Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Under the Bridge Insane since: Nov 2002
posted 01-20-2006 06:23
Quite convincing
~Sig coming soon~
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Royal Horsing Ground Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 01-20-2006 10:55
Here is a link for you guys... Sorry if it has been posted yet, but I do not think so (mind your eyes though, it hurts ).
To find this link, I have entered the whole quote (see below) from SpaceFold about John Titor (Tutor?) in my Google search...
1. Magnetic housing units for dual microsignularities.
2. Electron injection manifold to alter mass and gravity of microsingularities.
3. Cooling and x-ray venting system
4. Gravity sensors (VGL system)
5. Main clocks (4 cesium units)
6. Main computer units (3)
... and found a good load of stuff there.
Now one of my first thought was it is only Stephen King or Clive Cussler trying to gather some information and ideas for new books (very clever)... After all, SpaceFold could well be John Titor in need of inspiration...
But seriously now, this thread is starting to flip me out; not because I believe in time travel, but like MiNiature said, and also SpaceFold, there are signs today which can lead to some conclusion, no need to be a genius or a bloody time traveller.
Maniac (V) Mad LibrarianFrom: the space between us Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 01-20-2006 11:36
SpaceFold said:
Say goodbye to Ford this year.
do you mean the car manufacturer?
Lunatic (VI) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 01-20-2006 12:04
Well, an interesting story, but it is very, very irrelevant now. Even minute changes in a Timestream tend to have Quantum effects later - so if SpaceFold really was from the future, the information that he has given has already changed each and every one of our futures. That means that his future is not necessarily ours.
Thanks SpaceFold 
Didn't they teach you anything at your agency about the Butterfly effect? If you really were from the Future, you would not be announcing your presence, you would be attempting to leave as little trace and disturbance as possible!
WebShaman | The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities.
- Sophocles
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 01-20-2006 15:30
I didn't say the auto company
(Edited by SpaceFold on 01-20-2006 15:31)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 01-20-2006 15:31
There's only about a 2% change and I will be the only one to notice the change. For the rest of you, it will simply go along as you thought was normal.
Yes there is still porn, but child birth is rare now. So when it happens it's a big deal.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Royal Horsing Ground Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 01-20-2006 16:09
SpaceFold said:
Yes there is still porn, but child birth is rare now.
how on earth can you put these two statement in the same sentence? Do we have to assume paedophilia is not a big deal anymore in 2039?
Sentences like this worry me and disturb me a lot.
Apart from that, there are a lot of questions you still have not answered, SpaceFolde, and probably the most interesting ones....
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 01-20-2006 16:47
Pornography is veiwed alittle different in my worldline. People having sex is dangerous, only because childbirth in our worldline is very detramental to the body. So if a woman gives birth to a thriving child, and the mother does not die, it is a very imprtant thing.
Pornography is viewed as a rebellious disregaurd for human life.
Entertainment in it's various forms are different in my worldline. Most music, TV and movies, allthough still there, weren't as prevelant as it is in your worldline. Most people made their own music and movies and cast them over the internet. That is how we mostly find our entertainment. ANYONE can be a star now.
Granted you can still download archived music like the beatles, the who, rolling stones, the doors, U2, Aerosmith, Slipstream, Fall Out Boy, CrashCar, just to name a few.
Life in 2039 is very nice. we've really come together in a community sence. We take care of fellow americans now.
(Edited by SpaceFold on 01-20-2006 16:48)
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Royal Horsing Ground Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 01-20-2006 18:08
SpaceFold said:
We take care of fellow americans now.
Hmm... How about Europe?
Lunatic (VI) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 01-20-2006 18:11
quote: There's only about a 2% change and I will be the only one to notice the change. For the rest of you, it will simply go along as you thought was normal.
Well, you just lost all credibility with that unqualified answer. Quantum effects based on the start cannot, by their nature, be calculated with 100% accuracy. And two Timetravellers announcing their presence, by its very nature will have more than a 2% effect!! Not to mention answering questions!
For instance, it is not possible to calculate the total effects of the Butterfly wings. It could result in a Storm in South America...and it might not.
Since we are dealing with the Future, and because there are multiple futures all depending on actions and events at every passing moment, your actions are changing things for all of us, as well as for yourself.
The future that you think you know, is not that which we all will know, due to these changes.
WebShaman | The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities.
- Sophocles
(Edited by WebShaman on 01-20-2006 22:36)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 01-20-2006 18:21
Europe is what it has always been, a mixture of nations under British rule.
I do not seek credit for anything. The most I hope for (for the most part) is to be at least interesting and engaging.
Lunatic (VI) InmateFrom: under the bed Insane since: Feb 2000
posted 01-20-2006 18:22
WebShaman said:
And two Timetravellers announcing their presence, by its very nature will have more than a 2% effect!! Not to mention answering questions!
Of course, one lonely guy sitting in his room with nothing better to do than waste the time it takes to come up with the above dribble and type it all out will most likely have 0% effect on anything at all.
Oh and....you can't lose something you didn't have to begin with (ie credibility) =)

Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 01-20-2006 18:36
SpaceFold said:
Europe is what it has always been, a mixture of nations under British rule.
Woooo hooooo - in your face the rest of Europe!!
Its luck the rest of Europe are weak-willed, whiny, pacifist sexual deviants (its how we noble British conquered them all after all) or there'd be a lynch party forming 
I'd better give it toes in that direction --------------->
~runs in this direction~
The Emperor dot org | Revenant: The Zombie Magazine | Wonders | Justice for Pat Richard | FAQs: Emperor | Site Reviews | Reception Room
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: K-town, FL, USA Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 01-20-2006 19:04
Will the asylum still be around??? and if Bill Gates is finally gone and Microsoft has fallen does that mean that Linux now rules all?
p.s. I just figured out the alt+# trick to quote someone so you are looking at a very happy man 
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: 2 steps away from a los angeles curb Insane since: Nov 2003
posted 01-20-2006 20:32
What about the auto biotic demagnetization of paramagnetic salts !?!?!?
Is This Thing On?
Webbing; the stuff that sticks to your face.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Mexico Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 01-20-2006 22:27
Will the water chip still work for more than 10 years?

Sexy Demoness cel
Lunatic (VI) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 01-20-2006 22:38
DL-44 said:
quote:WebShaman said:And two Timetravellers announcing their presence, by its very nature will have more than a 2% effect!! Not to mention answering questions!Of course, one lonely guy sitting in his room with nothing better to do than waste the time it takes to come up with the above dribble and type it all out will most likely have 0% effect on anything at all.Oh and....you can't lose something you didn't have to begin with (ie credibility) =)
True DL, but I was giving the poster the benefit of the doubt - well, until he tripped. You know, give them enough rope to hang themselves... 
WebShaman | The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities.
- Sophocles
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 01-20-2006 22:59
If I have done anything to alter the future, I will be the only one to be aware of it, since everything in your view will go as pre-destined. And I'm told it's a 2% noticible difference. I'll know for sure once I return to my worldline.
Now does anyone have any OTHER types of questions?
If you are unable to enjoy my posts, then simply ask me to stop and I would be happy to. I am on many other boards.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: raht cheah Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 01-20-2006 23:25
SpaceFold said:
Now does anyone have any OTHER types of questions?
Are "Cool Ranch" and "Salsa Verde" flavors of Doritos still available in 2039?
If you're gonna say something about we all eat kelp or something, just don't even bother, that right there would have much more than 2% effect I'm sure as people within hearing distance would have no real reason to go on living.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 01-20-2006 23:57
Wow?I?m Away from my computer for apox. 24 Hours? and Look what happens? were on page 3? Hmm well? Best get started reading?
SpaceFold said:
I'd have a hard time believing me too. It is hard to understand in a time when time travel is thought of as impossible. Just like the world is flat, or the speed of sound can't be achieved, or the speed of light cannot be achieved. Or that the Internet cannot be completely wireless.
Correction? Most think of impossible? I?m Not Like most (thank goodness)? Hence I am ?INSANE? ( I Could Quote my self on thoughts of Impossible? but I won?t , unless you would like me to)
SpaceFold said:
Racism is over by 2018.
HAZAA!!! One the Most useless evils finally is Done for... (It better be.... the question is how... )
SpaceFold said:
I work for an orginization that would be the equivilant to your Central Intelligence Agencey. (All though it is not the C.I.A.) That no longer exsists in 2039. Too many problems with politics. And I am not selling anything. I'm just enjoying getting to know some of you before my return.(Edited by SpaceFold on 01-19-2006 18:26)
I Have always disliked politics?well?.the Party Politics?.
SpaceFold said:
INSANEdrive said:and what is Osama Bin Up too
I would really like to tell you that Osama Bin Laden was killed in the very first attacks on Afghanistan and instead of making him a martyr, The U.S. Government kept it quiet. It served them better to lead you in fear then to let anyone know he was dead causing more problems. The U.S. felt that if we had captured him, we would have endured further terrorist attacks. So after we confirmed the kill, we simply "kept looking" for him.Oh you'll hear from him again but only hear. You'll not see him live. Not on video, because that would be hard for the government to fabricate. But rather audio only?I'd like to tell you that. But that might endanger my mission. (We did not negotiate with terrorists)(Edited by SpaceFold on 01-20-2006 00:31)
I Actually Meant , are we going to have any other 9/11?ens from them? ( Than again, its not like it matter since were going to be nuked, split, and stoned from above)
mas said:
SpaceFold said:Say goodbye to Ford this year.
do you mean the car manufacturer?
*Slaps Forehead?*

SpaceFold said:
There's only about a 2% change and I will be the only one to notice the change. For the rest of you, it will simply go along as you thought was normal. Yes there is still porn, but child birth is rare now. So when it happens it's a big deal.

SpaceFold said:
If I have done anything to alter the future, I will be the only one to be aware of it, since everything in your view will go as pre-destined. And I'm told it's a 2% noticible difference. I'll know for sure once I return to my worldline.Now does anyone have any OTHER types of questions?If you are unable to enjoy my posts, then simply ask me to stop and I would be happy to. I am on many other boards.
Such as. . . . .
....Ill add to my questions... in a later post...
There Is A Fine Line Between Genius and Insanity... I Have Erased this line
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Land of one Headlight on. Insane since: May 2001
posted 01-21-2006 00:20
quote: Now does anyone have any OTHER types of questions?
Based on your personal usage should I buy more stock in Reynolds wrap?
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Minnesota Insane since: Jan 2001
posted 01-21-2006 01:50
Meh, after reading all of this dialogue, I think this guy is only another 'rooster crowing in the Jesus Loves Tupperware henhouse'. but he is still engaging.
(Edited by Wolfen on 01-21-2006 01:56)
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: :morF Insane since: May 2000
posted 01-21-2006 02:33
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?

Justice 4 Pat Richard
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: next to the tree Insane since: May 2003
posted 01-21-2006 03:19
Um.. anyway, I have a couple questions that i meant to ask earlier.
Whats going on in the world of religion in your time? Any new faces? Jesus come back again yet? I get the feeling that there's way less political hogwash in the future. Does this apply to politics vs church hogwash?
Also, holidays. Do you have any that we dont? Did any disappear into history?
And, on another note, by what means are you actually transending spacetime? Is it a super-gravity induced wormhole thing? Or are you slipping through the quantum foam somehow? Or are you still pushing a DeLorean to highway speeds?

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 01-21-2006 03:29
...And Are you strong in the ways of the Force 
"Some people think Inside the Box... Some people think Outside the Box... But I
Prefer.. to think out of my Mind" -INSANEdrive
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 01-21-2006 03:50
SpaceFold...Tell Me... What do you make of this Click here to watch Time-Warp17
Infact...everyone tell me what you make of this... (The format of this video is WMP...Currently looking fo Quicktime Vers.)
"There is no surer sign of insanity than trying the same thing repeatedly expecting different results."
-Albert Einstein
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: next to the tree Insane since: May 2003
posted 01-21-2006 04:04
I assuming all the space bubbling issue is due to the immense gravity caused by the wormhole.... wait.... isnt worm hole style immese gravity so intense that even light cannot escape? Yet there is so much light....
Also, If he is indeed "searching" for the wormhole with that laser in the begining, doesn't he find it in the perfect place within the frame on the camera?
and wouldn't him going back in time immedietly change the world in front of the camera? What with the butterfly effect and all....

(Edited by MiNiature on 01-21-2006 04:06)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 01-21-2006 04:06
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Elizabethtown, KY Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 01-21-2006 05:40
Oh yea, what are the long term results of lasic eye surgery?
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 01-21-2006 06:04
..Just Incase you missed some of my past questions...
What Is Halo 3 Like ( IS IT T3h 117 WOOT )
What are some of the slang terms in the future.... ( Ya Know Groovy, Jive Turkey, Dude, Sweet, Ow3nd, Ect.)
Which part of the Us got Nuked....
Is There Anything Good In the Future, or Was Hollywood Right after all.... ( THE MATRIX IS REAL ...)O... And Speaking of Matrix...
Have We Compleated the task... for the creation... Of A.I ( Artificial Intelligence )
What Happened To Adobe and Digital Cameras
What Are You Protecting Your Self from... The Grays..
How Is It That by having You Telling Us of what to come serve your purpose in coming back here... (and when should we expect the next traveler(s) to come...)
Have they Invented Lightsabers...yet... (and I know the Deathstar is possible... has one been made as well... No really, I mean It...)
"There is no surer sign of insanity than trying the same thing repeatedly expecting different results."
-Albert Einstein
(Edited by INSANEdrive on 01-21-2006 06:05)
Lunatic (VI) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 01-21-2006 11:42
quote: If I have done anything to alter the future, I will be the only one to be aware of it, since everything in your view will go as pre-destined. And I'm told it's a 2% noticible difference. I'll know for sure once I return to my worldline.
That is irrelevant. It doesn't matter if we are aware of the changes, or not. The fact is, that there will be changes. As for "you have been told" - by whom? Since your stay here is not over yet, it cannot be told yet that it is "only" 2%! The changes that your mere presence brings with it, are not over yet.
Now, do you have any other silly things to say?
WebShaman | The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities.
- Sophocles
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 01-21-2006 12:38
SpaceFold said:
If you are unable to enjoy my posts, then simply ask me to stop and I would be happy to. I am on many other boards.
Give us links to all the other boards you are posting on.
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: :morF Insane since: May 2000
posted 01-21-2006 13:29
I will amdit, Mr. Shaman, that he seems to be mixing up the two trains of thoghut on time-travel. One states that since you have gone back in time, then you've been there already and you won't alter anything in your time by going., because you've already been, and so it's all the same. The other says that going back and changing one tiny thing will alter things radically as the effect spreads and multiplies.
SpaceFold seems to be saying that in the future they know what effects he's going to have already, which suggests the first idea, but that his going will still change things, which is the second. Care to clarify Mr. Future Guy?

Justice 4 Pat Richard
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 01-21-2006 16:14
Mabey it is already declared and changes with it..
Some people say im mean, but I actually have the heart of a sweet, little girl...In a jar... on my desk...
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 01-21-2006 17:07
I wanted to edit one of my above posts , but it is too old now to do so... so Im puting what I wanted to add to the edit...here.
"I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the State, with particular reference to the founding of them on geographical discriminations. Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party generally.
This spirit, unfortunately, is inseparable from our nature, having its root in the strongest passions of the human mind. It exists under different shapes in all governments, more or less stifled, controlled, or repressed; but, in those of the popular form, it is seen in its greatest rankness, and is truly their worst enemy.
The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty.
Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind (which nevertheless ought not to be entirely out of sight), the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it." - Geo. Washington's Farewell Address 1796
"Some people think Inside the Box... Some people think Outside the Box... But I
Prefer.. to think out of my Mind" -INSANEdrive
(Edited by INSANEdrive on 01-21-2006 17:08)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 01-22-2006 00:01
Wolfen said:
Meh, after reading all of this dialogue, I think this guy is only another 'rooster crowing in the Jesus Loves Tupperware henhouse'. but he is still engaging.(Edited by Wolfen on 01-21-2006 01:56)
Wait, you mean to tell me that Jesus doesn't love tupperware? And I thought people in my time were mislead.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 01-22-2006 00:09
You are close, but make no mistake you're simply mis understanding me. If I never came to 2006, life as I know it would unfold as normal. If my coming to your worldline has altered anything in the future, only I will be aware. Simply because for you and everyone else who takes "the long way" for you, all be it different from the original worldline, will unfold normally in your perception. Because You did not travel back in time.
(Edited by SpaceFold on 01-22-2006 00:10)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 01-22-2006 00:24
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Land of one Headlight on. Insane since: May 2001
posted 01-22-2006 00:29
^ I 've been told that on the prairie this type of thinking is referred to as a 'circle-jerk.'
Lunatic (VI) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 01-22-2006 01:39
quote: You are close, but make no mistake you're simply mis understanding me. If I never came to 2006, life as I know it would unfold as normal. If my coming to your worldline has altered anything in the future, only I will be aware. Simply because for you and everyone else who takes "the long way" for you, all be it different from the original worldline, will unfold normally in your perception. Because You did not travel back in time.
That is still irrelevant - your continuing presence is changing our futures, from what they would have been! It does not matter if we are aware of what the changes are - the fact is, that change is occuring with your continued presence. Second, yes, we are aware that there will be changes - my posts are evidence thereof. We are just not aware of what the changes are (or will be, accordingly).
Also, even if the changes you describe as being "only 2%" - 2% of all of existence is still a pretty large amount! How many humans have died because of your interference in the timestream?
WebShaman | The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities.
- Sophocles