Gilbert Nolander
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Washington DC Insane since: May 2002
posted 10-11-2002 18:39
What's up with this guy in Virginia and Maryland killing everyone? I live about 2 miles away from the gas station last night in Manassas, and I'm shitting bricks. It's crazy here. All schools are locked down - no one can go outside, and since what happened this morning, all the roads in the area are closed down and the police are searching every singe white van. It's chaos. People run to their cars after work, Kids run from the school bus to their school. I hope they catch this guy pretty soon, I'm having crazy dreams. The whole drive home from work, I'm just hoping that the guy does not start to pick off people in rush hr.
What do you think this guy is trying to prove?
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: North Coast of America Insane since: Dec 2001
posted 10-11-2002 19:39
quote: What do you think this guy is trying to prove?
Perhaps that the only thing that keeps this from being a common occurance are people's own sense of morality and their fear of getting caught. If their morality says it's cool and they either get over their fear of getting caught or they don't care or they intend to get caught, then things like this happen. It's also a power trip for the disaffected.
"the most incredible feats are often accomplished by
those who have had the most incredible challenges"
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Greensboro, NC USA Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 10-11-2002 20:19
What a crazy crazy person this must be... I'm guessing the fall fashions in your area are going to start running towards Kevlar?
Please keep your head down!
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: The Astral Plane Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 10-11-2002 21:34
Is it possible that everyone involved is connected? Not to each other necessarily but to other people that may have been there. Trying to scare someone from a 'rival faction' by hitting people near them and their children kind of thing. Who knows? I know I wouldn't fall out of my chair if I found out that they were all connected in some way. I can understand the fear though. Hope it ends soon. It almost seems like a professional that's practicing or something. I mean a scoped rifle isn't exactly a weapon of indiscriminate killing. You'd want a machine gun for that. Most of these deaths have been single shot victims(if I remember correctly). Sounds like a pro to me. Someone who has honed, or is honing, their skill with a rifle for accurate single shot kills.
"Be careful not to anger the Great Dragon for you are crunchy and taste good with Ketchup" T-Shirt Somewhere
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Gig Harbor, WA Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 10-12-2002 01:40
And who said life was boring? Buildings falling down, biological wars on the horizon, snipers running around poppin' people...
[This message has been edited by njuice42 (edited 10-12-2002).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: columbus, ohio, usa Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 10-12-2002 07:46
It's a game to the killer. People like that live in a fantasy world and they do these awful acts to some kind of inner story. Ultimately it is about power. They can't control their real life so they create a fantasy where they have the power over life and death. To add reality to their fantasy, they kill people, then take greater risks to show their power is above the authorities.
It is my sincerest hope that the killer is caught soon and you can resume your life, Gilbert Nolander.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Dallas, TX Insane since: Aug 2002
posted 10-12-2002 10:11
I tend to agree with some of the cops who think this guy is just a whack-job with mommy issues.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: West Texas Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 10-12-2002 17:28
bodhi23 - quote: I'm guessing the fall fashions in your area are going to start running towards Kevlar?
I really wish I'd thought to say that, lmfao... OK, maybe my sense of humor is a bit twisted... shrugs
GD - quote: It almost seems like a professional that's practicing or something.
Has anyone here ever seen the movie "Angel's Dance" with Jim Belushi and Sheryl Lee?
Review here.
It just seems eerily familiar to what's going on, except with a bit of a humorous aspect added...
moth - quote: They can't control their real life so they create a fantasy where they have the power over life and death.
Actually I'd disagree with you there. I think it's more of a power trip. The adrenaline rush. Some people sky-dive or BASE jump, others climb mountains, or some go hunting. I think this guy falls into the catagory of hunting. "Normal" people hunt deer, or birds, or whatever. Once you're done for the day, you go back and resume "normal" activities that don't give any type of rush. What this guy is doing just gives that rush 24/7. But like almost anything that gives any kind of rush or a high or whatever you call it, after awhile it starts to wear off, and it takes more and more to get the same high, and when that happens you start to relax and not pay as much attention to what you're doing and you tend to slip up and make accidents, which usually means you get caught (if what you were doing is illegal).
But yea, that's my 2 cents. I see it as being 1 of 3 things:
1. A professional who is practicing (wouldn't really surprise me)
2. Adrenaline junkie (my guess is this)
3. There's some common relation between all the victims (I doubt it)
-- Jack of all trades, master of that which has my attention at
the moment.
Unoriginal Cell 693
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Brisbane, Australia Insane since: Apr 2001
posted 10-12-2002 17:54
A professional wouldn't parctice on real people. They'd be smarter and well, more professional than that.
If there was any connection between the victims then is should have come out by now. I mean, 10 people, that should be more than enough to join the dots -- if there are any.
I don't think this person is sane. It's obviously pre-meditated as it's been what? One victim per day. I'd say he'd been thinking about this or planning this for some time.
if Cause = Terror then motive = ???
I don't know... The type of crime just doesn't fit the bill so I'm betting this person is seriously fucked in the head. Hell, you'd have to be mental to cap someone with a sniper rifle. Seeing it so close up through the scope and all. A scene like that should be horrofic enough to scare some sence into any relatively sane person but day after day, with no cause beyond localised terror. Yeah, sounds like a loony to me.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 10-12-2002 18:13
The strange thing is that sniping isnt an easy thing to do, it takes a lot of training/practice.. Many factors have to be taken into account such as wind speed direction etc.. This guy/girl knows how to shoot but i wouldnt say he is a professional/expert as some of his/her victims have survived...
Sniping is a hell of a lot different than just pulling a gun and shooting someone, its a very premeditated act, you have to get into a position where you can see your target and also make good your escape after the shot.. Then you spend a long time getting the shot ready. now this guy seems to be randomly selecting his targets, which means he is actually set up for the shot for quite a while before he picks who he is gonna shoot.
i think in the end this guy will probably turn out to have some military experience or security experience...
He has got away with it too long not to have recieved training in this at some point.
whatever his motives are we may never know unless he is caught alive (i think unlikely), personally speaking i am thankful that the gun laws in the UK have now seriously reduced the number of incidents lke this....
anyway he is one sick human being no matter what his motives are
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: West Texas Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 10-13-2002 20:58
^ What tom said... Except about the gun laws part... But, since I have no idea what the gun laws are in the UK, I won't go off on that yet... Would someone mind expanding on the gun laws there? Are they like what the gun control freaks here want, i.e. guns to be completely illegal? I know there is only a small portion of them who are that far insane, but they are out there. Or are the laws like, every citizen must carry a firearm on them at all times?
-- Jack of all trades, master of that which has my attention at
the moment.
Unoriginal Cell 693
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: The Demented Side of the Fence Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 10-13-2002 21:23
funfact: in most of europe it's illegal to carry any firearm unless you're a cop or a soldier.
There are exceptions (like shooting clubs (?)) but no civillian is allowed to carry any firearms. I don't know how it is in the rest of Europe, but in Holland there are no gunshops anywhere. Nobody with a criminal record or under 18 is allowed to buy a gun, and even then the rules are quite strict.
That being said, guns don't kill people, bullets do. ;p
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: West Texas Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 10-13-2002 21:33
My point being, drugs are illegal, yes? And what a lovely job those laws are doing.
Luckily I don't feel like being a sarcastic ass for very long, so I'll leave it at that and go watch some football... Ah, Sunday, the one day to be completely lethargic and no one cares... 
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Oblivion Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 10-13-2002 23:03
I can't help but laugh at this thread.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 10-13-2002 23:44
Insider what the fuck is wrong with you, if you simply havent got anything to contribute to a thread besides some stupid assinine comment (probably to boot ya post count) why dont you just keep your big mouth fucking shut, i am so pissed off with the crap that you come out with.
a discussion into what makes a maniac tick, you find funny, yup you are one sick juvenile puppy, how about taking a long break and come back when ya grow up... How many times do you have to be told THINK before you POST and if you havent got something constructive to add DONT BOTHER, if the majority of ya crap was deleted from here your post count wouldnt be far off zero...
anyway enough of that the Gun Laws in the UK are vey strict, the largest caliber weapon here is .22 and never leave the gun range (legal weapons that is) Firearms incidents are very rare here, hence the reson why 95% of british policemen do not carry guns, the other 5% constitute bodyguards for royals, top government officials, and specialist forearms officers.
the only other people to have firearms outside of gun clubs premises are farmers who must show a police inspection that the shotgun they posess is in a gunsafe which is very secure, and getting a firearms license is practically impossible unless you can show 100% that you need it.
edit Mahjqa: its not the guns or the bullets its the person on the trigger, guns dont aim and fire on their own 
[This message has been edited by tomeaglescz (edited 10-13-2002).]
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Brisbane, Australia Insane since: Apr 2001
posted 10-14-2002 02:09
Ya know Insider, I was actually beginning to think you weren't a complete moron.
I'll know better next time.
The gun laws in Australia changed after the Port Arthur incident back in the late 90's. The only weapons that are legal here are pistols and low powered bolt action rifles. Although there are some funny laws that prevent anyone having a gun in public:
It's an offence for a civilian to carry a firearm in plain view.
It's an offence for a civilian to carry a concealed weapon of any kind. (That includes Kinves)
So those two laws kinda rule out guns unless their in your car / house / firearm club. Although up until the late 90's you could purchase pretty much any kind of weapon up to but not including full automatic carbines. Which meant you could walk in off the street and purchase a high powered semi-automatic rifle legally. I mean, who the fuck really needs a gun like that?
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 10-14-2002 02:38
Seriously, though, InSiDeR, at the risk of further antagonizing everyone here, what exactly is it about this thread that you find amusing?
I think tom pretty much hit the nail on the head--he's most likely ex-military gone nuts.
And yeah, sniping isn't something done in the "heat of the moment," so this guy is seriously psychopathic.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Oblivion Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 10-14-2002 02:44
Whats wrong with me tom? Lets count.
1. 2 of my pets just died over a span of 5 days, I just burried one of them.
2. I have to go back to school tommorow.
3. I'm 14.
4. I live in one fucking shitty town.
5. My parents live 800 miles apart.
6. I have to put up with gramaticaly ignorant hypocrites like you only I can't do anything about it.
7. Refering to #2, when I arrive at school tommorow, I will be greated with the phrase 'Devil Boy.' I will also later be called a satanist, a nazi, a communist, and I will be made fun of because I am atheist.
Can we think of anymore? Ahh yes we can.
8. More than 99.9% of the frequent visitors here despise of me and wish I would crawl into a hole, and just die.
9. I have done no recognizable help here.
10. People like you think I just post to get my fucking count up, asshole.
And I apologuise if I just ruined the damn thread, feel free to delete all my posts/edit them. I don't mind Drac flaming me but I am just NOT in the mood for tom.
Fuck seems about right. Yup.
[This message has been edited by InSiDeR (edited 10-17-2002).]
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: 8675309 Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 10-14-2002 03:55
Know what?
It's part of life Insider.
Want to be who you are? Excellent. You're accountable though, and I think that's what you just pretty much summed up in your last post. People don't like you? So fucking what? If you can make yourself happy and not hurt others...be you...but understand that a lot of us have been through this soul-searching already and forgive us if we lack compassion as you struggle to find yourself and post mindless off topic shit. We've all been there. Often, the best soul-searching is done alone...in silence...Try it.
[This message has been edited by Jeni (edited 10-14-2002).]
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 10-14-2002 04:48
I don't think anyone can really delve into the shooter's motives (he could quite easily be being told to to do it by a giant insect who lives under his bath). I think the tarot card was interesting as it strikes me as the act of someone doing something that was expected of a rogue shooter than it being part of their bigger scheme.
Tom: As far as I'm aware the gun laws here are much stricter than that and they are about the strictest anywhere in the world. The gun clubs were becoming a good source of guns for the criminal element (the increasing restrictions just focused all the guns in a few locations) so no-one outside of the police or the armed forces are allowed guns (although possibily farmers or stock control people might be allowed some access). From a personal viewpoint things were starting to spin out o control on the gun front in the late 80s/early 90s (I was shot at, a large number of people I knew had had gun-related run ins with very minor thugs and I could have easily got a gun for few hundred pounds - I was even offered one by a kind who can't have been a teenager yet) and the restrictions have certainly made my life safer (and everyone's I assume) by making guns more difficult for petty criminals to get there hands on (the determined will always be able to get their hands on guns but they are also the kind of person who is less likely to pull a gun on a stranger over a minor incident) - not an arguement for gun control just my viewpoint - I doubt it would work in countries with widespread gun ownership for various reasons.
The only major problem is that our sporting shooters could no longer practice in this country (I'm not sure what the current situation is though). Oh and that the armed response teams do seem to shot an unfortunate number of unarmed people - there is a creeping move to arm more police and I'd be concerned about that, however, with the increase in the use of non-lethal weapons (sprays and stun guns) the full arming of the police seems much less likely.
InSiDeR: I don't think most of use would like to see you crawl into a hole and die and I'm sorry to hear about your problems but a lot of us have similar shitty things happen(ing) in our lives and we deal with it or share it - we tend not to lash out (I know you probably don't feel like sharing here but there are other places to blow off steam - most of us don't exclusively post here ). I've got no specific advice except every school has idiots like that and you learn to deal with it (hell I'm 31 and I still get abuse shouted at me in the street by slack jawed imbeciles so if you are going to do your own thing, which is a good thing, then its something you are going to have to live with).
FAQs: Emperor
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 10-14-2002 08:48
InSiDeR...just e-mail me next time...OK? It'll save alot of...well, you know. Next time (or anytime...), drop me a line, I'll see what I can do.
Hmmm...this guy. Though I would tend to think maybe he has had training...it's possible that he doesn't (at least, maybe not military training...or security). It could be (and probably is more likely), that he has 'practiced' on animals first...probably as a hunter (and no, I have absolutely nothing against hunters...).
I believe he randomly chooses his targets, but maybe his 'hunting ground' areas have something to do with it...I believe that he is hunting...hunting humans. And though it seems that he is being very careful in 'setting up' his 'ambushes', I am sure that they will get him, if he continues.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Czech Republic via Bristol UK Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 10-14-2002 09:48
Emps:I didnt realise that our Gun laws had changed from the following.
1, No weapons with a calibre over .22
2, No weapons to be kept at home unless by farmers, and only then a shotgun in a designated and inspected gun safe.
3, No one witha criminal record of any kind to be given a firearms license.
As for the unarmed people shot by police officers you are right it has happened, but our country isn't the only place this has happened, its a very sad fact of life that this has happened. One of the problems is that due to our Gun Laws, for a while the sale of replica weapons (I.E. those that look exactly like the real thing but do not work) led to some idiots choosing to use those in robberies etc to scare the victim.
When i left the military one of my closest friends who left when i did, joined the police force. He is now working on the Armed response Vehices.
They have a tough training regime (80-90% of candidates fail). And they have very strict guidelines to the use of lethal force, In some cases it is rediculous what they have to go through in order to actually use their weapons.
1, When responding to a firearms call.
a. The officers in the car have to ask for permission to attend.
b. They then on arrival have to ask permission to use weapons if this permission hasnt already been given en route. (they only have side arms in the car, the HK MP 5's are in a gun safe unloaded in the back of the car, they need this permission to release these weapons and for the use of lethal force.)
Now when facing a guy/girl with a gun you still have very strict guidelines whether you can open fire or not.
1. Although the suspect is armed has he used the weapon yet ?
2. Is he posing a threat to life (IE Threatening or pointing the gun at anyone)
unless a set of factors is reached even though the gun may be visible, the officers are not allowed to open fire.
The same happened whilst i was on active service in northern ireland, incredible restrictions (to be honest even more restrictive).
as for this guy that we are talking about now, I seriously hope it is as WS portrayed. That it is a fruitcake that has no military training, but considering how successful he has been so far i feel this is unlikely.
One of the overall factors in sniper training is make sure you can get away undetected, or if detected still have several routes of escape planned.
So far unfortunately for the US Police and his victims the only mistakes he has made as a sniper is that some of his victims lived. Hopefully and i feel honestly the only way he will get caught is if he makes a big mistake. I hope he makes it quickly, unfortunately that means that someone else may die or get shot first.
As for the driver/shooter scenario that has been forwarded i think it is unlikely, this guy is probably working on his own. I just hope and pray he screws up big time, i personally would like to see this guy caught alive so that he can be picked apart psychologically and find out what the hell went wrong with him.
Insider: Take it to email my email is in my profile, i apologise for responding to your post in this thread it should have gone via email, but posting what you did in a topic like this was asking for a response...
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Dallas, TX Insane since: Aug 2002
posted 10-14-2002 10:47
i don't want him taken alive.... i don't care what his problem is.
If I were a cop, I'd save all the families alot of grief and the justice system alot of money by nailing this guy's brain to the wall.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 10-14-2002 11:19
Well, considering the weapon that this guy is using...I don't think he's a sniper. Sniper's don't usually use such weapons...because the calibre is not big enough to really be effective from long range...so, I tend to think he is not a sniper (at least, not a military sniper. Maybe a SWAT sniper? I'm not sure what type of sniper weapons SWAT uses...). As far as I know, military snipers don't use .223 calibre. His 'longest' shot was from around 140 meters...not particularly difficult. Especially with a scope. Anybody who has hunted, or shot weapons at 150+ meters, knows this. I know many hunters who would have absolutely no problem with this range...so it doesn't take a 'trained' sniper to do what this guy has done. I myself have had no problem with 150+ meter range with moving targets with 'peep' sights. If the shots were from 300+ meters, then that would be different...
As for his 'coming and going'...well, it may be a factor from training...yes, that could be. But it could also be that the police are having problems with this one...no real 'motive' (i.e. random victims), and this guy seems to change his 'hunting grounds' on a whim...which makes it hard to actually plan out where he might strike next. Because it could be anywhere. That he seems to be 'keeping it in the area', eventually he'll make mistakes...the problem would be, if he just...stopped. And then started again in a couple of years...or somewhere else...
Kinda like the Zodiac Killer in California...they never did get the guy. He just stopped.
I think this here and this here clears up potential 'sniper' questions - this guy is definetly not trained as a sniper from the military...but could be a trained SWAT sniper. One thing though - it appears this guy isn't all that good of a 'sniper' because he had trouble with one victim through glass (a miss). A trained sniper wouldn't. This thing is getting blown out of proportion by the media. This is obviously not a professional sniper at work...at the ranges being used, one can't call what he's doing 'sniping'. Also, the choice of weapon, calibre, and marksmanship is well below that of a professional sniper.
[This message has been edited by WebShaman (edited 10-14-2002).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Dallas, TX Insane since: Aug 2002
posted 10-14-2002 13:50
Some people commenting on this on TV are already guessing it is a young man between 18-25 and blaming it on violent video games.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: the space between us Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 10-14-2002 14:51
when i heard of this, i also thought of video games at first.
mhmmm the world is crazy these days
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 10-14-2002 15:16
Good points, WS. It did occur to me that, for a sniper, he's pretty inaccurate...
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 10-14-2002 15:28
Tom: I'm sure the laws were tightened sometime around 2000 which basically took virtually all guns out of the hands of the public (with restrictions on the ownership of shotguns by farmers).
I agree with what you say about the armer response units (I knew someone vaguely who was in one) and as you say they are very well trained and these things will happen (although, of course, we should still be concerned) it was more that I was concerned about the trend to arming more police (its a tricky balance as they are out on the front line).
I struggled to find anything unbiased about the UK gun laws as most of the sites I found were accussing the UK of cultural cowardice and being lily-livered liberals.
Hmmm the various laws seem to be here but I was looking for a nice bite-sized summary:
This might have some more information (they have an education pack there):
FAQs: Emperor
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: West Texas Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 10-14-2002 17:10
Wow, I don't think I could live with in a place with gun laws like that. But that's mostly attributed to where and how I was raised. I go out shooting quite often on our farm. Either plinking cans with a .22, or shooting clay pigeons with a shotgun, or whatever. Been doing that for 12-13 years now; it's too much a part of who I am.
As WS pointed out, it's not so much his shooting skills that are real good, but the fact that he hasn't been caught. Hell, with a .22 even I can hit a coke can at 150 yds (~135m) with just the sights. With a scope, you oughta be able to hit a dime at that distance, and that's with a cheap scope.
As for already saying he's 18-25 and blaming it on video games, Give me a break...
-- Jack of all trades, master of that which has my attention at
the moment.
Unoriginal Cell 693
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: The Astral Plane Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 10-14-2002 17:45
I found this interesting.
"Be careful not to anger the Great Dragon for you are crunchy and taste good with Ketchup" T-Shirt Somewhere
[This message has been edited by GrythusDraconis (edited 10-14-2002).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Dallas, TX Insane since: Aug 2002
posted 10-14-2002 18:00
I don't know GD... i still think this sniper just doesn't feel terrorist related.
However that is an interesting article yes.
Did you know since 9/11 registrations for CHL (concealed handgun licenses) has tripled here in Texas?
Just a small fact that shows lots of people have thought of those scenarios and are trying to prepare for those kinds of eventualities.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 10-14-2002 18:13
GD: Those techniques in the video are the general techniques used by terrorist organisations across the world who are engaged in a more low level ongoing war of terror (not using large scale 'events' but creating a general climate of unease in everyone's everyday life). People like the IRA and ETA have been using those kind of techniques for years and the principles (if not the actual techniques) have a long history.
It could be relevant but I suspect the sniper is homegrown.
FAQs: Emperor
Gilbert Nolander
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Washington DC Insane since: May 2002
posted 10-14-2002 19:08
The tarot card also, saying "I am God" could be more proof of the terrorist thing. I mean, maybe what it means is I am the voice of God, sort of thing, like how the Al Queda think they are the only ones who are right in God's eyes.
I don't know though?
It could be some normal guy who works as a driver for some company delivering things, seeing as how the killings always stop on the weekends. But like some one said earlier, it takes a strange character to repeatedly kill someone after viewing a person shot through a scope.
[This message has been edited by Gilbert Nolander (edited 10-14-2002).]
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: The Astral Plane Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 10-14-2002 21:40
Whoa guys! I didn't say I agreed with it... I just found it interesting. G'lord people get jumpy. It doesn't have that 'terroristic' feel to me either. Especially considering it isn't happening anywhere else. I just have this feeling that everyone who has been shot is connected in some way. Whether it's because of who they are or who they happened to be near at the time of the shooting. I dunno. there just isn't enough info yet to discount any possibilities.
It's frustrating.
"Be careful not to anger the Great Dragon for you are crunchy and taste good with Ketchup" T-Shirt Somewhere
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Oblivion Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 10-15-2002 02:02
Ok folks, get this.
I walk into my 3rd Period class expecting one of the idiots to call me Devil Boy but NO! Guess What?! He said: 'LOOK THERES THE MARYLAND SNIPER!'
Does anyone by any chance watch the FBI Files?? Or The New Detectives? Well if I do recall correctly, the most frightening and morbid serial killer which was never cought was the Green River Killer. He started out by picked up prostitutes where he later murdered them, sliced them and diced them, then dumped the body along the edge of Green River. Well time passed and more and more prostitutes bodies were found. There were reports of some halves of the bodies being in Oregan and the other halves being spread out all along Washington. Well time passed, mounths and years, over 70 prostitutes murdered the same way by the Green River Killer. He stopped and they never cought him, but had one suspect and prosecuted him hoping to crack him, and he never cracked the poor guy.
People at my school are saying that this guy won't get cought, then that he will and then that he won't. All this shit is crazy. I think that 'video games' won't have a thing to do with it.
But, I think he will be cought.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Cell 666 Insane since: Mar 2002
posted 10-15-2002 03:41
My opinion on this whole Sniper issue is that,
a) this guy has no sane motive (caused by his possible insanity)
b) he's a serial killer
c) He WILL be caught.
To elaborate on c), we know that he likes shooting people at gas stations, and we know where he's been choosing his targets. It's only a matter of time before he's caught, and I doubt we'll bring him alive - although killers of this nature usually do their crimes to be caught in the first place.
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist
From: the Psychiatric Ward Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 10-15-2002 03:54
Insider, This was kinda funny...
quote: 6. I have to put up with grammatically ignorant hypocrites like you only I can't do anything about it.
First off, that sentence just does not flow... but eh... you may want to learn to spell before you start making accusations against others writings, for starters maybe you should practice the word "caught"
As far as Laughing at this thread? that is a heartless thing to say man. People are being killed and you LAUGH? I have friends in MD right in montgomery county... and you find it ALL funny? That is a heartless comment.

Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Oblivion Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 10-15-2002 04:15
I'm not laughing at people dying, come on I'm not that morbid .
Just a few things people said in the perspective of this thread seemed a 'tad amusing. I feel for GD. I just watched on the news how hundreds of kids are terrified to go to school. It's absolutely crazy and I hope they nail this bastard. I just hope that the rest of the country won't think that its a muslim doing this.
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist
From: the Psychiatric Ward Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 10-15-2002 04:27
Okay, lemme break dis down for yah. It sounded like you were heartlessly laughing at this thread, regardless of how you meant it. That was how it came across, and that is probably what set tom off. I could be wrong though; I doubt it.
On a message board everyone is expected to think out their posts. This is not a conversation filled with fragments. It is a structured text message that can be read and re-read before it is posted to make its point clear.
You must be aware that what you are typing will not come out like you meant it to sound. We can not see your face, we can not hear sarcasm in your voice. We take your text at its face value.
So when you say you are laughing at this thread it comes across as, you are laughing at the content of this thread, the main gist of the thread, NOT a few things that some different people said.
Okay... I gotta run now. Sorry about all this junk everyone.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 10-15-2002 07:59
Ok, let's return to the mainpoint of the thread...and InSiDeR, use E-Mail for any 'replies' outside of the main point of the thread, ok?
First of all, he's not a terrorist, this guy. If he was, then there would be political 'propaganda' involved, which there clearly isn't. As for the 'Tarot Card'...hmmm...well, we can look at that a couple of ways. Either the guy is seriously deranged...but I think that is not the case...otherwise, there would be something like that with every shooting, or he's just 'copycatting' the old 'Vietnam thing' with the Ace of Spades...but with his own 'twist', to taunt the authorities.
I think it's the latter.
One thing - though many may want to 'stamp' this guy as sick, or deranged, or psycho-pathic, he's probably quite sane, actually. He seems to take 'pleasure' from the 'hunt', and flagging his nose at the authorities (and society, in general). Deson't make it right, of course, but I think it's clearly wrong in this case to 'assume' he's nuts...his 'modus operandi' is clearly not that of an insane person...he apparently has no 'rituals', or fetishes (in the sense to his victims, anyway). I think (if they catch him...and I think they will...he's still doing the shootings, and is showing no sign of stopping - a direct clue to his motives...to 'flag his nose at the authorities'...IMHO) that it will turn out, that he probably has a prior record...he had to start somewhere. I don't think the first shooting victim was his first kill. Something, somewhere (somewhen?) 'removed' the inner block that most have against killing a human in this guy (yes, most of you have it...those of you who don't, have already lost it...like me :sad: ). This 'block' is really...strong. Once you lose it though, it's gone forever...I could go on with this, but it's mostly irrelevant to this case.
In any event, he is a danger to society and needs to be stopped. Has to be stopped. If he is not stopped, it will encourage others to do the same - that is not something that we want to have happen. I feel that the people of the region need to get in on this...and work with the police. This guy's method is very hard to foresee...because (IMHO) it is random...thus, one needs eyes and ears everywhere. The public can provide that. Must provide it. The sooner that they do, the faster this guy will get caught. He's already made mistakes.
Well, we will see, won't we?