Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2005
posted 02-27-2006 13:49
Actually, yes, w-x-y-z is fine for 4d.
And 4d things can't be perceived, but some can be calculated for real (plane-plane intersection for instance, as far as I remember it was a point).
Actually, I stumbled into something completely different yesterday, which reminded me of Zyp and SF's "scientific pseudo-facts tossing".
But it's controversial... I am hesitating to bring this up, it's funny, but it's all about Xenu, Scientology, and aliens coming to saave oour wooorld...
But it really is controversial.
And oh-so funny.
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-27-2006 13:56
Bring it up. It can only add to the oddities....

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jul 2005
posted 02-27-2006 15:05
These are audio recordings of Ron Hubbard, who founded the church of scientology,
and was convinced his straightjacket was a spaceship.
I "love" operation clambake, it's full of facts and an excellent knowledge base about the frightening Scientology.
The bits where Hubbard does maths or speaks about his travels to Venus make me think of Spacefold.
Phear Xeenuuu....
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-27-2006 17:36
Zyprexa said:
Then again it may be right. It is really how you wish to interpret the 2%We need Space Fold to step up to the plate. Is the 2% in the X or Y-axis?Basically the reason why there are changes in the divergence is that you move up and down the curve.Another topic: Did space fold say whether the US will have 2 currencies, one domestic and the other international. The colored currency is for home use, the old stuff international.
It can be "X" or it can also be "Y".
Listen, my time with you is almost at an end. A part of me really do not wish to go. But I fear I may have done some damage in this timeline. Ofcourse, you will never know the changes that I might have made. But I certainly will. It will be very interesting to see what 2039 will bring once I return.
(Edited by SpaceFold on 02-27-2006 17:40)
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-27-2006 17:36
I thought you were going to go a whole different direction with the whole Scientology/Aliens/"Save the Planet" angle.
<off topic>To this day I still think it's funny that Scientology evolved from a bet between two science fiction writers. Makes me want to start my own church.</off topic>

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-28-2006 01:00
Basically you should really stay. Timeline windows come up all the time. There is really no rush time is on your side. When you go back it will be like you never left except maybe for a second or two. Spend some quality time with us you won?t regret it. This page just keeps generating quality topics. Without you it will not function anymore. You?re the one in which I stopped eating Big Macs; who know where that meat come from.
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 02-28-2006 03:32
SpaceFold said:
It can be "X" or it can also be "Y".
I don't get it. How can it be X and also be Y?
Also your time is not at an end yet. You've still got a month and a half to spend with us. Care to participate and post?

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 02-28-2006 18:57
SpaceFold said:
Zyprexa said:
Then again it may be right. It is really how you wish to interpret the
2%We need Space Fold to step up to the plate. Is the 2% in the X or
Y-axis?Basically the reason why there are changes in the divergence is
that you move up and down the curve.Another topic: Did space fold say
whether the US will have 2 currencies, one domestic and the other
international. The colored currency is for home use, the old stuff
It can be "X" or it can also be "Y".
Listen, my time with you is almost at an end. A part of me really do
not wish to go. But I fear I may have done some damage in this
timeline. Ofcourse, you will never know the changes that I might have
made. But I certainly will. It will be very interesting to see what
2039 will bring once I return.
(Edited by SpaceFold on 02-27-2006 17:40)
I would be surprised if you didn't do any "damage" in the timeline.... time ..it seems...to be a very touchy thing
F1_error said:
SpaceFold said:
It can be "X" or it can also be "Y".
I don't get it. How can it be X and also be Y?
Hybrid... or the X and Y intersect
How will we know the, so called, "imposters?"
O...and....You said before you came here you watched a documentary on the Olympics (winter games to be exact...)
SpaceFold said:
As far as the Olympics are concerned, I do remember that simply because
2004 was the last year that the "Official" Olympics were held in
Greece. There were political issues with the men who ran the Olympics
and they all stepped down between 2004 and 2006. America held the
"Winter Games" without Italy and a few other countries. The reason I
know this is not because I can remember way back to that time, but the
fact that we're attempting to restore the Official games by 2040 and I
actually watched a documentary not too long before I left.
Any other Documentaries.... How Great INSANEdrive is... How Emperor tried to overthrow the world and lost because of killer pigeons...
Cause...as you said...you were "prepped" when you came into this time line... so does that mean then that you know what My Real name is.. The History of this forum, Brain Patterns... how one speaks... How and what to say when asked by an individual... and so fourth....
But Alas.... You are prob. just going to avoid my question... and not make attention to it... not much help I can say..... you work for your "Government" don't you... but wait... don't answer that.. I know the answer to that too.... but maybe you can enlighten....
You have had much time to do such.....
27 Posts in January [18-31](by my count)
6 posts (so far) in February [2-28] (By My Count)
You have ALL of March... and A little of April...
You may have more then one mission.... but (it seems) that you?re failing this one...
Edit: also... Look at the diffrence in amount of what is said in the months...
Jan-Very Talkitve
Feb.- There just so we know he is still here
"Some people think Inside the Box... Some people think Outside the Box... But I
Prefer.. to think out of my Mind" -INSANEdrive
(Edited by INSANEdrive on 02-28-2006 19:00)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 02-28-2006 21:29
I don't know how it can be both axis.
One X axis = time UTC
Y axis = Iradiance (W/(m^2 nm))
To expand the image click on it and a little square thing come up and then click on that.
I think the divergence is the x axis.
Space Fold before you go could you give your divergence value.
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 03-01-2006 02:13
INSANEdrive said:
You may have more then one mission.... but (it seems) that you?re failing this one...
Well, maybe he hasn't failed. But I'm with you, and I think this Spacey is a SLACKER.
Zyprexa said:
I don't know how it can be both axis.
I've been pondering this, because I don't get it either. I'm thinking that maybe the divergence shows up in both axis. This would make some sense if you were to take an x-y-z grid and move it down to an x-y axis. But I've still got some issues about it showing up in both.

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 03-02-2006 05:46
If there is X, Y, Z-axis to find the number of time lines then the problem becomes a calculus problem. We figured out there is a possibility of 41 distinct time lines though our old calculation. The actual number of distinct time line is 69 from a book that I no longer have or can find. So in all we did pretty well. Thus 2% divergence really can be small to have a distinct time line.
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 03-02-2006 13:12
Zyprexa said:
Thus 2% divergence really can be small to have a distinct time line.
What does that mean?
(maybe I'll figure it our later, it's early here.)

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 03-03-2006 18:31
I am sorry but I fear I may have compromised my mission.
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 03-03-2006 19:10
May is not the same as HAVE, but it's your mission.
Never the less, this was all fun while it lasted. I had hoped it would last until Mid-April, but even in the beginning I had doubts that our "TimeTraveler" would last that long.
Bye-bye SpaceFold, you've given us mush to think about and much fodder for the future.
I can't wait for the next "TimeTraveler", maybe it'll be VanDame.....

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 03-03-2006 21:53
From the other site
Russia attacked NY. PA. VA. IL. CA. & NV. In it's initial strike. But many of the original 13 colonies were secondary targets.
I am sorry but I fear I may have seriously jeopardized my mission.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 03-04-2006 22:00
Space Fold you are stuck here until window for traveling come up since John Titor said there are windows. When the next person comes here don?t forget to recommend this site. Until that window come up say something.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Austin, TX Insane since: Dec 2001
posted 03-04-2006 22:57
Well, I am absolutely surprised at the response to SF. Vogonpoet, Docilebob, and Doc himself. If Spacefold is actually gone, then after reading the entire thread I am still highly skeptical of his future. I have heard talk of Titor more as of late and I could come to the assumption that SF, in a plea for attention decided to pretend to be a time traveler and sputter out information that Titor produced, while at the same time trying to discredit Titor. I guess it is his way of taking all of the spotlight.
Spacefold I really don't see why you came to this point in time and in all honesty if you were staying with your past-self it is likely that he knows you are him, and you compromised your "mission" by even meeting with him. Hell I dont know about anyone else here, but when i look at a picture of myself from 15 years ago, I still see a resemblance.
Im gonna start nit picking:
Well, again it's hard to remember certain things from 34 years ago. But the best I can remember about 2006 is the death of Ford.
Starting out, why would you just say "Ford"? Why bring up Ford? That just seemed really random and completely out of nowhere. On the day you posted that, the same week FMC had annouced it was going to restructure the company.
or here
So it's amazing how anyone could make the same statement based on reports out that day.
quote: More than one Ford had problems this year. You'll understand what I mean shortley.
Yeah, Gerald ford is in his 90s and not in great health. You arent saying anything that isnt already widely known.
quote: People having sex is dangerous, only because childbirth in our worldline is very detramental to the body. So if a woman gives birth to a thriving child, and the mother does not die, it is a very imprtant thing.
I dont remember a time when childbirth wasn't in some way detremintal to the woman's health. Women die from childbirth, it happens and I would honestly like to think that some how, the world hasnt plunged into another Darkage after WWIII and that the Library at Alexandria wasnt burned down by you crazy Jesus-freaks.
Zyprexa said:
SpaceFold or anyoneJohn Titor said in 1975 a spit in time lines occurred
with a two percent divergence between the two time lines.1. What was the
result or the first cause of this event?2. Why did such an event occur3.
How did it occur4. Was it global or just local to North American5. Was
it by design or by accident? ie) nuclear explosions.6. Was the event natural
or by design.
I am sorry, but I cannot answer that. That DOES pertain to my mission.
Amazing, although this may not give every detail of your "mission" You just fucked yourself over by acknowledging it.
I'v already given you way too much of my time Mr.Cage. If you are a time traveler, you have done more to hurt yourself than Titor could have ever done. It's foolish of you to think that only you will remember the events of the present. No wait, IT'S PRETENTIOUS of you to think you will be the only one to remember this. Some one here will remember and in 2039 will be looking for you, im sure. IF your name is Xavier Cage or not, there always means by which to find a person, just takes the right kind of person to do so.
I am interested in Time travel but I dont think you are the real deal. By dispersing information about future events you can help to make things better for not only yourself but the whole of the Earth. You said in one of your post it was nice to breathe clean air again, or that Chicago was in the shitter because of the radiation contamination, well by dispersing information, changes can occur to prevent that.
Also, do you want the deaths of 3 billion people and for the world to begin slugging it out with nuclear weapons? Your inaction is the, in my opinon, the worst atrocity to occur, even worse than the holocaust. The deaths of 3 billion people are on your shoulders, I hope that you cant sleep at night and the same goes for Titor.
That is of course if you are legit.
By reading this you have just spent a second of your time
(Edited by Patrick on 03-04-2006 23:06)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 03-05-2006 00:19
Zyprexa said:
Thus 2% divergence really can be small to have a distinct time line.
What does that mean?
(maybe I'll figure it our later, it's early here.)
We can only fit 25 timeline under the graph with 2% divergence. But from a book it stated that there are 69 time lines in existence. For this to happen the divergence must be smaller like 0.72 % divergence.
All of these timeline will be distinct.
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 03-05-2006 00:32
Explain yourself. Why would the divergence have to be smaller if there are more time lines? Why can we only fit 25 into a graph? Isn't time infinite, so shouldn't you account for the graph to be infinite?
All timelines being distinct kind of goes without saying.

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 03-05-2006 01:18
The graph from the website is basically a bell curve with each end of it touching the x-axis line. So anything to the extreme left or right will not exist. The central region is the only usable region. So at 2% divergence in which I converted it to equivalent space we can only stuff 25 to 41 vertical line in the bell curve area everything else does not exits. So the only way we can increase the number of vertical timeline under the cerve is to reduce the divergence or the spacing between time lines like to 1% or something. And that basically that. My basic problem now is to find that book that told the number of timeline of this world that said there was total of 69 time lines.
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 03-05-2006 02:07
It sounds to me like you are altering the graph.
Zyprexa said:
So the only way we can increase the number of vertical timeline under the cerve is to reduce the divergence or the spacing between time lines like to 1% or something.
Wouldn't time lines normally be "stacked" so you couldn't see them in a 2D plain (or to put it another way, one single line representing time)? And if you were to place that on a graph, wouldn't the "gaps" between the "stacks" be the divergence between the timelines?
Another thing to keep in mind, the graphs you are currently using, are not defined to act as graphs for time travel. But you should be able to use them to find more information, and possibly build a graph of your own.

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 03-05-2006 03:48
I get what you are saying a vertical stack job in the Z-axis.
But the problem is how high and the graphs don't tell any more.
I was taking the 2% in the x-axis and ran out of space.
But if I took it in the x-y axis and followed the curve as it went
then I could easily get 69 time lines without doing calculation on
a flat z-axis. Then the 3-axis version would tern into:
Z*69 = timelines where Z is the height.
(Edited by Zyprexa on 03-05-2006 03:59)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 03-05-2006 04:01
So when is Space Fold going?
(Edited by Zyprexa on 03-05-2006 04:03)
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 03-05-2006 04:12
I was talking about a simple x-y graph, but it would still be the same in an x-y-z graph.
Don't forget time is a fourth dimension. Like A. Sphere passing through Flatland, B. Square would only perceive A. Sphere as a dot that grows to a large circle, and returns to a dot. In our time traveller terms, all time lines would only show as a line in either a 2D or a 3D graph. And divergence from time lines would show as a deviation from the line, or a "bubble" on the line. A divergence would not fork off from the line, because time = entropy and entropy/time is self-healing. So from our 2D (or 3D) perspective, our line would become two lines and later return to the line. From everything else you've said the basic parts will show in the information available, it's just a matter of putting all those pieces together. It shouldn't matter "how high", it more a matter of thinking towards a 4D graph. Probably something along the lines of a hyper-cube, which may be the only way we can think of a 4D graph in 3D terms.
I also don't think that the number of time lines (or even possibilites) is truly relevant. All your wanting to find is the current (or current to the data) divergence is, as it relates to us. None of the data I've seen thus far would allow for us to peek into another time line and use that to aid us in finding the "current" divergence factor.
Of course this could all be a moot point, as it sounds like Spacey has left the Asylum and may post no more. We might just have to wait for the next hitchhiker of time travel.

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 03-05-2006 21:36
The divergence curve on the website we are investigating I could not match with an equation but I came up with another solution. Well the solution I used was a string in which I traced the graph with. Actually I used paper. Then I stretched out the string (paper) and found it was 21-24 long in the X-axis. Then I multiplied in the X divergence value 0.24 and found there are actually 87-100 vertical distinct timeline in existence. But there maybe timeline with a greater divergence thus the reduction of vertical time line. Basically the string lengthen got ride of the Y component and just left the X making the computation easier. I did not want to use calculus. F1 Error this is basically where I stop. The 4 and 5 dimension is way beyond which I can handle.
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 03-05-2006 22:17
I have to question the use of a string to plot out a bell-type graph, but since your done, it's not a big deal.
However you can make arrangements to meet a time traveler. And maybe then you can get the answers your looking for.
It's too bad really, I had high hopes of this thread making it until mid-April.

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 03-09-2006 21:39
I am still here. But can no longer comment about my mission. I can answer yes or no questions but that is about it.
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 03-09-2006 21:50
Ok, the 800 lb gorilla of questions; Are you here to alter the future?
Oh boy 20 Questions for the next 37 days, I can harldy contain myself.

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 03-09-2006 22:41
For the US is there going to be one international (non colored) and the other nationally (colored) as legal tender. Question. Is there going to be two currencies for the US in the future? Yes/No.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 03-10-2006 03:49
Will gold and silver as commodities go higher than they all ready are? (YES/NO)
Will there be stock market crash in the near future? (YES/NO)
Will oil prices continue to go up in the near future? (YES/NO)
(Edited by Zyprexa on 03-10-2006 03:51)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 03-13-2006 18:24
SpaceFold said:
I am still here. But can no longer comment about my mission. I can answer yes or no questions but that is about it.
When Did You?.... You Have Told Practically Nothing About your Mission.. Except that You had One... and You Are Here To "CHANGE OUR WAYS"...
I?m also Very Surprised that , as One Who Travels Though time.... that You are (or at least seem to be) Surprised that Your Being Here In this time with Knowledge of the Future, ?Our Future?? That You have an Impact Here?No Matter How Hard You Try?. You Still are the Rock From the Sky? In the Time Stream? You are an Extra Ripple that Wasn?t there? But In same Since? You were there the entire time..
I Know nothing About time... well... At least To My Knowledge... But Even I Know... How Easily Time Is altered...
Seems To ME... That for someone in the Past... I (and Perhaps We) could Teach More To You.. Then you Us....
Why Do I Get A Feeling Of Fear.... I Wonder... What Is It You Have Done....That Is Causing You This ..Fear...
Actually Fear Might Not Be the Correct word... but...
Its A Pity You Won't Answer Some of My Questions that I Have asked in the Past.... But I wonder... If you could Change the Questions we Have Asked...Put them into a Yes No Format... and Then Answer them....
....And Then I Wonder More So....
I don't Suffer From Insanity .... I enjoy every moment
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 03-13-2006 21:12
Here another time traveler with a different future to indicate what will happen. The reason why it is different is did not come from John Titors time line that is why it is contradictory. He came from Canada and the dialog last for about 4 to 5 pages. At the end he basically stated the past and future are fixed where the future you are allowed to choose one of many out come but you have to choose and not create your own future. So it is debatable if free will exists or not.
Here the link.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 03-13-2006 21:44
Its All a Point of View... Its Like a Swirling vortex... of noting an doubt, fact and fiction... swirling in all but a ball of confusion... wondering why... Knowing How... in the emptiness of space...then there is time divine...the babbling stream, of which no one hears... but all are effected by its ripples... for each of the stone... for each that is alone... the effect becomes part of said such Point of View...
"There is no surer sign of insanity than trying the same thing repeatedly expecting different results."
-Albert Einstein
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: EN27 Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 03-14-2006 17:28
I'm not sure about bringing in YATT (yet another time traveler) the one we've got has been most unhelpful thus far.
Here is a yes/no question should Spacey decide to keep his end of the bargin.
Was WW]|[ used as a "tipping point" for other factions in the world to alter conditions prior to the start of WW]|[?

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 03-14-2006 19:16
F1_error said:
Are you here to alter the future?
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 03-14-2006 19:17
Zyprexa said:
Is there going to be two currencies for the US in the future? Yes/No.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 03-14-2006 19:20
Zyprexa said:
Will gold and silver as commodities go higher than they all ready are? (NO ANSWER)
Will there be stock market crash in the near future? (NO ANSWER)
Will oil prices continue to go up in the near future? (YES)
I told you no stock tips
(Edited by SpaceFold on 03-14-2006 19:22)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Insane since: Jan 2006
posted 03-14-2006 19:23
F1_error said:
Was WW]|[ used as a "tipping point" for other factions in the world to alter conditions prior to the start of WW]|[?
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 03-14-2006 20:58
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Therapy Department 117 :Skining and Mods Insane since: Jan 2005
posted 03-14-2006 21:32
O and One More...
Is English Still the Main Lang. In Your "Known" TIme
Yes No
(Edited by INSANEdrive on 03-14-2006 21:40)