Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 02-17-2003 23:51
My school didn't let me take Graphics as my subject because it's not available til this next semester, God , I wish it was available so that I could have known how to do some graphical works of my own.
I went to the office and said "I want to do Graphics instead of Cooking" because I don't want to end up doing Hospitality course, how I hate that course. Hence, I'm doing SOSE(History) because they don't have any graphics available yet.
Now I'm stuck in that History class, it's so hard for my brain, I hate learning all the dates from the 20th Century.
and then I have to do an essay for english about war too! ain't that shitty? it's due next week, 25th. I don't really know what to say on my essay, i'm out of ideas and opinions.
Help me!
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 02-17-2003 23:56
This shouldn't stop you from pursuing self study - an awful lot of people around here are self taught and there is no reason you can't improve without it being part of class.
FAQs: Emperor
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Charles River Insane since: May 2002
posted 02-18-2003 00:04
Very well said. 99% of what I know (I mean, of what my brain hasn't forgot) was learned by myself. I'm taking some courses now but due to the circumstances, not because I really wanted to, the first place (although I'm liking them a lot). It's easier to learn when someone teaches you (specially if the teacher is good) but it's also very possible to learn it by reading and trying by yourself.
(BTW, I hate history too...)
[This message has been edited by viol (edited 02-18-2003).]
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist
From: the Psychiatric Ward Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 02-18-2003 00:06
graphics class... heh... Whats that?
I cant learn history on my own very well because it does not interest me, so taking a class about it was good for me. I actually learned stuff. Like... um... well... that has nothing to do with my point. But, after teaching myself about PS i think it would be a waste to take a college ps class, unless it was highly advanced.
So yah, teach yerself. there is more on the internet than you will ever beable to learn anywhere ever!

Perfect Thunder
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Milwaukee Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 02-18-2003 00:56
Also, as Hiroki's misadventures seem to attest, graphics and internet classes are often incorrect! The principle "those who can, do; those who can't, teach" seems to be very true when it comes to anything related to "new media." There are good teachers out there, of course, but it can be hard to find them. I've always considered my best teacher to be myself. (heh, originally typed "myserf." Teach faster, peasant!) With the exception of one or two really excellent teachers in college, and of course my martial arts instructor, everything I'm good at comes from books, the internet, just barely enough talent, and practice, practice, practice.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 02-18-2003 02:48
thanks for the advices, good lord, my teacher in english have moved the due date to next week after 25th.
But my teacher in History ain't that good, she's 25 y.o., she's treating us like we're in Kindergarten or in Elementary. That's what I hate the most about that class.
see, We did towers using drink straws at our first class. then we have to do this report with some artciles from the newspaper and say why does it affects us the most. My turn is on this Fri.
Now, what I'm doing is, I'm searching what I'm gonna do with my essay.
Tell me what should I add in my topic?=War will never be stopped, that's the topic.
Perfect Thunder
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Milwaukee Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 02-18-2003 02:53
Sort of a sad topic, but a good one. What else do you need? Your topic is "war will never be stopped," then you just write about why.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 02-18-2003 02:55
I can't, I don't know how to express my opinions in an essay. I know I'm such an idiot about that, but that's just me.
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist
From: the Psychiatric Ward Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 02-18-2003 03:04
I know the feeling when it come to essays... i been sittin here for a couple of hours staring at my screen writing nothing.
Okay... a good essay has An introduction paragraph, 3 main points... 3 paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph... so you need to start by deciding on 3 main points. Say, A, B and C.
Say you think warring will never be abolished... lets have 3 reason why. so... an essay would look like:
Intro - I dont think war will be abolished because A, B, C.
A - humans seem to like to fight or...
B - as long as there is power humans will fight for it...
C - people have a long history of fighting or someting...
Conclusion - (here you kind of reiterate your main point)

Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Charles River Insane since: May 2002
posted 02-18-2003 03:09
Yannah, don't mind about feeling "an idiot" about History. I feel the same about my knowledge because I always hated History. My wife, OTOH, loves History and as she talks about it, sometimes I feel that History, if taught the right way, can become interesting. Still, I feel an idiot when the subject is History.
Perfect Thunder
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Milwaukee Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 02-18-2003 03:28
Listen to the oblong fruit, Yannah. 
Here's my keyhole essay on the topic of cheese, and why it's good.
Cheese is good. Not only is it yummy and versatile, and rich in vital calcium, but it is orange, a color that has mental connections on every point of the plausibility spectrum. The yumminess of cheese is beyond question, and its versatility is evident in any cookbook. Cheese, being made from milk, has calcium that helps build strong bones. And although there is certainly non-orange cheese, it's the orange cheese that warms the heart; the color orange is comforting for a host of reasons. Cheese is good, and doubters are encouraged to read on.
The yumminess of cheese, like the yumminess of anything, is a matter of personal opinion. However, I believe that those who consider cheese yummy are by far the majority; look at the popularity of the cheeseburger, nachos with cheese, wine and cheese tastings, and the Asylum Cheese Tournament. Clearly, the appeal of cheese is broad-based, crossing both socioeconomic and ethnic/national boundaries. The yumminess of cheese is bolstered by its versatility -- cheese can profitably be incorporated into nearly every recipe, from quiche to fried potatoes to ice cream. Ice cream, you say? Has the man gone mad? Not in the least! Ricotta is a sweet Italian cheese that is used in all manner of sweets, from traditional canolli to avant-garde ice cream. Cheese may not be the king of foods, but it is at least the shifty vizier who plots to overthrow him!
Many things that are yummy are bad for you. Not cheese! Scientific reports show that people who eat cheese not only have, like, this much calcium, but they're also stronger, more intelligent, less prone to fits of madness or apoplexy, and have better penmanship. In a recent study, a test group of hardcore cheese-eaters scored 75% higher on physical fitness tests than the control group, which ate roofing nails instead of cheese. Obviously, cheese is far healthier than the best roofing material science can produce; what more evidence do you need?
The color of cheese, particularly orange cheese, contributes to its benefits. When trapped under a sheet of ice while mountain-climbing, you need only look at a block of bright orange sharp cheddar and pretend it's fire. You'll start feeling warmer immediately! (In fact, you could use your ice axe to carve it into the shape of fire; you don't have any other use for the tool anyway, do you?) If you're an Irish Protestant on St. Patrick's Day, how better to show your eagerness to be gunned down by the IRA than to wear a festive block of orange cheese hitched to your garter? Conversely, if you're a Sinn Fein spokesman, why not burn a block of orange cheese at the stake on local television? Instant ratings! As for myself, I avoid such political cheese; I prefer simply to gaze at my cheese and let it's vibrant sunset hues take my mind to the Ozone Asylum, home of black pills and RTFM.
So look, whoever's reading this: you can take it or leave it. It's cheese, it's ubiquitous, and avoiding it is just going to add a little "hassle overhead" to your life. Why not just give in to its delightful yumminess (abetted by its fantastic versatility)? It's better for you than roofing nails, and look, it really does have calcium in it, roofing nails aside. Plus, the orange color has dimensions and connotations we haven't even discussed yet; you could make highway warning signs out of it, for instance. In conclusion: cheese is good, eat cheese.
See? Easy as that!
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 02-18-2003 08:03
I suppose so, but I still can't do it having somebody with me all the time. I can't find a nice place to do it and I don't know what sort of argument I should put on it.
But thanks for everything though.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 02-18-2003 08:54
This is actually easier than it looks...just start writing down, what you think about it. Are you for war? Against war? For war when it is justified? You do this first...find a topic that you, personally agree with. Then, as Izzay pointed out, support your topic with three points. For example, I am for war, when it is justified. Then a short paragraph, with three points that support it. Then, three paragraphs, that explain each of the three points. Then, wrap it up in a conclusion, that uses other words to explain the topic (and your three points). Normally, at the very end of the conclusion, include a 'hammer' sentence...that either surprises, or asks a question...get your 'audience' thinking...
You can do it!
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Charles River Insane since: May 2002
posted 02-18-2003 09:38
To deserve some extra credit, try to tell a little about the other side, think like a lawyer. Even if you are for war, state some reasoning about what is good and what is not about not going for war (i.e., being against the war). Even if you have a certain opinion about a matter, try to think "what if" I was in the other side, "what if" I thought differently, what are the consequences. Every discussion has at least two sides, try to think about both, and spend more time talking about the one you're in, of course.
And bare in mind that the worst part is to start writing. Once you have a sketch, once your mind is already thinking about the matter, once you have something already written, new stuff pops up in the mind more easily.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 02-18-2003 11:09
PT: You, my friend, obviously have way too much time on your hands. 
Yannah: Writing an essay is not hard. Writing a good essay, on the other hand, can be difficult. Much of the difficulty, though, lies not in the writing itself, but in the planning stage. Think about your topic, research it, plan out what you're going to write--it often helps to write up an outline of your essay first.
Make sure your essay has the three key elements: Unity (a clear thesis in the first paragraph; all other paragraphs should back up that thesis, and you shouldn't have anything in there that doesn't), Support (specific and sufficient evidence for each of your points) and Coherence (good organization and transitions, effective introduction and conclusion).
This is all easy to say, and much harder to do. It is something that takes practice, and some people (most people, actually) never really get the hang of it. But learning to write a persuasive essay is a valuable skill that will serve you well in later life. So don't give up, and don't be too hard on yourself. After all, you're still learning.
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Inside THE BOX Insane since: May 2000
posted 02-18-2003 14:23
Man, I could really go for some cheese right now...
Perfect Thunder
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Milwaukee Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 02-18-2003 14:49
It sounds like you're saying you don't have a good study environment; you don't have a quiet place where you can think carefully about things. That's a problem. Isn't there a part of the library where nobody goes? I know that every library I've been in has at least one isolated corner that's quiet as the grave. Or why not ask a librarian for help? There are probably meeting rooms that nobody is using, where nobody would bother you.
Rinswind 2th
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Den Haag: The Royal Residence Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 02-18-2003 20:55
Here is my three tips:
1) Do you want to write the essay? Yes than you could do it, you just have to want it enough.. but i think you hate to do it so you will find way's not to he...
2) If you want a quit place, goto the local public library. You don't have to pay for it, you don't even have to have an membership card. It's easy to work and best off all there is loads of info on any subject....
3) Make the essay intresting for yourself. You like art and graphics right? So you could write about the german artists who made the Nazi propaganda in the second world war and how the nazi's abused the talented boys and girls. Go on about why those poor artists let this happen ( just because they otherwise were send to the front, or had no food or they just believed it was right....).
Or you could write about why wars need simple symbols for comunication and identification (like colors from parties, how could you shoot the enemy when you don't know how he looks like). Or write about the symbols used by tribes going to a war... just make it interesting and the damn thing will write itself.
The trick is to bend the rules in your favour. Instead of breaking them.
I myself got my best numbers on things like that. I remember once i had to write an essay about parcival a round table knight. I did not realy want to do such "booooring" thing. So together with a friend i hooked up some cd-players, mics and some cassette decks. Instead of being busy writing, we had fun making a radioplay about this story. When we took it to our teacher she looked pretty strange. But the next week we both got a 10 out of 10.
And her motivation was:
"It took you an enourmous effort plus you realy let me feel what that story was about. Therefore know you both did realy undertsand the story"
"Freedom of speech is by no means freedom to insult others" from the Razorart goodbye letter.
[This message has been edited by Rinswind 2th (edited 02-18-2003).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 02-18-2003 23:53
I have to. There's no place here that I could be alone. And I have to write it in 400 or so words.I know it's easy to write a parapgraph in 400 words but I don't specifically know what I should have an arguement about. The topic that I really have to do is "War will never be stopped". I can't choose another topic.
Help Me!
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Vancouver, WA Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 02-19-2003 01:25
Ok...Here we go, divide it into a 5 paragraph essay (more or less, becasue those are the easiest kinds).
Paragraph 1: War will never be stopped
-Say this in a boring thesis statement surrounded by an introduction and fluff
Paragraph 2: A reason why war will never be stopped (such as: Because it is human nature to fight, or something)
-Say why it is human nature to fight
Paragraph 3 and 4: Two other reasons, surrounded by supporting information in each paragraph.
Paragraph 5: Re-state your thesis statement (War will never be stopped), and recap paragraphs 2, 3, and 4.
If you haven't reached 400 words, then here are some simple tips: Don't use words such as "can't" and "don't." Use "can not" and "do not." This can add on around 20 to 30 words in a paper.
Add "fluff." I mean by that to be wordy. At least in my experience, teachers like people who can say in two sentances what could of easily be said in one. This is easily accomplished by "embelishing" points you make again and again with the help of your trustly thesaurus (Shift+F7 in Word).
Hope this helps.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Charles River Insane since: May 2002
posted 02-19-2003 02:25
400 words to say why "wars will never be stopped" is not difficult. It's only a paragraph. Think about the human nature: wars will never stop because of the human nature. Two people living together is not easy, can you imagine 5+ billion people living together??
Impossible avoid wars... Well, write on...
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 02-19-2003 23:43
I got an idea...thanks viol and all you guys!
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 02-24-2003 02:59
hey I finished it. Have a look and see if it's called an essay to you!
title-Untitled War
War- do we really know what’s the true meaning of it and why can’t we avoid it?
War will never be stopped, there is no solution or even a “miracle” to stop this stupidity going on around the world. Conflicts, that people may have seem always have, already have dominated the entire world, moreover, there are no men who can stop war, even if they have told you so.
Wars took it’s first step in ancient times, emperors or other royal people wanted to seek lands that they think they could spread their power to give to their own people to live in. These lands were cultivated to grow crops in them, of course the original inhabitants have taken this misconceptions as an insult for they are just visitors in their own territory and yet they are acting as if they already own it, so they fought for it until the last of their breaths.
It is believed that the assassination of the Archduke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand, in Bosnian capital of Sarajevo began the first world war. Austrians strongly suspected that Serbia was involved with the assassination, the two countries was at war in July 28, 1914. Nations have always had disagreements with opinion, religion and races between others. Racism have grown during the Great War itself, Nazis persecutions with the Jews during the 1910s and White Americans were against Afro-Americans in USA in 1960s having such a stubborn behavior would make it so difficult between the clans to be reunited, however today, this cruel treatment still goes on but not as severe as then, which they could almost kill each other because of HATE.
Now, the President of the United States, George W. Bush, is on alert of toppling the Iraqi’s leader’s regime, the only solution that they are thinking of is by means of war. Under the misunderstandings and greediness of oil USA has declared war against Iraq and never yet decided until March 1 of this year. Differences between these countries are so vast that there are conflicts growing.
"What made the war inevitable was the growth of Athenian power and the fear which this caused in Sparta." is what Thucydides, had said 2000 years ago. If you replace Athens with Germany and Sparta with Britain, or America and Russia you'll see that this' evoke the real meaning of why war is there.
War is always going to be with us for the rest of our lives, it is said that it's already part of us. No matter what we do to avoid this ,misunderstandings would always lead us back to it whatsoever. People's hatred and pride are just one the reason why war is still around our world. There are no body could ever break this apart from ourselves. Altogether, there will be no peace FOREVER.
please correct me on my grammar.
[This message has been edited by Yannah (edited 02-24-2003).]
Perfect Thunder
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Milwaukee Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 02-24-2003 03:23
Yes, there are a lot of errors in grammar, but the essay itself is quite competent. The logical structure isn't absolutely perfect, but you've got a solid point (war is a natural outgrowth of human nature), and you back it up with examples from ancient and recent history. I particularly liked the Thucydides; classical history is always a winner. I think you've done a good job.
The line about nations or groups being envious and fearful of each others' power is an excellent thesis. I'd put it at the beginning, myself, and then explain how your example conflicts reflect it. (Deleted a section where I basically did that myself. Sorry, Yannah, it's your job! )
I'm not sure racism fits into your example. Although the persecution of Jews and blacks is dastardly, it's not a war. If you want to include these events, you should change your thesis to something like "War will never end, because the causes of hatred between people and nations cannot be extinguished."
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 02-24-2003 04:33
could you please tell me what my grammatical errors are? please!
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist
From: Massachusetts, USA Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-24-2003 04:38
Read it to yourself, out loud. You'll probably catch a bunch that way. (Reading it out loud is important. Reading it silently won't catch as many errors as reading it out loud.) Listen for what sounds strange, or doesn't make sense.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Charles River Insane since: May 2002
posted 02-24-2003 09:07
I am not the best guy around to correct your mistakes, since English is not my native language. Here are some that I think may not be correct:
- why can?t we avoid it? --- why we can't avoid it? (there is a 'do' in the beginning of the sentence)
- seem always have, already have... - something is obviously wrong here
- Wars took it?s first step... - their first steps or its first step
- taken this misconceptions ... taken these misconceptions
- the two countries was at war ... were at war
- Racism have grown ... has grown
- of oil USA has declared ... the USA have
- see that this' evoke ... this evokes
- , it is said that it's ... it's said or it's sad? or both?
- this ,misunderstandings would always... this, misunderstanding would OR will ?
- There are no body could ever ???
And extra thought of mine: the biggest problems that lead to war are: money, money, money, interests, and CULTURE. We are a bunch of different cultures and money drives the world.
money, money, money + different cultures added to human nature = WAR forever.
I really believe that humankind will be responsible for humankind destruction and extinction before Mother Nature has had the time to think about it.
[This message has been edited by viol (edited 02-24-2003).]
Rinswind 2th
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Den Haag: The Royal Residence Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 02-24-2003 21:16
let us know what your teacher thought off it.
Btw i think this was an pretty interesting thing to read.
"Freedom of speech is by no means freedom to insult others" from the Razorart goodbye letter.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 02-24-2003 23:52
thanks guys!
{Petskull Edit} Yannah, I hope to god this isn't your new sig...
[This message has been edited by Yannah (edited 02-24-2003).]
[This message has been edited by Petskull (edited 02-25-2003).]