Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-14-2006 01:47
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: next to the tree Insane since: May 2003
posted 02-14-2006 04:17
Onto page 7 and beyond...

Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-14-2006 04:30
I'm not so sure about putting SpaceFold/Xavier Cage in the same list as John Titor. For one John was a lot more active, not only online, but also interacted with conspiracy buff Art Bell. True that Spacey claims to be from the future like Titor, but really thats where things end. Spacey just does not interact with us as much or as well as Titor had/has/will.
As far as the other boards that Spacey has been posting upon, he's spent just as much time (if not less) interacting with them, as he does here. Spacey just isn't offering up the proof that Titor did. Of course I'd personally think it'd be great if it were proven Spacey was from the future, or if any time-traveler was offer such proof. But vauge and semi-philosophical do not a time-traveler make. I keep asking Spacey to step-up and participate more, just to prove me right ot wrong, but he just doesn't hang around much. So for now at least, I'm left to have what fun I can speculating.
MiNiature: I fully expect this thread to keep growing until April 15, when Spacey will return to the future past, never to be heard from again.
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: buttcrack of the midwest Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 02-14-2006 07:57
quote: DB: Thats "Infinite" Improbability Drive. Of course with one of those, we could find a good place to eat.
It's too bad VogonPoet doesn't come around any more, he'd be good for this.
I stand corrected. Yea, I wish VP would stick his head in, too. ( Wait...that sounded Wrong)
The end of the Universe is always a good place to eat.
Great to hear from you, too, BTW.
<edit> Stupid Fingers</edit>
(Edited by docilebob on 02-14-2006 07:58)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2005
posted 02-14-2006 09:26
I am not going to question this whole thing, wether he is acting or saying the truth,
he has a "point" of some sort, something to communicate.
So, where "Titor" attempted to hide certain facts and divulged others (against better instruction) and failed miserably, I will give you what I can in the hopes that you will be wise enough to change your selfish ways.
Ok, let's play it all like it was 100% true.
He is teasing, kinda like the holograms in I-Robot, "you have to ask the right question".
So far I know that the world as we know it will begin to end, and I know my time is short.
I also know that I, and the whole of us, should "change our selfish ways".
So far, we've all proposed "alternatives" to what he assesses will become true,
hypothesis, and asked questions aimed at increasing our individual knwoledge, or bashed him.
(correct me if I am wrong, I haven't read the whole).
All self-centered stuff.
Would I be him, I'd expect someone to "believe" and ask something that could impact the collectivity a little more,
"What can I do to help avoid the catastrophy?"
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-14-2006 13:11
Ya know I can be extra dense sometimes, I never thought about the "you have to ask the right question" angle. I had been thinking that Spacey would just volunteer information to help us change our evil-evil ways. But somehow I think "What can I do to help avoid the catastrophy?" might not be the right question. It's still a little too general. I'm not saying I have the right question for answers, but I'm thinking that if you are right, we'll have to think our way around the problem, and not directly through it. Kind of like don't climb the wall, walk around the wall.
It's early, am I making any sense?
F1_edit: damn spiders on my keyboalpwioergjnk....
(Edited by F1_error on 02-14-2006 13:13)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2005
posted 02-14-2006 13:41
Yuppers, you're making sense, wish someone would nail it. ~thinking~
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-14-2006 17:39
The attorney(Larry Haber) and his mother(Kay) are going to be on Coast To Coast Am
and talk about John Titor on February 17th, 2006.
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-14-2006 18:50
Since Larry Haber is an Entertainment lawyer, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this is going to be about the "John Titor" movie or the JT Radio Drama. It could be worth a listen just to see what a Hollywood lawyer has in stock for Time Traveling Titor.
But seeing as we have our very own Man-From-The-Future right here, I'll keep thinking of good and relevent questions to ask him.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 02-14-2006 19:36
And Yet Again.... I Leave ..I return... and The Thread Explodes on Me Again.... and I just Got the Straps Washed and the Buckles Polished on this thing... Darn It all.... Meh... I Was Getting Hungry Anyway...
In the Quick Swoosh of Reading the Babblings of the many inmates...and 1(one) doctor ( HIA DOK..er...DOC )
I Feel The Urge to Post a Quote of My Self.. For it seems that some Questions Have Been Repeated...and Some (well a lot) Haven't Been Answered... But Alas... I?m Not Surprised... for apparently... as SpaceRip is off on his (or Her) Mission.. We Get a New Fool to Fill the Shoes... With an amazing Knowledge of Time... It is a Pity that such things can't be seen on the other side of the screen.. as words are muttered though time
With no guarantee of accuracy (whatever that may be) as we use such to pass the time (or look back into it Inverted for some)
And Now For My Quote Placed Here again?just to Be lost and Repeated?
INSANEdrive said:
..Just Incase you missed some of my past questions...
What Is Halo 3 Like ( IS IT T3h 117 WOOT )
What are some of the slang terms in the future.... ( Ya Know Groovy, Jive Turkey, Dude, Sweet, Ow3nd, Ect.)
Which part of the Us got Nuked....
Is There Anything Good In the Future, or Was Hollywood Right after
all.... ( THE MATRIX IS REAL ...)O... And Speaking of Matrix...
Have We Compleated the task... for the creation... Of A.I ( Artificial Intelligence )
What Happened To Adobe and Digital Cameras
What Are You Protecting Your Self from... The Grays..
How Is It That by having You Telling Us of what to come serve your
purpose in coming back here... (and when should we expect the next
traveler(s) to come...)
Have they Invented Lightsabers...yet... (and I know the Deathstar is possible... has one been made as well... No really, I mean It...)
"There is no surer sign of insanity than trying the same thing repeatedly expecting different results."
-Albert Einstein
(Edited by INSANEdrive on 01-21-2006 06:05)
Its Could Just Be Me, but its Not? for more may Be here then meets the Mind?
It All Depends on the Point Of View 
There Is A Fine Line Between Genius and Insanity... I Have Erased this line
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 02-14-2006 19:42
O and By the way...The Date of Which the Timetraveler Leaves, has significance
quote: April 15th 2006
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2005
posted 02-14-2006 20:53
As in leaving the day taxes are due? One more proof he is not a fool.
didn't he say someone was "watching" his moves or that he had instructions?
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Could he possibly hide details and use "coded hints" or something?
This one is quite mysterious if you think about it for a second...
I will give you what I can in the hopes that you will be wise enough to change your selfish ways.
And the bit about John Titor, which sounded like "if I give you one detail you'll want more and it'll screw it all up".
Which would be "wise" in any event, truth or lie.
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-14-2006 21:52
What do you mean like the bible codes?
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-14-2006 21:59
_Mauro said:
And the bit about John Titor, which sounded like "if I give you one detail you'll want more and it'll screw it all up".Which would be "wise" in any event, truth or lie.
Me thinks it'd just lead to a greater divergence, like maybe 4% instead of 2%. I don't think it would screw things up much more than they are already. We'd continue on, but Spacey would notice a big change when he returned to his time. Speaking of which, if there is a 2% divergence, does that mean that Spacey has a 2% chance of not reaching his "home" timeline? That would be a bummer, it'd be like flying to Hollywood and ending up in Seattle.
_Mauro also said:
Could he possibly hide details and use "coded hints" or something?
This one is quite mysterious if you think about it for a second...
Damn does that mean I have to back through Spacey posts and play "Find the Bible Code"? Where did I put my Buck Rogers Secret Decoder Ring.....

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2005
posted 02-14-2006 22:33
We're in the TwIlight zOne anyway.
@F1_Error, 1st point
Hmmm... I meant, in terms of "communication".
Statistic maths are a pain in the rear when applied to these computations.
If Spacey is lying, getting into "details" of future predictions is unwise, the mask will break at some point, and the lie will be revealed.
If Spacey is not lying, it still is tedious to say too much. Or not enough.
In time travel terms, here is some more stuff for head scratching:
- would he say which Ford will die, the sole word would reduce the probability of "any" Ford dying at the given date.
which could end up ruining his point altogether.
And ruin our proof he is saying the truth.
Let alone the crowd getting wild at the "give us more" routine if he gave away "only one bit".
Which leads us to the "bible codes".
More like "general points to define a mindset instead of revealing facts.. that still have to happen".
A better approach to communication during time travel.
The decoder here is: "what does he give away/say", the essential outlines.
Plus the crispy details, like taxes day... but that is so much of a detail, it "may or may not" have anything to do with a hint or bible code.
He has summed up his point in his first post, has given broad "outlines" of what could happen, but investigating the exact "facts" could be an error.
Could waste time.
Many of the underlying problems to the world war he describes are "known" and theyre solution could be one
of solidarity and exchange.
That could be the only thing he is "allowed to revealed in order to have it make sense"
Or he could be wearing a pretty straightjacket at the moment and typing with his forehead.
I don't think so.
Or he could be someone from the future who is winning a bet about surviving a few months in our societies, and leaving his mark 
Who knows?
< insert "twilight zone" tune here >
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-15-2006 00:15
Some choice SpaceFold/XavierCage quotes with questions and comments....
...some of the "information" that the one who has come before me has given to you, has seriously altered life as you will have come to know it.
So we are already on an altered path, but a little more gets explained below.
When Cramer of UW theorized that they were simply attempting to understand how things ended up right after the Big Bang on the time scale of about a micro-second...
Cramer's research caused an Ion collision in an attempt to surpass light speed which resulted in violent explosions in the test field.
By the way, the speed of like is depends on which light you monitor. Is it infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation, radio waves, X-rays, gamma rays? Not to mention what is the size of the vaccume the light is traveling in?
2001 was NOT supposed to be the year for the serious funding and research (GRANTED BY EXCENTRIC MILLIONAIRES) of time travel.
Some juicy little tidbits lurking in here. Sounds like Cramer was trying to figure out how the universe knew it was a universe a micro-second after the big-bang. That's some deep stuff.
Also we seem to be given a clue as to funding for Time-Travel (and maybe Cramer himself?) just have to figure out which millionare...
I arrived here on Jan 15th 2006. I will only be here for 3 months. I will return to my time after April 15th 2006.
Somehow I don't think April 15th is so mysterious.
But there was one in particular (John Titor) and the things he has said and the things he did while on his mission, have made it possible for him to alter his own worldline for his personal gain. This is the MAIN reason why I am here.
So Titor altered things for his own personal gain (ie. Saving Mom from the big bad hurricanes). But how does SpaceFold know about this alteration, wouldn't the timeline seem normal to him?
...the civil attacks in 2008 and of course the asteroid of 2014.
before the 5 presidents were voted into establishment.
Spacey do mean that there are FIVE presidents per "term" now?
...before the 5 presidents were voted into establishment. But that doesn't mean that they have an absolute power. (In fact they have a much different role than what you are used to in your worldline)
What kind of role does FIVE Presidents play? How does the future goverment work? You've talked about a new constitution, but how does the goverment work?
California did not sink after the earthquake in 2027
Bummer for Snake Plisken (sorry Spacey, inside time-line joke)
Bill gates is well remembered in 2039 but ironically not for his operating systems. His involvement in Africa was a failed attempt that left the country running rapid with disease.
What does Bill Gates do to Africa? Does he release a disease, try to combat a disease and make things worse? Is Bill thought of as an evil man because of this or just a failure?
The measurements for timeline divergence are known in your worldline as AMF, GERB and AMMA stations.
I'll be plugging these into Google and see what I dig up...
Biotech - A division of Genfit (French Company) goes public late 2006 early 2007.
Why does this Company going public stick out in your mind? Is it something they do or don't do?
People having sex is dangerous, only because childbirth in our worldline is very detramental to the body. So if a woman gives birth to a thriving child, and the mother does not die, it is a very imprtant thing.
Does this mean that medicine has taken a step backwards? Or are the other complications from illness, radiation and the like. I'd don't know how thrilled I'd be to be jumping through time, when the human race was dying off from lack of breeding ability.
...there are certain people viewing this thread who will have a major life altering "experience".
This has got to be my favorite quote of all. Really appeals to the ego doesn't it.

(Edited by F1_error on 02-15-2006 00:18)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-15-2006 01:31
That was long. Here is my view
quote: I arrived here on Jan 15th 2006. I will only be here for 3 months. I will return to my time after April 15th 2006.
John Titor indicated that there are certain opening windows for time travel and I believe these date are important to Space Fold.
quote: The measurements for timeline divergence are known in your worldline as AMF, GERB and AMMA stations.
Once we get our AMF, GERB and AMMA mesurement we can then compare it with space fold value and find the timeline divergence ourself.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 02-15-2006 01:44
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-15-2006 02:13
Zyprexa said:
Once we get our AMF, GERB and AMMA mesurement we can then compare it with space fold value and find the timeline divergence ourself.
So where can we get these measurements? I've been able to figure out what GERB is, but AMMA and AMF are being difficult. I'm pretty sure he's not referring to AMF that bought (and since sold) Harley Davidson years ago. (The AMF/HD days were very black days indeed.)

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-15-2006 03:05
Maniac (V) Lord Mad Scientist Sovereign of all the lands Ozone and just beyond that little green line over there...From: Cardiff By The Sea, California Insane since: Mar 1994
posted 02-15-2006 21:27
"Once we get our AMF, GERB and AMMA mesurement we can then compare it with space fold value and find the timeline divergence ourself."
I'm assuming the AMF refers to the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program from the U.S. Department of Energy. I like the name Radagast. If I was still playing D&D I'm sure my next character would be named thusly. =)
AMF : The ARM Mobile Facility (AMF)
The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program was created in 1989 with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Sponsored by DOE's Office of Science and managed by the Office of Biological and Environmental Research, ARM is a multi-laboratory, interagency program, and is a key contributor to national and international research efforts related to global climate change.
GERB: Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget Experiment
GERB is an Announcement of Opportunity Instrument for EUMETSAT's MSG-1 (Meteosat Second Generation) satellite, intended to make accurate measurements of the Earth Radiation Budget from geostationary orbit. It has been produced by a European consortium led by the UK together with Belgium and Italy, with funding from national agencies. Additional GERB instruments are being provided for MSG-2 and MSG-3, with funding by EUMETSAT.
AMMA: African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses project
African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) is an international project to improve our knowledge and understanding of the West African Monsoon (WAM) and its variability. AMMA is motivated by an interest in fundamental scientific issues and by the societal need for improved prediction of the West African Monsoon and its impacts on West African nations. Recognising the societal need to develop strategies that reduce the socioeconomic impacts of the variability of the West African Monsoon, AMMA will facilitate the multidisciplinary research required to provide improved predictions of the WAM and its impacts.
Google rocks.
Your pal, -doc-
(Edited by DocOzone on 02-15-2006 21:34)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 02-15-2006 23:29
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2005
posted 02-16-2006 00:50
People having sex is dangerous, only because childbirth in our worldline is very detramental to the body. So if a woman gives birth to a thriving child, and the mother does not die, it is a very imprtant thing.
What about condoms?  .. strange.. doesn't quite sound right to me.
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-16-2006 02:08
Doc, good find on AMF. I had found that info for AMMA, but I just can't figure out how that could be used to figure out the Temporal Divergence. Got any ideas? Maybe something to do with that "multidisciplinary research" vague statement.
_Mauro said:
What about condoms? .. strange.. doesn't quite sound right to me.
Well it sounds like it's not sex that's really dangerous, but childbirth. Even the most effective birth-control is only 99.9% effective, so sex might = "Danger Will Robinson, Danger"
It's also possible that the Trojan factory might not be in existance, and Sheep-based condoms might also be in short supply.

Moon Shadow
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Rouen, France Insane since: Jan 2003
posted 02-16-2006 12:42
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-16-2006 17:15
Excellent questions!
Yes there are still recreational drugs in 2039. And there is stil drug abuse. However, people use them in very different ways than you are used to. Absobtion is the preffered method of addicts in 2039.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2005
posted 02-16-2006 18:26
Here, we have black pills and coffee for drugs that can be absorbed.
* Spacefold, the only single thing that strikes you of the dozens of questions asked so far are qs about drug?
...Non-smokable drugs and dangerous sex? Meh, I am staying in 2006.
Seriously, you said "excellent questions", are you limiting this to what INSANEdrive asked?
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-16-2006 18:52
Hi SpaceFold.
There have been many questions over the pages.
Will you get to them before you leave or are
they going to be left unanswered?
Indicate why you can?t answer some question
that are really no big deal.
(Edited by Zyprexa on 02-16-2006 18:56)
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-17-2006 03:11
I'm really, really disapointed SpaceFold. You say your here to answer our questions, but you only come by every ten days, and then you only answer one single question?
Your a lousy time-traveler. Your time is short, if it's so important that you answer our questions and help us change our evil ways, then you should be doing so.

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 02-17-2006 03:50
_Mauro said:
Here, we have black pills and coffee for drugs that can be absorbed.* Spacefold, the only single thing that strikes you of the dozens of questions asked so far are qs about drug?...Non-smokable drugs and dangerous sex? Meh, I am staying in 2006.Seriously, you said "excellent questions", are you limiting this to what INSANEdrive asked?
Lol..... Well... Maybe My Questions are Just Up to Standerds.... .. Try Harder 
Or .... Mabey Resurch was Done.. and Im A Target... ( ITS AN AGENT!! RUN!!! :P)
But Remember not all My Questions have Been answerd ( HALO 3... LIGHTSABERS...COME ON)
And Now for More Questions.....
If You Can Come Back TO This TIme... Does that Mean that in Your time Timetravers May of In fact Come to YOur time Just as You have Come to Ours.. there for.... YOu WOuld Be able to speek of Future even farther then your Own.... COrrect...
also... Inventions.... Cures...
You say Sex is Dangerouse (O..M..G) is this Beacuse of AIDS.... or of something worse...
And even though you Prob. Cant say.... Directly.. What are you up to.... And Again.. What are you useing to post....
...Boy... I have more.... But Lets do this little by little... Pitty... we can't do an IM/ IRC Chat...
"Some people think Inside the Box... Some people think Outside the Box... But I
Prefer.. to think out of my Mind" -INSANEdrive
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-17-2006 04:03
In 1975 there was a 2% difference between your timeline and ours. 31 years have passed thing have happen it is not a big stretched the difference between our time line has increased. I would like the divergence between our time line and you?re currently. You give us your value and at our end we will find our value from what you recommended from AMF. If you don?t have the divergence values can you estimate the difference between your world line and ours; it is definitely greater then 2%. Could you give examples from what you observe now the difference in time lines like in research, which is new, like you noted in physics research. You have been here a while you easily figure out how large a difference in timeline and give some examples. That?s all I want.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: 2 steps away from a los angeles curb Insane since: Nov 2003
posted 02-17-2006 09:09
I got a question...
I was lancing a pimple and my right groinal lymph node got infected... well actually what hapened was I popped it sideways, ya know, like when you squeeze one real hard and instead of it popping out it goes off to the side under the skin? [wait! that's not my question, I'm just slpainin the situation]
THENNN, I lanced it with a dirty needle I found in the North Tower. Well, that didn't work out so well...
My right groin swelled up to the size of a grapefruit... Now the thing is, I got some white pills from this other guy and the swelling has mostly gone away...
When I shower, the hot water kind of reopens the dirty needle excavation site and this white puss oozes out. So naturally I started kneading the swollen area and forcing as much out as I can. But I'm curious...
[this is my question]
Is That Bad?
I mean you being a Doc and all, you would know, right?
Huh? What's everyone looking at? What!?
Hmpf, like no one else has ever lamced themselves... sheesh.
Oh yeah, by the way...
the uhm...
squid thing?
It's been tested for STD's, right? I mean just curious that's all. No one would actually... heh, nevermind...
Is This Thing On?
Webbing; the stuff that sticks to your face.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: next to the tree Insane since: May 2003
posted 02-17-2006 16:58
Arg. There is still a contridiction that i wish would be answered.
John Titor has been accused here of messing with the time line to benefit himself.
John Titor stated repeatedly that nothing he did in this past would affect his home timeline. He said that he did not go back into his own timeline, but rather, a very similar one.
Titor said he stayed with himself (age 3) and his parents while he was here. Yet they (and he) have no memory of it because it didnt happen in his timeline. However, SpaceFold says that he is staying with his past self. And that he is remebering conversations with himself in a strange dejavu kinda way.
So im confused. Do time travelers travel backward into their own timelines or not? Logicaly, I would think a resounding NO. Thats way to dangerous...

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-17-2006 20:59
The only difference between our time line and there is their current time is 2039 where ours is 2006 with differences. They came first and we came second in which we are following. The question is when we are going to stop following and take our freewill back and escape there destiny. The only way to know this is through divergence values.
2001 ? 2036 = 35 Years ahead. Past now?s with John Titor
2006 ? 2039 = 33 Year ahead. Current now with Space Fold
The way I see it is we are catching up to them time wise by 2 years over 5 year period.
But then I might have done the math wrong calculating the time (now?s).
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-18-2006 13:32
Zyprexa I don't really understand the whole 2039 came first, and 2006 came second thing. (Maybe it's just mine-own ego not wanting to buy into it.) I realize that time does not have to be linear, it can be curved and loop back on itself. String theory even talks about the non-order of the universe, until you dig extra deep and find the next layer of order. But if 2039 came first, how did the events of 2006 alter that line of divergence? If what you are saying is true, then how is it even possible to regain our freewill until we are past 2039? How can we exert our influence over the time-line / divergence if it's already happened? Would it even be possible to find the divergence if we are working without freewill?

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-18-2006 14:35
February 18, 2006
The two time lines are attracted to each other thus we are puppets of the other timelines and will resulting in the 2% divergence in repeating of all the events to a greater extent. 2007, which does not exist, just follow the blueprints of the manifested time line of 2007 of the other time line of 2039. So the probable 2007 for use are the manifested 2007(for 2039) to be for us. We don?t have free will. Remember the date of this writing is 2006
Dates are just indicators of what events have occurred in a specific order therefore I can say 2039 is there now and our now is 2006. Dates are just indicator of what events have occurred in the time line and that all. Time to some extent is not really real but just a weak expression of event since we live in an event driven world. Thus if the Berlin wall didn?t fall we would be living in a radically different world would we not. Time would not then really matter. The Berlin wall either came down or not! When I say now I really mean the probable future that becomes concrete.
The only way we can get our freewill back is by doing event that have not occurred in that other timeline and that where the time traveler come in. New research has to be done and just not copying the other time line.
(Edited by Zyprexa on 02-18-2006 17:44)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: next to the tree Insane since: May 2003
posted 02-18-2006 19:51
I think I finally get what you've been saying Zyp. So how do you suppose we break away from our sister timeline?

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 02-18-2006 21:30
and so as we become ever so deeper into the rabbit hole... ( so far there has been little Mauling from Mr. Hippty Hop.... but Hopefully Spacefold can keep 'im at bay )
I would also like to say...once this thread actually dies... that It be preserved... all in favor say I.. I say *I* and My Infinite number of imaginary friends say *I*...So there for with the Majority... this thread should be preserved when so? 
Out of Insanity comes brilliance(Or was it the other way around?)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-19-2006 00:13
Autonomous time lines and freewill: How to cause a divergence.
Get out as much information out of the time travelers and don?t do those events thus causing a divergence.
Do events on our time line that they never have done ie) Research and development. Beat them to the punch line.
Nuclear war with another country would probably cause a divergence if some sort. But that?s the easy way out.
Ask help from the Feds. And then they would probably lock the bunch of us up.
Figure out how to regain freewill is a very hard proposition. I wish I new the answer but doing it on mass is impossible. How do you convince a zombie new trick if they don?t know the problem exists!!!
Free will is a major underpinning to this message. If you don?t use it someone else or timeline will enforce there will over you and thus we are puppets. But our consumer based society will not let use think any other way. And thus our huge trade deficit with the rest of the world. Resulting in a huge number of events will occur. The collective unconscious is starving for new ideas but will we embrace them and steer us away from the 2039 time line.
But free will for zombies and puppets may be a dangerous thing; who knows what will happen, sounds scary. It is up to the collective unconscious to figure these things out and not us.
The only good thing I can say is the time traveler just being here will cause this divergence, which is a good thing. The good old feedback loop trick with data to feed off of so we can do correction in path we wish to follow.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: next to the tree Insane since: May 2003
posted 02-19-2006 00:33
Maybe I should take all the money out of my revolutionary defense budget and put it into time travel research.
