..it kind of gives the jist of it
There Is A Fine Line Between Genius and Insanity... I Have Erased this line
(Edited by INSANEdrive on 01-30-2005 03:58)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: rooted on planet Mars, *I mean Earth* Insane since: May 2004
posted 01-30-2005 04:20
quote: INSANEdrive said:
in a way to touch it what would you touch
If we could get our feeling nerves to downsize that small, it would probably give an electicized jolt, like sticking your finger in an electric socket. Actually, if you were that small, it could be a lot worse.
quote: INSANEdrive said:
what would be see [sic]
Um, this I have no clue. There is a model out about the rough shape and comparable size, but as for texture, etc. that is a good question. If you ever want to touch or see an atom, just take a look at your hand sometime. You will be seeing countless atoms (well, you could approximate them, I guess). If you can look in your mind's eye and see just one cell, with all its inard workings, then looking into just one of those tiny nuclei, then imagine smaller, proteins make up those nuclei, next, look inside those protiens, and you see the individual atoms. They are extremely small, and if microscopes have a hard time making out protiens, they have an even harder time making out atoms. I might be mistaken, but I think I read in a science text book a few years ago about a microscope that could see individual clumps of atoms. I could be wrong, but it seems we are on our way to seeing them in person sometime soon.
quote: INSANEdrive said:
I dont think scientists have found exactly "what" gravity is
You're right, that is still up in the air. It has been pinpointed, though, to a field force, and Einstien's theory has also opened some doors into the understanding of gravity.
quote: Moon Shadow said:
Our physics teacher proposed us to attend a conference about Einstein's work
followed by the recent advances in fundamental physics in February, perhaps
it'll help understanding more of this theory
That would be neat. Good luck with the conference. If you find anything earth shattering, I am sure that there is at least one (possibly more) on Asylum that would like to hear it.
Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you, rebuke a wise man and he will love you.
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: In Therapy Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 01-30-2005 04:43
quote: Gideon said:
INSANEdrive said:in a way to touch it what would you touch
If we could get our feeling nerves to downsize that small, it would
probably give an electicized jolt, like sticking your finger in an electric
socket. Actually, if you were that small, it could be a lot worse.
INSANEdrive said:what would be see [sic]
Um, this I have no clue. There is a model out about the rough shape and
comparable size, but as for texture, etc. that is a good question. If you ever
want to touch or see an atom, just take a look at your hand sometime. You will
be seeing countless atoms (well, you could approximate them, I guess). If you
can look in your mind's eye and see just one cell, with all its inard workings,
then looking into just one of those tiny nuclei, then imagine smaller, proteins
make up those nuclei, next, look inside those protiens, and you see the
individual atoms. They are extremely small, and if microscopes have a hard time
making out protiens, they have an even harder time making out atoms. I might be
mistaken, but I think I read in a science text book a few years ago about a
microscope that could see individual clumps of atoms. I could be wrong, but it
seems we are on our way to seeing them in person sometime soon.
I knew That my question was going to be answerd in that way...alow me to spesify
I dont mean..to actully touch or texture.. I mean ..like....is it (atoms ,quarks, ect) as its surface or its actual self in gen. ( ex. an egg shell.....I ask what it is...which is (i think)... a bunch of protiens or such)...so what would it be atom, ect. wise ....electristy? (sp?) , uh wave .... energy..or something.....what is an atom....than again...I guess what Im truly asking is (in my own way)..what Ive been asking...well..sence I was four..
which is...
What is Energy? (and I dont mean by def. ... if I wanted a def. there is always Webster...I mean..WHAT IS in its purest form (and yet I dont really mean purest form..Im useing it to Give the idea of what Ive wanted to know sence I can remember..)... is Energy a partical...a wave (well I know there is energy in waves..but) what....is energy.....I guess such a question is too deep for sane minds
But..Im kinda going off topic....so...just for the sake of being me , Im going to type down what Einstein is best known for (sence he and his theory [s] have come on up alot in this topic and links)
Energy Equals Mass Times The Speed of Light in a vacuum Squared
Out of Insanity comes brilliance (Or was it the other way around?)
(Edited by INSANEdrive on 01-30-2005 04:44)
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 01-30-2005 10:55
These two need each other.

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: rooted on planet Mars, *I mean Earth* Insane since: May 2004
posted 01-31-2005 14:52
WS, I got all I need already. I just like to talk to people, no matter how they respond. It can make for some interesting conversations, and I have learned that knowledge and wisdom can come from some of the wierdest places...
Well, InsaneDrive, I don't think I know where you are going with this. Do you mean like what an atom, quark is made of? You said "what is energy?" I am not an expert on what energy is, and I guess it is hard to describe. You might want to try a dictionary term to start with, then work from there. If that doesn't work, then the best suggestion I can give you is ask a teacher or scientist who deals with that field on a regular basis. I can try and give you an estimate, but it will just be something cooked up from the inner workings of my head.
Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you, rebuke a wise man and he will love you.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: London Insane since: Jun 2003
posted 01-31-2005 15:18
You should check out a book called 'How to know God', it's by Depak Chopra. Portions of this book are dedicated to similar theories, it's quite an interesting read.

Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: In Therapy Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 02-01-2005 00:37
quote: Gideon said:
Do you mean like what an atom, quark is made of? You said "what is energy?" I am not an expert on what energy is, and I guess it is hard to describe.
Trust Me....Ive been Asking that one Question for Years...ever sence I can remember... 4 ... I think (ya 4)...
...Im Still Asking that Question (but I think You got that much already)
quote: Gideon said:
You might want to try a dictionary term to start with, then work from there.
quote: INSANEdrive said:
what is an atom....than again...I guess what Im truly asking is (in my own way)..what Ive been asking...well..sence I was four..which is...What is Energy? (and I dont mean by def. ... if I wanted a def. there is always Webster...I mean..WHAT IS in its purest form (and yet I dont really mean purest form..Im useing it to Give the idea of what Ive wanted to know sence I can remember..)... is Energy a partical...a wave (well I know there is energy in waves..but) what....is energy.....I guess such a question is too deep for sane minds
...Let Me put it in different way..... (This is Hypotothical now...to hopefully give you a better idea of what the Im saying)
Your in a desert....100 Degree heat at least or so.....and Because ur Crazy (Not Insane but Crazy you Blow up a Ballon with your Nose....tie it..and let it go
and Because Its SO hot the Heat Energy Pushes it up ....like a bunch of flying hands pushing it up... what is energy.....or Your hungry..your all shaky cause you havent eaten for two days....the only way for your body to fell better...and not so week is to get your ENERGY back is to eat food.....What Is Energy
....I hope this Gives you a better Idea of what Im asking (but I sense...by useing the Power of
a toothbrush..that you will still.... in a way...miss understand my question..but Im getting used to that now (if not already))
quote: Gideon said:
If that doesn't work, then the best suggestion I can give you is ask a teacher or scientist who deals with that field on a regular basis.
...Heh....way Ahead of you stumped every one....from my 1st grade science teacher ... to the the Head Guy at the local science center who at one time (or still is) worked at Godderd(sp?)
BUT.....I forgot to mention...I have found..Philosophy wise..what energy is...its the closest ive got of an answer to my True meaning of the Question
Philosophy wise... Energy Is Change . . .
There Is A Fine Line Between Genius and Insanity... I Have Erased this line
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Pool Of Life Insane since: Nov 2003
posted 02-01-2005 02:06
Here are a couple of links that I found useful in the pursuance of such knowledge.
The Partical Adventure
The Partical Adventure Links Page
My "particular adventure" started mid eighties after reading The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra.
:::tao::: ::cell::
"Those who look for monsters should look to it that they do not become monsters. For when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you"
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: 2 steps away from a los angeles curb Insane since: Nov 2003
posted 02-01-2005 10:39
Tao of Physics, excellent book.
Is This Thing On?
Webbing; the stuff that sticks to your face.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Land of one Headlight on. Insane since: May 2001
posted 02-01-2005 16:42
quote: Hypotothical
Sounds like a hitherto unknown but clearly uncomfortable male specific affliction.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Land of one Headlight on. Insane since: May 2001
posted 02-01-2005 22:29
Two books I can reach without leaving this chair are: "The Dancing Wu Li Masters" by Gary Zukav
and "Pi in the Sky" (Counting, Thinking, and Being) by John D. Barrow.
A bit on the first here http://quanta-gaia.org/reviews/books/wuLiMasters.html
and on the 2nd here http://members.cox.net/mathmistakes/what_is_mathematics1.htm
Required reading.... and re-reading for me cuz eyez pretty thick & mollasses like slow..on both.
From 'Dancing' chapter 1 1st paragraph..
"When we talk of physics as patterns of organic energy the word that catches our attention is "organic".
Organic means living. Most people think that physics is about things that are not living, such as pendulums and billiard balls. This is a common point of view, even among physicists, but it is not as evident as it may seem."
And from there... it's off to the races... =)
(Edited by NoJive on 02-01-2005 22:39)
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: In Therapy Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 02-02-2005 02:07
quote: NoJive said:
Sounds like a hitherto unknown but clearly uncomfortable male specific affliction.
OK OK ...I Can't spell worth a darn... ..sheeesh
There Is A Fine Line Between Genius and Insanity... I Have Erased this line
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Land of one Headlight on. Insane since: May 2001
posted 02-02-2005 06:59
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: London Insane since: Jun 2003
posted 02-02-2005 10:23
'becuz'...!? WTF OMFG BBQ are you trying to start a flame here...? :P

Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admittedFrom: Insane since: Mar 2005
posted 03-15-2005 20:55
Hi, I am God 
err, new to this tiny,tiny bit of the internet.
I know one or two things I could say about string theory:
WAN: it is full of contradictions AND hard to get
OR: this is a good site about it: http://superstringtheory.com/
TOOW: I wouldn't believe it becouse I am God and indeed Allah, Zeus, Hera, Elohim,Yahwe
( or any of the other names You've given me )
so I would know what I used to create your universe
... nope I wount tell it was my imagination
And now for the 'sirius' peeps around:
this is the official site about superstring theory
It's full of scientific mumbling but its the only good refference we may use on campus
these are excellent beginner docs (BBC Nova)
with stream-vids(V-D-O's)
And if you should forget what this is about here's the wiki:
And that is all for 'today'(taken in mind today actually excists)
see ya
Jesus isn't My son, it's the child of H. Spirit and Mary
So, can I stop paying allimony now???
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: France Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 03-15-2005 22:16
qbicle: Hello and welcome in the Asylum
As I've said in Evolution vs. Creationism, I've seen recently the 3h documentary based on the book "The Elegant Universe : Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory" by Brian Greene. It was fascinating and dead simple to understand. The theory M is awesome. I don't know if the book is as clear as that documentary however I highly recommend everybody to read it or try to find/watch the documentary.

Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Pool Of Life Insane since: Nov 2003
posted 03-16-2005 01:02
Great link thanks poi 
::tao:::: ::cell::
"Those who look for monsters should look to it that they do not become monsters.
For when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you"
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Camrose, Alberta, Canada, Hörnefors, Väs Insane since: Jun 2000
posted 03-16-2005 06:04
Oh, and I thought you were talking about guitar strings when I saw the topic name! But let's face it, guitar strings are important too.
See my guitar video clips:
Workpage http://www.vitaleffect.com/
Homepage: http://www.dolphinstreet.com/