Lunatic (VI) InmateFrom: under the bed Insane since: Feb 2000
posted 02-06-2006 04:48
I am a little upset that you guys have *all* neglected the most important question of all:
Does George Lucas proceed with Star Wars episodes 7 through 9 or what?
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-06-2006 13:21
ooo...good one DL.
I'm willing to bet that with the 2% divergence he does proceed with 7 (The Republic Elections) 8 (The Senate Debates) and 9 (The Senate Jedi Love Story), but it doesn't show up in our time-line. Rather in our time-line Lucas creates the ILM TV netework, and premiers it by showing a JarJar Binks & The Ewoks music marathon.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: next to the tree Insane since: May 2003
posted 02-06-2006 17:48
...The future sounds terrible. 

Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-06-2006 20:12
F1 we are all very interested in the future.
There are other ways we can get this information.
One method is remote viewing.
I?m not a remote view but it we start a listing do you think we can attract one.
Probably not.
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-06-2006 20:40
I haven't heard of Remote Vewing in years. All Remote Viewing does really is teach you some very serious, very intense, problem solving skills, by learning how to recognize what your sub-conscious mind already sees. Neat stuff, but I wouldn't buy a program to learn about it. Just check out books on it from your local library. There have been books published on it since the 1940's.
It's a unique idea I think to use Remote Viewing to find information about the future. (Kind of goes along on that whole "if space/time is curved whay can't we remember the future" idea.) But your right, it probably wouldn't work. I think it falls within the Schrodinger's Cat senario.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: PA, US Insane since: Feb 2002
posted 02-06-2006 21:13
You could also pay close attention to world events, where we are, trends in financial and geopolitical circles, read a lot of government documents and stuff from thinktanks and other influential groups such as the CFR, compare to history, and based on that, get a pretty good picture of where we are heading. No specifics of course, and definately not failsafe, but then again, these "time travelers" never offer us specifics either.
One other question for our time traveling friend. What kind of vaccination procedures must you undertake before jumping around polluting our timeline? And also, how do you know that you will not go back in time and carry some long dead disease forward to your time? I'm sure all you superior future folk have this all worked out, right?
From where I am standing, the risks outwiegh any benefit and once again humanity is playing with things that put the entire world, if not the entire universe in danger. Nothing has changed, and we never learn, do we?
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-06-2006 22:11
Remote viewing has improved over the years.
You can look into the future.
It also can nail military target.
Look for missing persons.
People from this can draw accurate and detailed pictures.
Here an example.
So when is the time traveler coming back?
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-06-2006 23:36
I don't know when our Friend Spacey will return here. He said he's not going back to 2039 until sometime AFTER April 15. I've got a feeling he doesn't like us too much around here. He never spends any quality time with us.
I do know that we are much more active on this topic than other boards.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: out there Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 02-07-2006 03:30
so. . .
here we are @ 404
2039 - "spacey" - MIA - believed to be carnate in 2006
. . .scheduled reincarnation in the basement with MasterSuho
sometime after April 15
oh boy!
all you fellow time travellers are welcome to attend every other full moon

Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-07-2006 05:03
I check at the other site that Spacey go to.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 02-07-2006 07:31
Ok SpaceFold I have a question.
Who is the 12th Imam, the Mahdi? Muslims I have talked to seem to think he was born in 1980 and will rise to power within the next 2-14 years. This is taken so seriously that from what I have read, Iran's new president forced the members of his cabinet to sign an oath of loyalty to Mahdi.
Who is he? Where is he.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Pool Of Life Insane since: Nov 2003
posted 02-07-2006 08:32
Just love those slimies outcydr. 
::tao:::: ::cell::
(Edited by Tao on 02-07-2006 08:35)
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-07-2006 20:18
I just came arcoss a link to this book: Yoga of Time Travel: How the Mind Can Defeat Time. This guy seems to follow some of Deepak Chopra's ideas. This is just true silliness.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-07-2006 21:51
I'm still here. Just enjoyoing your writings.
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-07-2006 23:10
How John Titor got here from 2036
How you traverse the time lines from 2036 to our line the John Tior way.
1. Go back to 1975. Pick up a computer. (his mission).
2. Time line converges.
3. Head your way back 2006
4. Why he is here is because stuff happens.
To go home
1. Go back to 1975
2. Time line converges
3. goto 2036
4. your done.
John Titor can only travel time lines and can?t jump across time lines therefore the 1975 date is so important when the two new lines were created from one old line predating 1975. Thus 1975 is a cross over point or junction points
The reason why you can?t go directly to 2006 from 2036 is because you have no point of reference ie) gravity measurement to lock onto so that you don?t become lost.
Space Fold is it true you can only travel time line only to get from here to there?
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-07-2006 23:17
Spacey said:
I'm still here. Just enjoyoing your writings.
But you never make thoughtful posts, you don't leave tantlizing little bits, you never buy me anything nice, and you never take me anywhere.
Com'on you've got to join in and participate, isn't that part of your mission to give us what you can so we can change our evil vile ways? Isn't it a part of your mission objective to answer questions with as much detail as possible? That means you've got to step up and contribute. Come on SpaceMan, make a believer out of me.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: the dungeons, corridor 13, cell 3736 Insane since: Jul 2003
posted 02-08-2006 01:48
perhaps it is time to move this thread to 13842
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: next to the tree Insane since: May 2003
posted 02-08-2006 05:22
SpaceFold. Its nice to see youre still with us.
Ive been having a hard time with something you said way back.
You say you are staying with your past self? And as you and yourself interact you have some kind of dejavu' as if youre affecting your own past.
However, I seem to believe a definite point made by John Titor was that a time traveler doesnt travel into his own past, but rather, a similar time line to the one he remebers. (maybe thats where your 2% divergence comes in. The timeline you go to is similar to your own + or - 2%)
Anything and everything he does effects our future and our timeline. But he changes nothing of his own timeline. He claimed to be staying with his own past self (he was three years old) and his parents. But assured us that when he goes home, his parents will have no memory of it. That's because it didnt happen to them. Different timeline. Thats also one of the main reasons he says he cant truly predict anything in our future. Because he and us would be able to act on the information and change the future. He can only tell us what happened in his past.

Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-09-2006 05:12
All perditions into the future are event driven. And if an event does not occur then the divergence between the time line are great and our fate with John Titor will not occur. John Titor events have not occurred or happened thus there is a high divergence between our two lines in high. Therefore our world time lines are different. And since Space Fold came from the time line of John Titor his prediction will be off. Space fold is still credible be it that our timeline divergence is too high and that that.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: next to the tree Insane since: May 2003
posted 02-09-2006 08:34
I see what youre saying Zyp. But I was asking SpaceFold why he went back into his own timeline. and not into a similar one like Titor did. Fold says he remebers talking to his future self in his past. Titor said he didnt remeber. because it was a different, though similar, timeline.
And what makes you think Titors events wont occur?

Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-09-2006 13:20
Just another link post.
From Slashdot a Test for String Theory Developed. Talking about proving the existance of 10 or 11 dimensions. Although that whole "creating micro-black holes" thing makes me more than a bit nervous.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 02-09-2006 16:19
F1_error said:
Just another link post. From Slashdot a Test for String Theory Developed. Talking about proving the existance of 10 or 11 dimensions. Although that whole "creating micro-black holes" thing makes me more than a bit nervous.
Nothing Like Warping Space Time In your Living Room ( Mines in the Left Corner of my Cell 
I don't Suffer From Insanity .... I enjoy every moment
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: next to the tree Insane since: May 2003
posted 02-09-2006 17:31
I read something somewhere about making tiny black holes in a particle accelerator. How fun!

Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-09-2006 17:54
For one, there has not been a civil war in the
US for 2004 and beyond, it is now 2006.
If there is no civil war then the Russia will not attack?
Russia will only attack us when we are weak and
now see how the time line falls apart. Now you
see the collapsing of event in the time line one
effecting the other in the future.
(Edited by Zyprexa on 02-09-2006 17:55)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Feb 2006
posted 02-09-2006 19:56
greeting earthlings! just dropping by and noticed this really long thread about this guy from 2039..is he for real? anyhow, i think there is no need to fear the future. no matter what this guy says its better to stay positive and work for a better future than worry about it. let's all just stay cool..cheers guys!
Short Run Printing
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: next to the tree Insane since: May 2003
posted 02-10-2006 03:53
He estimated the civil war to be in 04 or 05. He also said that it wouldnt be a well known event until 2008, when fighting would become more common. This invasion of privacy act is supposedly the begining of the civil war. In 08 (with the new pres elect) things will really start. I would love to believe we are out of the "getting nuked by Russia in 2015" timeline. But I dont think we're outta the woods just yet.

Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-11-2006 02:01
Space Fold
What is the current divergence between you time line and ours. Divergence is a term used by John Titor used thus you should know. It is really a simple question since it will tell us or indicate whether you predictions will occur or not.
What % of divergence is required for us to separate us from your timeline of 2039 from effecting 2006 fate? How hard is it to do this?
In 1975 to 2039 time line there was a 2.0% divergence going from 1975 to 2006 time line. Has he divergence grown between them since 1975?
These are really simple questions.
Maniac (V) Lord Mad Scientist Sovereign of all the lands Ozone and just beyond that little green line over there...From: Cardiff By The Sea, California Insane since: Mar 1994
posted 02-11-2006 02:55
quote: This forum IS on a list of forums I was to post on. For reasons that I cannot explain at this time, there are certain people viewing this thread who will have a major life altering "experience".
Ooh! I wonder whose life will be altered? I'm arrogant to assume that it simply *can't* be me, my life seems to chug along it's own strange, twisted course - I like it that way. =)
Welcome Xavier, I'm glad you made it here to the Asylum. I'm curious; why are you posting here under the name "SpaceFold" instead of "XavierCage"? Does this have any significance, or is it merely a minor snafu?
I wonder which Ford we might be referring to, if not the motor company? Gerald and Betty are both still alive, though feeble - the Ford Foundation seems to be chugging along OK, it's hard to imagine anything happening there. I'll have to snoop around a bit and see what I see.
I'd lay good odds that this forum (and many others like it) *are* still around in 2039 in one form or another. There will always be plenty of fanatics willing to restore the old systems to their former glory. (Think the Apple IIgs communities, for instance.) 35 years is not really a long time. I'll assume that you're simply not geek enough to know about it by then! No shame there. =)
Hmm, WWIII seems worrisome, as does 2003 QQ47. I would think the potential for devestation to be about equal for both, yet you've labeled the asteroid as a mere "spectacle" (sp). Interesting. Can you tell us where it hits? That could be nice to know. I also find myself curious about the 5 coming states of the US. Chicago appears to bite it, Minnesota doesn't, (only an 8 hour drive apart, so that's a surprise.) Omaha is apparently OK. What regions wane, and which rise in ascendancy? I'm living down San Diego way myself, so I'd of course like to avoid a life as radioactiev fallout, heh.
ANYways, glad to have you on board, and welcome again to the asylum. I never much liked that Titor fellow, he seemed too full of himself for my taste. I'm enjoying this thread immensely, so I'll be following developments here. TTFN!
Your pal, -doc-
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Pool Of Life Insane since: Nov 2003
posted 02-11-2006 03:32
Now I wasn't expecting that 
::tao:::: ::cell::
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: next to the tree Insane since: May 2003
posted 02-11-2006 09:36
Hey, its the Doc himself. This thread must be getting quite loud indeed.

Maniac (V) Lord Mad Scientist Sovereign of all the lands Ozone and just beyond that little green line over there...From: Cardiff By The Sea, California Insane since: Mar 1994
posted 02-11-2006 18:42
I just like time travelers, maybe? I'm busy trraveling forward in time myself, at the rate of 24 hours per day. (Sometimes I squeeze an extra hour or three in there, heh. =)
quote: I was born in 1977 in Illinois. I was a scientist, an author, and a father all after the time I turned 32.
So, in the next 3 years it looks like Mssr. Cage the younger will have either a child or a book published, or both. (I'm assuming the scientist thing is something already in the works. ;) How's the book coming? And how is the beautiful Mrs. Cage? Is Mrs. Cage still around in 2039? How are you personally handling this meeting? (I realize I jump to conclusions, perhaps their is no Mrs. Cage and Cage the Younger is quite the rake, hmm.)
Malin was curious how Russia ended up becoming powerful enough to worry about attacking the USA, it does seem that they have plenty to worry about just handling the remains of their own fractured self. Still, bunches can happen in 10 years time I suppose.
Hints were dropped about 2 women candidates running against each other in 2008, one of them black, perhaps? Russia was apparently emboldened to attack us due to our weak president. Civil war was prompted by the ascendancy of the "Big Brother" mentality, and red vs. blue political squabbling. The "weak president" concept implies a blue victory, yet the further growth of "big brother" implies a red victory. (I'm assuming a 2-term presidency.) Personally I find it much more enjoyable to speculate about near-term future events, as the effects can and will be influenced and experienced by ourselves.
Anyone want to make a guess about 2008? Condie or Hillary, who wins? =)
Your pal, -doc-
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: next to the tree Insane since: May 2003
posted 02-11-2006 20:43
I thought it would be Hillary. But I didnt think about the ascendancy of Big Brother. Hillary certainly doesnt seem to fit that bill. Maybe Condoleca (sp?) has what it takes to start the war.

Maniac (V) InmateFrom: 2 steps away from a los angeles curb Insane since: Nov 2003
posted 02-11-2006 21:39
It's a trick!
Spacefold = Zyprexa = Doc Ozone
I think not! This is some mind bending expiriment!
It's gonna end badly... man. I just know it.
Run! Run! Run Away!
Is This Thing On?
Webbing; the stuff that sticks to your face.
Maniac (V) Lord Mad Scientist Sovereign of all the lands Ozone and just beyond that little green line over there...From: Cardiff By The Sea, California Insane since: Mar 1994
posted 02-11-2006 22:44
quote: Coincidence? I think not!
I agree, it all sounds fishy to me! Zyprexa seems to me to be *way* too into this whole "divergence" thing, which I scarcely got into at all. From my perspective, the universe is diverging *all* the time, and yes, I have control. (So do you, but I digress.) Who else got into "What the (bleep) do we know?"? I liked that movie, it fit into my thinking where I race down this endlessly diverging series of probabilities, turning and twisting from one exit lane to another, with no going back. (Up until now, I suppose, heh.) If you pay attention you can steer into a probability that pleases you; if not you end up wherever is most likely. By this reasoning *you* may experience a civil war, WWIII and an asteroid strike - I may only experience the asteroid (because I think that'll be pretty cool. My subconcious won't let me miss that even if it's only a vague possibilty, so I probably won't!)
quote: It's gonna end badly... man. I just know it.
Bummer that - it probably will! For you, at least. :/
Your pal, -doc-
(Edited by DocOzone on 02-11-2006 22:50)
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-11-2006 23:26
DocOzone said:
Anyone want to make a guess about 2008? Condie or Hillary, who wins
I don't think Condi is quite enough of a Hawk or warmonger to start a war. Of course, you can always look to whom is pulling the strings.
Hillary just doesn't have the spine to go to war. Tho she might be able to tackle that health care issue again.
But with the choice of these two, I don't think we'll see a civil war. So I'm going to have to say "Third Party". Which could very possibly be a woman, and just enough off balance to create a civil war. Or alternately the civil war could come for other reasons, not just whom the Prez is.
Keep in mind that our Time Traveling buddy is only from the year 2039, which isn't really that far away. Historians won't have had much time to throughly go over the reasons for war (Civil, WW]|[, etc..), add into the fact that it's a Civil War + a World War, and I'm going to surmise that it's possible the historians that are in that time-space thingy might not be the best ones for the task of determing why things happened the way they did. Or even worse, maybe Spacey (and John Titor) has been misinforming us. Too many twists and possible turns.
I'm just gonna ride the ride, and have what fun I can. But speculation of "what may be" can be a fun way to pass the time as well.
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-12-2006 02:27
quote: I agree, it all sounds fishy to me! Zyprexa seems to me to be *way* too into this whole "divergence" thing, which I scarcely got into at all. From my perspective, the universe is diverging *all* the time, and yes, I have control.
It?s the only means we have for validity of prediction. Dare I say the word divergence.
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-13-2006 18:11
Nifty Monday link I found via Make Bending Spacetime in the Basement Nifty stuff, some neat math, and a couple of videos.
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: buttcrack of the midwest Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 02-13-2006 18:46
I think probably Hillary, but we don`t know what kind of Hawk she`ll pick for a running mate, eh?
And if we`re not careful with this divergence/probability thing we could turn the whole universe into an Improbability Drive, and then it`s all up in the air (so to speak).
And, yes, I`d like to have some of what Spacefold is smoking.

Good to hear from ya, Doc, was begining to get a tad worried about you. Hi Malin !!
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-13-2006 18:50
DB: Thats "Infinite" Improbability Drive. Of course with one of those, we could find a good place to eat.
It's too bad VogonPoet doesn't come around any more, he'd be good for this.
F1_edit: ooopsy
(Edited by F1_error on 02-13-2006 18:56)
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-14-2006 01:31
John Titor web page
Xavier Cage web link.
Hear another one.
John Titor and Xavier Cage are from the same world line.
Someone should archive all the prediction in a checklist and check or X them off one by one by date if possible. This is only way to know how similar or different the two world lines are. But the problem is once the event happen it is no longer a prediction but an event. If we knew statistical value that I wanted a checklist would not be need. The percentage value would validate all prediction.
(Edited by Zyprexa on 02-14-2006 01:31)
(Edited by Zyprexa on 02-14-2006 01:37)
(Edited by Zyprexa on 02-14-2006 01:43)