Preserved Topic: HeLLo! oZoNe :) (Page 1 of 1) |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: RigHt NeXt tO tHe sPeAKeR! |
posted 06-14-2001 21:10
HeLLo! weLL, LeT Me BeGiN aN HoPefuLLy tHiS CaN cLeAr tHiNGs uP. i wAs bRoWSiNg WwW.yAhOo.CoM tOdAy aNd tYPeD iN tHe wOrD "oZoNe" fOr tHe SeArcH:. wHeN tHe LiStiNgs pOpPeD uP, sO diD YOuR SiTe wHicH i WaS VeRy eXCiTeD aBoUt! aNoTHeR oZoNe! sO i eNTeReD yOuR SiTe! aNd i LoVe iT sO mUcH! iTs cOoL! iTz cHocK FuLL oF pHoToShoP aNd fLaSh aNd bRyCe! wHicH i LoVe sO mUcH!! i jUsT wANted tO dRoP a LiNe oN tHiS bOaRd tO TeLL yOu HoW mUcH i eNjOyeD yOuR SiTe! =) i gOt aN oZoNe SiTe tOo, bUt iT sUcKs ReaL biG bUtT HeHe =) |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: A little lower... lower... ahhhhhh, thats the spot |
posted 06-14-2001 21:16 |
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist From: the Psychiatric Ward |
posted 06-14-2001 21:21
I think he has a case of "shift fingeritus" where one can not stop hitting the Shift key. I have seen this b4... but never this bad.... i dunno what to say. black pills wont even help him.... maybe therapy with some radiactive material..... and a rubber ax |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: RigHt NeXt tO tHe sPeAKeR! |
posted 06-14-2001 21:21
sorry bout my typing ill keep it lowered from now on =) |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: |
posted 06-14-2001 21:51
. |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: Canada, Toronto |
posted 06-14-2001 21:54 |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: New California |
posted 06-14-2001 22:14 |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: Long Island, NY |
posted 06-14-2001 22:18
HeY wElCoMe To ThE aSyLuM. hOw LoNg DoEs It NoRmAlLy TaKe YoU tO wRiTe LiKe ThIs? |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: RigHt NeXt tO tHe sPeAKeR! |
posted 06-14-2001 22:29
thx you guys. Yes, dopealicious is part of the Mary Poppins Song. i attempt to expand my vocabulary any way possible uh huh |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: |
posted 06-14-2001 22:51
hey wsup, welcome to the asylum |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: |
posted 06-14-2001 23:11
Hmm...well - we'll have to get you to do some tutorials on Flash over at Gurus Network. Link at the bottom of this page. |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: RigHt NeXt tO tHe sPeAKeR! |
posted 06-14-2001 23:41
Yea Right! Your guys' flash kills mine. All sorts of action scripting. I wish I had something astronomical like yours. |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: dunno, really dunno anymore... |
posted 06-15-2001 01:22
don't worry, |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: RigHt NeXt tO tHe sPeAKeR! |
posted 06-15-2001 03:18
Hey, that link doesnt work |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: down under |
posted 06-15-2001 05:42
welcome to the 'sylum |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: |
posted 06-15-2001 05:58
i can make stuf grow in flash o_- |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: soon to be "the land down under" |
posted 06-15-2001 06:35
Aargh! Ad popups!! I'm going blind... |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: Borneo Island |
posted 06-15-2001 08:36
ThAt'S WeIrd I ThInk... |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: dunno, really dunno anymore... |
posted 06-15-2001 12:08
and since i have to brag about sth, |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: Brisbane, Australia |
posted 06-15-2001 13:42
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: RigHt NeXt tO tHe sPeAKeR! |
posted 06-15-2001 15:43
HahaHah YeA! I Kinda went to far with the whole weird window pop-up thing. I have to make a new site to where its easy to update and informative. Its so hard to make a decent site with cool graphix thats easy to add-on to. More Content! |
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist From: Nurse's Station |
posted 06-15-2001 18:03
Hi Ozone Boi and welcome you L337 thang you |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: RigHt NeXt tO tHe sPeAKeR! |
posted 06-15-2001 18:08
HeY tHx =) |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: Belgrade, Serbia |
posted 06-15-2001 20:02 |
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist From: Nurse's Station |
posted 06-15-2001 20:17
IMHO .... like doc said... we all have something that sets up apart |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: Vannas Sweden |
posted 06-15-2001 20:24
Welcome aboard oZoNe_bOi...have a seat and let the party start. |
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist From: Houston, TX, USA |
posted 06-15-2001 20:33
This could be interesting |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: Lebanon |
posted 06-15-2001 21:43
hI BoI, I rEalLY woNdEr HoW you WrItE LiKe ThaT!?! |
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist From: 8675309 |
posted 06-15-2001 22:15
I'm a bit late on this one, but better late than never. |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: soon to be "the land down under" |
posted 06-15-2001 22:24
Oh no! It's spreading! |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: Brisbane, Australia |
posted 06-16-2001 02:10
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: RigHt NeXt tO tHe sPeAKeR! |
posted 06-16-2001 03:18
WeLL iF iT uPseTs yOu tHaT mUcH Mr. mAx, then ill stop. But if it makes your eyes hurt, then dont read it. i will never say in any of my posts "Read so you can get a headache" |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: Belgrade, Serbia |
posted 06-16-2001 08:23 |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: Long Island, NY |
posted 06-16-2001 08:56
And we're here to provide 'DoPe' things for you to learn. |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: Belgrade, Serbia |
posted 06-16-2001 09:00
Jestah, take a look at one of his posts near the top of the page... quote: |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: New California |
posted 06-16-2001 09:07
DoPe stuff??? |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: RigHt NeXt tO tHe sPeAKeR! |
posted 06-16-2001 20:07 |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: New California |
posted 06-16-2001 20:51 |
Maniac (V) Lord Mad Scientist Sovereign of all the lands Ozone and just beyond that little green line over there... From: Stockholm, Sweden |
posted 06-17-2001 02:21
Hey, Ozone Boy! (sp, forgive me!) Coolness, you succefully did potentially dangerous stuff to my browser window in both MSIE 5.5 and NS 4.72 (on the mac) without crashing either! Can't say I was happy the first time it happened, but I lived through the anxiety, a good thing? IMHO. Totally cool and good thing to have you here, we all know everything, and nothing, it's what gives us strength. You learn from us, we'll leach off your essential life force, cool? =) (We'll leave some leftover, promise! =) |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: RigHt NeXt tO tHe sPeAKeR! |
posted 06-17-2001 08:43 |