Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 01-26-2006 18:43
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Florida Insane since: Mar 2005
posted 01-26-2006 18:50
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Right behind you. Insane since: May 2005
posted 01-26-2006 19:25
It follows then, that we are the smaller alien in an even larger brain.
Hmm, wonder what I can make this guy do...?
Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right.
Isaac Asimov
US science fiction novelist & scholar (1920 - 1992)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Outside Looking In Insane since: Aug 2005
posted 01-27-2006 00:42
quote: INSANEdrive
I?m Sitting at my computer typing, when all of the sudden I think to my self
My Brain is controlling my fingers to type.. But what is controlling my Brain..
Your dick!
Because your watching porn. 
What do I win? 
" The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding, and being understood. "
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 01-27-2006 02:04
Maniac (V) Mad LibrarianFrom: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 01-27-2006 09:19
You need some serious shock therapy, man.
As for what is controlling your brain... no, your brain does not control itself. I didn't really want to have to reveal this little tidbit quite yet, but the fact is that I control your brain--but only when I feel like it, which is rarely. The rest of the time you're just spinning out of control.
And that explains why you always appear to be on crack.
Suho: www.liminality.org | Cell 270 | Sig Rotator | the Fellowship of Sup
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: London Insane since: Jun 2003
posted 01-27-2006 15:22
Your mind controls your brain surely, it's the 21 grams that leaves your body when your brain dies.
But seriously, Suho is your designated controler I saw him sign the form when you were admitted, and believe me the less you know about it the better, if Emperor ever finds out what the worshippers of Sup are up to the whole Asylum could be doomed, that's why we use you to er... keep him busy... 

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 01-27-2006 19:27
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Outside Looking In Insane since: Aug 2005
posted 01-28-2006 03:06
quote: INSANEdrive..But what is controlling my Brain..
It must be, The Juice of Safu!
" It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Safu that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stain, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. "
" The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding, and being understood. "
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Elizabethtown, KY Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 01-28-2006 11:04
From a scientific standpoint, I've always thought that people speaking of their brains was a bit schizophrenic or just the equivelant of speaking in third person (I'm being totally serious). When you begin think about it in greater detail (still scientific view) you are your brain. Your brain is everything that defines you. It's the control center, the center of thought, speech, action, personality. Scientifically, your brain controls itself based on a system of electric pulses traveling through serveral thousand layers of nerve tissue.
From a half way scientific and half way philosophic/idealist level, we do know that the mind does exist. We establish it as being there, we just can't scientifically test it because it's subject to the individual. We can try to test it, but the data is inevitably misleading and varies on an incomprehensive scale. It's like imaginary numbers in math. We can't define them, but we know they exist and can insert them into equations to find real answers (real numbers). An example would be the square root of the number -1 represented algebraically by the letter i.
From a totally spiritual and perhaps a pseudo-religous level, the mind and body are aligned harmonically and controlled by the oversoul, or the godself. This is the ultimate level of conscious realization, the part where you are completely detached from all physical reality on this plain and transcend to a higher state of consciousness in which you have 100% control over reality (or surreality?). Thus, as a result of the mind sort of being a part of everything, the mind controls the brain, which controls the body, which controls the provided reality, which alters the mind .
I hope that was helpful.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: f(x) Insane since: Jun 2004
posted 01-28-2006 17:25
Um, you could Google it. Saves me time for questions like... this... and others.

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 01-30-2006 13:39
zavaboy said:
Um, you could Google it. Saves me time for questions like... this... and others.
Google doesn't have a brain of its own....
Google doesn't think for it self....
Google Isn't very Philosophical
And Apparently neather are you ( JOIN US...MUAHAHAHAHAHAH )
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 01-30-2006 17:03
InSiDeR said:
From a scientific standpoint, I've always thought that people speaking of their brains
was a bit schizophrenic or just the equivelant of speaking in third
person (I'm being totally serious). When you begin think about it in
greater detail (still scientific view) you are your brain. Your
brain is everything that defines you. It's the control center, the
center of thought, speech, action, personality. Scientifically, your
brain controls itself based on a system of electric pulses traveling
through serveral thousand layers of nerve tissue.
From a half way scientific and half way philosophic/idealist level, we do
know that the mind does exist. We establish it as being there, we just
can't scientifically test it because it's subject to the individual. We
can try to test it, but the data is inevitably misleading and varies on
an incomprehensive scale. It's like imaginary numbers in math. We can't
define them, but we know they exist and can insert them into equations
to find real answers (real numbers). An example would be the square
root of the number -1 represented algebraically by the letter i.
From a totally spiritual and perhaps a pseudo-religous level, the mind
and body are aligned harmonically and controlled by the oversoul, or
the godself.
This is the ultimate level of conscious realization, the part where you
are completely detached from all physical reality on this plain and
transcend to a higher state of consciousness in which you have 100%
control over reality (or surreality?). Thus, as a result of the mind
sort of being a part of everything, the mind controls the brain, which
controls the body, which controls the provided reality, which alters
the mind .
I hope that was helpful.
It is, Thank You 