Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: the west wing Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 05-22-2001 22:08
There comes a time in every persons life when he must move on. He's seen the world through the eyes of a child, through the eyes of an adult, and through the eyes of an old man. He's moved through the concepts of learning and teaching, with the interests of the world in the foreground of his mind. He smiles when he thinks of his past. He sighs sadly when he thinks of the present.
My friends, it has become abundantly clear that I am no longer useful here. It's lamentable, I see that, and I feel I've let some people down in coming to this conclusion. I'm no pro when it comes to making realistic paintings on the screen appear. I'm not the pro at making my name appear creative and clever. I am, at the root of it all, an information architect with a fantastic sense of colors and design mixed with usability for flavor.
I am a web designer.
I've noted over the past several months that the information I can espouse here pertaining to web design is no longer needed by many of you. I cannot keep pretending that all of you are going to suddenly, without provocation, start listening to what I am saying...not without a fight.
I have plenty of battles in my three-dimensional life. I've got plenty of battles already in my computer fantasy life. I don't need daily ones here, too.
I'm tossing the hat in. I've not planned this, or I would've picked a more interesting number of posts to stop on than "1415" (I think). I'm sorry that it didn't work out between us. I gave it my all. I tried. I pushed. I screamed, cursed, and ranted.
And none of it mattered.
I'll still be around. You're more than welcome to email, read my articles, or read my journals. All of those will be on, and always will be on. They're going nowhere. I just can't stay here any longer and fight battles with people that are using this immense pool of talent as a social wading pond. It's not.
Keep in touch with me, and I'll keep in touch with you. There's more out there. There always will be.
s t e p h e n
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: 8675309 Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 05-22-2001 22:22
We love ya Steve. Sorry to see you go, but I understand.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: TipToToe Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 05-22-2001 22:26
and with that, this tired painter will be taking a rest also.
its too dissapointing, to say the very least - watching one professional after another leave this place, not thru want of trying, but for exactly those reasons stated above.
theres an awful lot that could be said at this point, about you folk and the way you choose to learn, but its not for me to say, so it wont be.
so anyways
ciao 4 now

Maniac (V) Inmate
From: soon to be "the land down under" Insane since: Jan 2001
posted 05-22-2001 22:26
And now, the immense wading pool of talent has dropped a few notches. The biggest loss is for those of us who listened.
I wasn't here that long twitch, but I'm going to miss you. You were always the voice of reason in this lake of insanity and I definitely appreciated your comments. I could ask you to stay, but I'm sure you have your reasons and I respect that.
Who knows, maybe you'll be back. Maybe you'll drop in from time to time to give some of the new guys that patented twitch kick in the pants we've grown accustomed to. In any case, Good luck and Godspeed.
[This message has been edited by silence (edited 05-22-2001).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Styx Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 05-22-2001 22:28
I'm *really* sorry to see you go Stephen.
I've really appreciated reading your posts, and my biggest regret is that I never actually finished something that I was happy enough with to post, so that I could get your feedback. (mebbe in time to enter cT...)
I for one would rather have a honest harsh beating than a false pat on the back...
I guess I don't need to tell you to keep that up *s*
Oh, well... as you said.. farewells... sheeshh..
Bye then. Keep cool
If you can't convince, confuse!
[This message has been edited by Nimraw (edited 05-22-2001).]
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: soon to be "the land down under" Insane since: Jan 2001
posted 05-22-2001 22:34
Weadah too? 
Well, the place won't be the same without you guys. But there will still be those of us here who'll remember and pick up the torch. You'll be back. Once you find the Asylum, you may leave but you will never be gone. I'll be here waiting.
Weadah, I've still got a work in progress that I want you to look at, but I'll wait until you come back from your wandering. Who knows how good I can make it with time. I really appreciated your comments and your help. To you too, Good luck and Godspeed.
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: 8675309 Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 05-22-2001 22:37
*Holds lighter in the air*
Yeah, hope you find you're way back to Weadah.
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist
From: Massachusetts, USA Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 05-22-2001 22:38
Aw, damn. I wish you wouldn't leave, your input is some of the best around here, in my opinion, but I see why you are nonetheless. I love your work (you and DG and weadah and perhaps one or two others in the same "league"). You're, like, a true artist, you dont care what you get out of it, you do it for the heck of it, 'cause you like it. And you speak your mind, too, regardless of what people think about what you say. I admire people like that. Anyway, good luck to you, keep doing what you're doing, I'll keep an eye on your work and maybe get in touch from time to time.
*damn*, weadah just left too, I see. Same goes to you man.
Rinswind 2th
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Den Haag: The Royal Residence Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 05-22-2001 23:08
~cries Nooooo in dispear, but no one listens~
Thanks Guys for all the good advice and things said.
The only thing i could say is: That one day i hope to reach the same level off skils as you have....
Thanks for all the good stuff....
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 05-22-2001 23:19
My first reaction is "hmm..."
how do I continue that statement....?
"hmm.. this sucks.."
"hmmm.... fuck..."
I don't really know.
Steve, your help to those of us that have listened on this board has been monumetal... and I hope that as you move on and evolve, you can add this existance on this board as an achievement rather than a failure.
Your knowledge and uncanny ability to put things right in front of people's faces but still making them think to gain from the experience will be greatly missed. (no pun intended)
You're someone who thinks BIG... you know this.... and you know this is not a place that compliments that mentality... I applaud your awareness.
Wead, hmm.
There's no doubt that you have influenced my work. I've thanked you a thousand times... and I'll thank you a thousand more. Being able to take someone and mold them into and artist is not an easy task... and yet... you have helped me become one. Each of your pieces is an inspiration to achieve something better. I know there is a brighter light on the horizon for you as well... go get it.
To both of you... and for anyone who's worth a damn that's listening....
Two very talented people here that may end up doing more for the asylum mentality by leaving rather than staying. There's no use in pointing fingers... that's simply not the issue.
Losing two very talented and knowledgable people injures those who are actually taking the time to shut up and listen.
No, we are not all designers.... but yes... we all came to the asylum for a reason.
You came here to learn.
Even the most seasoned of veterans can learn... no one is above it.
this really saddens me
You've both given so much to this board... and I hope that you will take something away positively from this experience.
Wead - Press on with your many endeavors my friend. We were joking around on ICQ less than three weeks ago and after I mentioned something of the future.... you replied...
"man - I'm here to CHANGE the world ..."
- Yes you are. I look forward to each change.
- Good luck with the fishes
Steve - Good luck with th-inknet.... digital web.... c2x2 ... as well as whatever other BIG projects you have in store for this world. You've made an impression here to some.... I'm sure you'll go elsewhere and make an impression on most..... who knows after that....
- I'll definately be in touch on ICQ
- You can count on my entry for cT... I don't plan on making the winner an easy decision
- Keep thinking BIG... we need people like that.
- And though many people may be posting things about wanting to reach both of your skill levels while I type this very message...
I'll be the first to tell ya....
I'M GONNA.... so you better get your ass in gear and learn something new... cause I'm not going to stop when I get there.
Take care.... both of you.
- Michael - your future competitor... thanks to you.
Maniac (V) Lord Mad Scientist Sovereign of all the lands Ozone and just beyond that little green line over there...
From: Stockholm, Sweden Insane since: Mar 1994
posted 05-22-2001 23:40
Understanding, is. Sadness and missing, will be. Two good friends don't wanna hang out at my house anymore! I understand, guys, and will stay in touch, you can bet on it.
Your pal, -doc-
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: under the bed Insane since: Feb 2000
posted 05-22-2001 23:48
not much to add here....but I felt like posting in this thread.
things have changed an awful lot in a year.......

Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist
From: the Psychiatric Ward Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 05-23-2001 01:58
this ***. is DG gonna go 2? or has he already gone?
How can we have a really awesome design forum when the best leave?
ah well... I guess i wont change any minds so... I really REALLY will miss what you guys put into this place. I never would be learning CSS if it was not for twItch^, DG, and Wead have opened my eyes to the possibilitys of pixels... although i know i have much more to learn.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 05-23-2001 02:49
These are the times I normally just crawl into my BugShell and hug my knees... but before I do that I just want to say I am *VERY* sorry to hear this news 
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 05-23-2001 02:52
i want you guy s to stay, but for purely selfish reasons.
and i think you've been selfless enough for one lifetime.
best of luck in your future endeavours, and i will attempt to keep in touch, but naturally, that depends whether it is reciprocated.
b u n c h a p i x e l s
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: :morF Insane since: May 2000
posted 05-23-2001 02:56
*sniff*...thisa is a sad, sad day for the Asylum...I really am really sorry to see you guys go...reasons unbeknownst, a life extinguish, another lunatic lost.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: in media rea Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 05-23-2001 04:58
Something I told Wead a few minutes ago.
"I dunno..I want to bother to say goodbye..but I said it before..so it seems empty.
Fun while it lasted, but no sabbatical this time...gonna be a long time off. "
You were right, Doc, short stay on the return trip. I'll definitely keep in touch with you, old son.
eyeman: Anytime, anything. peter@pixelflo.com
That's an open address all...some of you really made this fun at times...but if I don't reply, you won't need to guess. Hasta.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: out of a sleepy funk Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 05-23-2001 05:07
Don't wanna appear conspicuous by my absence here, I don't reckon I have a lot to say on this matter in a public forum. Well, I guess it's safe to sya that I have learned a ton and a public forum is the perfect place to offer my gratitude. Thanks.
Adios muchachos.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: down under Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 05-23-2001 05:33
nothing much to add i agree this sucks and if twitch is reading this i just wanna say what a great sorce of insperation he and everyone at the asulym have been for me, when i look back at the stuff i was doing before i found this amazing place i gotta say it sucked, so thanx for teaching me so much guys... even if i didnt always listen to you.
Maruman I am the princess of the universe
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Long Island, NY Insane since: Jun 2000
posted 05-23-2001 05:45
Well guys it's been a blast. I suppose I'm one of the main reasons you guys are leaving but I personally wouldn't change anything. I really mean that in a good way. I think we all learned a real lot from you and if you're leaving because others, such as myself, are not willing to follow in your footsteps it only means that you've out grown us. Good luck in both your careers and life as well. God bless both youselves and your familes and please don't hesitate to drop by. Each of you knows where you can find me and I wish you would drop me a line every now and then letting me know how you guys are.
Best of luck.
.sig by Weadah.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Brisbane, Australia Insane since: Apr 2001
posted 05-23-2001 05:55
DG, Weed's & Twitch.... I don't need to say you will be missed here, you should already know that.
I wish you'd all stay but seeing most of your posts lately you guys didn't seem to be having much fun here. And frankly, if I wasn't enjoying myself then I'd leave too.
I know you'll be reading this so i'll take a sceond to say the you've all been (this also goes for many other people at the asylum) a huge infulence and motovation in my short time here. I would wish you luck in your future but I know your not going to need it.
I thought a using a image to represent my feelings would be more true to the asylum style so:

Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Boston, MA, USA Insane since: Apr 2000
posted 05-23-2001 06:05
Steve (N) waves bye-bye to twItch^ without much enthusiasm. That final act you wrote was way too melodramatic for me. Seen many prophets and oracles get pissed and petulantly grab their marbles to look for another gang to play with. But thanks anyway for that final self-aggrandizing reminder of what a swell guy you are. I'll cherish that memory.
Bye bye. Hope you find a community looking for your salvation. Sorry this one couldn't live up to your expectations. Go be angry at someone else for a while.
I will miss the boyancy of Weadah. Anyhow, both you boys are welcome back anytime as far as I'm concerned. Just don't expect any more or less of us when you come back.

Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist
From: the Psychiatric Ward Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 05-23-2001 06:19
I am sure they wont be back to read this... so in the light of what i just said...
It is all twitches fault for pulling DG and Wead after him... He has such an attitude problem. If he hadnt of said that then he would be the only one gone.... idiot. he said the f-word way to many times anyway. ::cough:: jerkface.
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 05-23-2001 06:25
sorry eyezear, it was a good effort, but its just not the same. *sniff*

b u n c h a p i x e l s
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Inside THE BOX Insane since: May 2000
posted 05-23-2001 06:36
I have to admit, I'm not sure what the situation is, as I have been involved only superficially in the Asylum for some time. But, I hate to see anyone leave, nonetheless.
Good luck in all future ventures and I hope everything is all right.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: The Demented Side of the Fence Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 05-23-2001 09:55
I've got nothing to add... it's a sad thing that you're leaving.
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Southern Alabama, USA Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 05-23-2001 12:00
Why does the best ones need to leave?
This place will sure lose a lot of talent with you guys leaving.
The best designer leaving... wha will be next? Now you programming gurus - Slime, MrMax, Doc et al. have to stay or there will not be much left of this place.

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 05-23-2001 13:58
Wait a minute. I don't know all the ins and outs and the inside stuff, so I can't really say if leaving is the best solution. But giving up? What about those of us that WANT TO LEARN!!!!? I probably don't even deserve to be writing here, my skills are so feable. But with help, they grow. Where are now my goals to shoot for? Who's gonna hold up the bottom line? Who's gonna remind us, time and again, that our skills need improving? THAT pisses me off! Just because I wasn't here before, now I have to miss out on a Great One's knowledge and experience? Now I'm starting to wonder, just what I missed. Don't like it. Pretty sure twitch could have solved my split complementary color problem. Well, what's done is done. Can't say I'll miss you, 'cause I never got the chance to know you. Can say good-luck, and Godspeed. Fuck it, it's like DarkGarden's old site goin' down. I really liked that site...but in this case, never got the chance to decide if I like it or not. Sorry if I offend anybody, but quitting is not the answer. The fight's not over till its won.
Until the Adobe dries up...

Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Small Patch of Grass in CT Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 05-23-2001 14:58
Twitch and Wead you will be missed. I havent been here for too long but the feedback i recieved from you guys was great, Hope you guys decide to return some day in the future.
"Society, we all know that somethings wrong. And we've know it all along" -Pennywise-
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: somers, new york Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 05-23-2001 15:36
Steve(the Boston one),
many thanks for bringing a bit of realism to this thread.
we all know that twitch is a very troubled youth with low self-esteem who is in great need of having people fight with him. when he is not being abusive with others he turns it on himself.
where ever twitch goes he will find conflict or create it where he does not find it.
twitch needs time to mature, settle down, and get a better grasp of his self-loathing and need to control others.
now if Steve(the Boston one) ever left then we would be in trouble.
ps: i never did understand how someone with so little quality to show in his own work could set himself up to criticize so vehemently the work of others.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Insane since: Apr 2000
posted 05-23-2001 15:55
To all that have left: We wish you ALL the best, and we'll leave the light on for you. I'm sure we'll always have a good supply of pills in the event you feel overwhelmed in society and want to return to the sanctity of the Asylum.
Thanks for all the teachings and words over the course of your stay.
Pat Richard
A pixel is worth a thousand words.
ICQ 23113317
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Nurse's Station Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 05-23-2001 16:35
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: out of a sleepy funk Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 05-23-2001 18:10
cb: either you have never seen any of twItch's work, or you have incredibly bad taste. sorry to say something so derogatory but what you said there doesn't make a lick of sense to me.
The Asylum is still cool. It (we) could always be more, no matter who is here or who isn't.
Shi: My momma says : "It takes all kinds" and that's the bloody truth, flow...
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 05-24-2001 03:51
countryboy: oh fuck it. you're not worth the response. 
b u n c h a p i x e l s
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Rochester, New York, USA Insane since: May 2000
posted 05-24-2001 04:22
I actually think the comment is very close to the mark.
The sort time that they have been here they have made a large impact. But I must tell you that the stuff they are doing does not compare to much of the stuff that others do here. There were many with huge amounts of skill here, even before DG, DG came in with a good dose of skill, then weadah and he had skills as well, finally twitch appeared and did as well have a good share of skill.
Yet the will of the two here, or the three in total, do not amount to the skills here. Nor do I feel that they have near a right to cause as big a deal about there departure as they attempt to make. If you do not want to be here then you may leave, that is your own doing. By attempting to draw the focus upon yourself you take away from us, every member here. By critising us all and causing a commosion you do nothing constructive.
I have deep respect for twitch DG and weadah, but I lose bits of it every time that they attempt to make more of what they do, than is actually done.
You as you state redundantly are a web designer, design for the web, you are not here to force oppionions, but to let people read what you say and take it for that.
I await F1_error's return more than I will ever await for the other 3 to return. There is skill here, and them leaving does not take away from the level of skill. They are not the asylum.
We are the asylum as a collective. Now lets grow up and go back to what we have been doing. There is no reason to let ourselves dwell over this minor issue. Go back, be possitive move on.
Noone here is better than anyone else, contribute and learn all of you, isn't that why you are here?
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: The year 1881 Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 05-24-2001 04:54
...stands and applauds WarMage.
Well said, sir.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: TipToToe Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 05-24-2001 09:06
you bastard
how dare you fucking speak for me, or pretend that you know me or anything about mi motivation. why am i here explaining to you that this is about _ME_ not _YOU,_ you selfish whiney git.
so before i get mad and decide that you and i have a real problem young Magus, allow me to do something that rarely happens. I'll explain miself.
Do you know what i do for a living? you know how i make ends meet?
No ? didn?t think so.
it aint thru grafix and code i can fucking tell you that.
i pick fruit. i plant fruit. i trim trees i do any shit job that comes mi way that still leaves me enuf time to pour mi heart and soul in to the thing i love most - that being - hey guess what - grfx n code
when I got here in august last year mi work (3 years of it) had never been seen by anyone ? ever, save for some RL friends and whatever .... I fully expected to have mi ass kicked ? mi work bashed, I didn?t think it was up to scratch. Turns out the opposite was true ? yay for me.
Almost a year later and im on the other side mate ? staring at opportunities and ideas that would make your (young Magus) head spin right off its shoulders. things that lead me closer to decent work doing what im good at.
But I still need to work. I still need to learn mi craft, gain the experience.
Okay so here I am ? plebBoy ? with some skill and a lot of desire. With almost ½ a chance ? a possibility of doing something real with madSkillz I taught my self.
And the more realistic this seems, the more I have to do to achieve it.
So ? I mean ? you tell me dood, am I wrong for pursuing it to its very end? Even when it means dropping some stuff for other from time to time?
Sorry but once again ? this is about me ? and your making it about you. Don?t be so selfish
Now to finalise this ? I am taking a rest. Thats what I said - okay ? I have made no more of this than was necessary. The Big Grand Exit Speech thing is not mi style as anyone who actually does fucking know me will tell you.
The last time i drifted from this place I was brought back by the kindnesses shown by mi friends here. Those folk (and those who?ve mailed and Q?d over the last day or so) are still mi friends and there is always time for them. nothing changes. cryptych@tryptych <-- thats where i live
But son, I got a lot to do. Real work. Please try and understand.
I am taking a rest, no more. Mebbe a long one, mebbe not?. but im not exactly thumbing mi nose at you. at any of you.
Steve in his first post says exactly what Ive been feeling, but theres a lot more to this than that for me okee.
So?. this has just got waaaaaaaay more personal than I like to get in a room full of internet weirdos, so that?s gonna have to do you for now
Anyways -
1) Weadah is resting (working hard)
2) This is about Weadah getting some place that he needs to be
3) Stop your fuckin whining
P.S. - Thanks to ******* for pointing this 1 out
P.S.S. - this is still *the* place on the web
See you =)
Weadz (gone)
[This message has been edited by Weadah (edited 05-24-2001).]
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Camrose, Alberta, Canada, Hörnefors, Västerbotten, Sweden Insane since: Jun 2000
posted 05-24-2001 16:07
I will miss your brutal honesty.
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 05-24-2001 18:47
weadah, i think warmage was directing most of his comments towards twitch.
and quite frankly, i agree with him. i cant stand watching soap operas on tv, so why would i like to see them here? oh the drama, "boo hoo, im leaving kiss my ass as i leave". if you want to go, go. i dont think less of anyone who goes away, unless they draw unnecessary attention to themselves such as twitch is doing now.
this rose has a thorn...
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: A little lower... lower... ahhhhhh, thats the spot Insane since: Jun 2000
posted 05-24-2001 19:27
OK, I am going to close this thread now.
I just have to say one thing, twitch exited just as he entered, with brutal honesty and total candor. There are some of you who never accepted that about him, thats your issue not anyone else's.
I lieu of his absence I'll quote him:
"This post, is toast."